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 | thirteenth {adj} <13th> | 97 dreizehnte <13., 13te> |  |
 | thirteen-year-old {adj} [attr.] | dreizehnjährig <13-jährig> [z. B. Mädchen, Hund] |  |
 | of thirteen hours {adj} [postpos.] | dreizehnstündig <13-stündig> |  |
 | thirteen-hour-long {adj} [attr.] [lasting for thirteen hours] | dreizehnstündig <13-stündig> [dreizehn Stunden dauernd] |  |
 | thirteen-day {adj} [attr.] | dreizehntägig <13-tägig> |  |
 | thirteen-week {adj} [attr.] <13-week> | dreizehnwöchig <13-wöchig> |  |
Nouns |
 | thirteen-year-old [female] <13-year-old> | Dreizehnjährige {f} <13-Jährige> |  |
 | thirteen-year-old <13-year-old> | Dreizehnjähriger {m} <13-Jähriger> |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | baker's dozen {sg} | 13 Stück {pl} |  |
 | 13th century | 13. Jahrhundert {n} |  |
 | thirteenth century | 13. Jahrhundert {n} |  |
 | file 13 [Am.] [hum.] [wastebasket] | Ablage P {f} [hum.] [Papierkorb] |  |
 | med. trisomy 13 [Patau syndrome] | Trisomie 13 {f} [Pätau-Syndrom] |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | PG-13 [Movie] | frei ab 13 [Film] |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | the 1200s {pl} | (das) 13. Jahrhundert {n} |  |
 | biochem. pharm. 13-cis-retinoic acid [isotretinoin] [C20H28O2] | 13-cis-Retinsäure {f} [Isotretinoin] |  |
 | Friday the 13th [superstition] | Freitag {m} der 13. [Aberglaube] |  |
 | dent. right maxillary cuspid | oberer rechter Eckzahn {m} <13> [rechter Eckzahn im Oberkiefer] [gesprochen: eins drei] |  |
4 Words: Others |
 | games rated teen {adj} <rated T> [Am.] [also: rated TEEN, rated Teen, rated "teen"] [console games] | empfohlen ab 13 Jahren |  |
 | games teen-rated {adj} <rated T> [Am.] [console games] | empfohlen ab 13 Jahren [nachgestellt] |  |
 | idiom Come in, Cobra 13, over! | Kobra 13, bitte kommen! [Funksprechverkehr] |  |
 | School finishes at 13.30. | Schulschluss ist um 13.30. |  |
4 Words: Nouns |
 | dent. upper right canine | rechter Eckzahn {m} im Oberkiefer <13> [gesprochen: eins drei] |  |
5+ Words: Others |
 | late thirteenth-century {adj} [also: late 13th-century] [attr.] | aus dem späten 13. Jahrhundert [nachgestellt] <aus dem späten 13. Jh.> |  |
 | pol. The motion is adopted by 13 votes to 9. | Der Antrag ist mit 13 Stimmen gegen 9 angenommen worden. |  |
5+ Words: Verbs |
 | to put a conference between the 10th and 13th May | eine Tagung zwischen den 10. und den 13. Mai legen |  |
 | to take place between the 10th and 13th of May | zwischen dem 10. und dem 13. Mai stattfinden |  |
5+ Words: Nouns |
 | hist. mil. 13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar (1st Croatian) [SS-formation of Muslim Bosnian volunteers] | 13. Waffen-Gebirgs-Division {f} der SS „Handschar“ (kroatische Nr. 1) [SS-Verband aus muslimischen bosnischen Freiwilligen] |  |
 | psych. paraskavedekatriaphobia | Angst {f} vor Freitag, dem 13. |  |
 | biol. med. deletion of the long arm of the chromosome 13 | Deletion {f} des Langarms des Chromosoms 13 |  |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
 | film F 13 Ghosts [Steve Beck] | 13 Geister |  |
 | film F Thir13en Ghosts [Steve Beck] | 13 Geister |  |
 | film F Thirteen Ghosts [Steve Beck] | 13 Geister |  |
 | film F 13 Going on 30 [Gary Winick] | 30 über Nacht |  |
 | film F Apollo 13 [Ron Howard] | Apollo 13 |  |
 | film F The Mysterious Lady [Fred Niblo] | Der Krieg im Dunkel / [in Österreich:] Die Dame aus Loge 13 |  |
 | film F The Brides of Fu Manchu [Don Sharp] | Die 13 Sklavinnen des Dr. Fu Man Chu |  |
 | lit. F 13 Steps Down [Ruth Rendell] | Die Liebe eines Mörders |  |
 | film F Eye of the Devil [J. Lee Thompson] | Die schwarze 13 |  |
 | mus. F Serenade No. 13 | Eine kleine Nachtmusik [Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart] |  |
 | film F 13 Minutes | Elser – Er hätte die Welt verändert |  |
 | film F Station Six - Sahara [Seth Holt] | Endstation 13 Sahara |  |
 | film F Friday the 13th [Sean S. Cunningham, 1980] | Freitag der 13. |  |
 | film F Friday the 13th Part 2 [Steve Miner] | Freitag der 13. Teil 2 – Jason kehrt zurück |  |
 | film F Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter [Joseph Zito] | Freitag der 13. Teil IV – Das letzte Kapitel |  |
 | film F Friday the 13th: A New Beginning [Danny Steinmann] | Freitag der 13. Teil V – Ein neuer Anfang |  |
 | film F Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives [Tom McLoughlin] | Freitag der 13. Teil VI – Jason lebt |  |
 | film F Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood [John Carl Buechler] | Freitag der 13. Teil VII – Jason im Blutrausch |  |
 | film F Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan [Rob Hedden] | Freitag der 13. Teil VIII – Todesfalle Manhattan |  |
 | lit. F Jim Button and the Wild 13 | Jim Knopf und die Wilde 13 [Michael Ende] |  |
 | film F Massacre at Central High [Rene Daalder] | Massaker in Klasse 13 |  |
 | film F Ocean's 13 [Steven Soderbergh] | Ocean's Thirteen |  |
 | lit. F 13 Paris Square | Pariser Platz 13 [Vicki Baum] |  |
 | film F Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday the Thirteenth [John Balnhardt] | Shriek – Schrei, wenn du weißt, was ich letzten Freitag, den 13. getan habe |  |
 | film F Friday the 13th Part 3: 3D [Steve Miner] | Und wieder ist Freitag der 13. |  |
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