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| one-person tent <1-person tent> | Einmannzelt {n} <1-Mann-Zelt> | |
Partial Matches |
| med. herpes simplex virus 1 <HSV-1> | humanes Herpesvirus {n} 1 <HSV-1, HHV1, HHV-1> [ugs. auch: humaner Herpesvirus {m} 1] | |
| at a ratio of 1:1 {adv} | im Verhältnis 1:1 | |
| sports They drew 1-1. | Sie trennten sich 1:1 (unentschieden). | |
| dent. The attained bite position is transferred 1:1 to the initial temporary appliance. | Die erreichte Bissposition wird 1:1 in die provisorische Erstversorgung übertragen. | |
| orn. avian paramyxovirus type 1 <APMV1, APMV-1> [pigeon paramyxovirus type 1] | Paramyxovirus {n} Typ 1 der Taube <PMV-1> | |
| orn. pigeon paramyxovirus type 1 <PPMV-1> | Paramyxovirus {n} Typ 1 der Taube <PMV-1> | |
| med. herpes simplex virus 1 <HSV-1> [oral herpes] | Herpes simplex {m} Typ 1 <HSV-1, HHV-1, HHV1> [Lippenherpes] | |
| sports with the scores level at 1 all {adv} | beim Gleichstand von 1:1 | |
| in a ratio of 1:1 {adv} | im Verhältnis 1 zu 1 | |
| VetMed. feline herpesvirus (type) 1 <FHV-1> | felines Herpesvirus-1 {n} <FeHV-1, FHV-1> | |
| biol. human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 <HTLV-1> | humanes T-Zell-lymphotropes Virus Typ 1 {n} <HTLV-1> | |
| biol. simian T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 <STLV-1> | simianes T-Zell-lymphotropes Virus Typ 1 {n} <STLV-1> | |
| bibl. (the Book of) First Samuel <1 Sam., 1 Sm., 1 Sa., 1 S.> | das erste Buch {n} Samuel <1. Samuel, 1. Sam., 1 Sam., 1Sam.> | |
| sports 1. FC Nuremberg <1. FCN> [German football club] | 1. FC Nürnberg {m} <1. FCN> | |
| two-person tent <2-person tent> | Zweimannzelt {n} <2-Mann-Zelt> | |
| bibl. (the Epistle of) 1 Clement <1 Clem.> | (der erste) Klemensbrief {m} <1 Clem> [auch: der Erste ...] | |
| bibl. relig. First Epistle of Clement <1 Clement, 1 Clem.> | Erster Clemensbrief {m} <1 Clem> | |
| biol. VetMed. bovine herpesvirus (type) 1 <BoHV-1> | bovines Herpesvirus 1 {n} <BoHV-1, BHV1> | |
| bibl. 1 Samuel <1 Sam., 1 Sm., 1 Sa., 1 S.> | das erste Buch {n} Samuel <1. Samuel, 1. Sam., 1 Sam., 1Sam.> | |
| curr. EU one-euro coin <1-euro coin, €1 coin> | Eineuromünze {f} [auch: Ein-Euro-Münze] <1-Euro-Münze, 1-€-Münze> | |
| med. hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy type 1 <HMSN 1, HMSN I, HMSN type 1> | hereditäre motorisch-sensible Neuropathie {f} Typ 1 <HMSN I, HMSN 1, HMSN Typ 1> | |
| med. one-vessel coronary artery disease <1-vessel CAD> | koronare Eingefäßkrankheit {f} <koronare 1-Gefäßkrankheit, koronare 1-Gefäß-Krankheit> | |
| chem. etidronic acid <HEDP> | 1-Hydroxyethan-1,1-diphosphonsäure {f} <HEDP> | |
| comm. market. personalized marketing <PM> | One-to-one-Marketing {n} <1-zu-1-Marketing, 1:1-Marketing> | |
| med. neurofibromatosis type I <NF1, NF-1> | Neurofibromatose {f} Typ 1 <NF1, NF-1> | |
| biol. gallid herpesvirus 1 <GaHV-1> | Hühner-Herpesvirus 1 {n} | |
| comm. market. customized marketing [one-to-one marketing] | One-to-one-Marketing {n} <1-zu-1-Marketing, 1:1-Marketing> | |
| comm. market. one-to-one selling <1-to-1 selling, 1:1 selling> | Einzelverkauf {m} (im direkten Kundenkontakt) [One-to-one-Verkauf, 1:1-Verkauf] | |
| sports the No. 1 goalkeeper | die Nummer {f} 1 im Tor | |
| math. 1-connected {adj} [simply connected] | 1-zusammenhängend [einfach zusammenhängend] | |
| one per cent <1%> | ein Hundertstel {n} <1/100> | |
| law referred to in sentence 1 | nach Satz 1 | |
| med. type 1 diabetic [female] | Diabetikerin {f} vom Typ 1 | |
| RadioTV F Euphoria (1) [House season 2] | Schlechter Scherz (1) | |
| audio electr. 1/ƒ noise [pink noise] | 1/f-Rauschen {n} [rosa Rauschen] | |
| tech. Set switch to position 1. | Schalter auf Stellung 1 bringen. | |
| to call 9-1-1 [Am.] [Can.] | die Polizei / den Notarzt rufen | |
| law pursuant to sentence 1 | nach Satz 1 | |
| MedTech. 1-point technique | 1-Punkt-Technik {f} [Röntgengenerator] | |
| med. (coronary) 1-vessel disease | koronare 1-Gefäßerkrankung {f} | |
| med. type 1 diabetic [female] | Typ-1-Diabetikerin {f} | |
| starting January 1 {adv} | ab (dem) 1. Januar | |
| med. type 1 diabetic | Diabetiker {m} vom Typ 1 | |
| at $1 each {adv} | für 1 $ pro Stück | |
| at $1 each {adv} | je Stück für 1 $ | |
| It averages at least 1%. | Es macht im Durchschnitt mindestens 1 % aus. | |
| full-size model | 1:1-Modell {n} | |
| med. type 1 diabetic | Typ-1-Diabetiker {m} | |
| just under 1% {adv} | knapp unter 1 % | |
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