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| sixteen-year-old {adj} [attr.] <16-year-old> | sechzehnjährig <16-jährig> [Jugendliche, Kater etc.] | |
Partial Matches |
| comp. MedTech. 16-on-1 [screen split] | 16-fach [Bildschirmaufteilung, Bildschirmunterteilung] | |
| MedTech. 16-slice multidetector computed tomography | 16-Zeilen-Multidetektor-Computertomographie {f} | |
| sports unbeaten run of 16 matches | Serie {f} von 16 nicht verlorenen Spielen | |
| med. trisomy 16 [a chromosomal abnormality] | Trisomie 16 {f} | |
| sports round of 16 | Runde {f} der letzten 16 | |
| comp. MedTech. 16-split screen | 16-fach-Bildschirmaufteilung {f} | |
| sixteen-year-old [female] <16-year-old> | Sechzehnjährige {f} <16-Jährige> | |
| sixteen-year-old <16-year-old> | Sechzehnjähriger {m} <16-Jähriger> | |
| MedTech. 16-slice spiral CT [scanner] | 16-Schicht-Spiral-CT {m} [Scanner] | |
| sports last 16 | Achtelfinale {n} | |
| sports last 16 | Achtelfinal {m} [schweiz.] | |
| sports last 16 encounter | Achtelfinalbegegnung {f} | |
| sports round of 16 | Achtelfinale {n} | |
| sports last 16 | Achtelsfinal {m} [schweiz.] | |
| 16th century | 16. Jahrhundert {n} | |
| sixteenth century | 16. Jahrhundert {n} | |
| sixteenth {adj} <16th> | sechzehnte <16., 16te> | |
| sports round of 16 | Achtelfinal {m} [schweiz.] | |
| sports round of 16 | Achtelsfinal {m} [schweiz.] | |
| mus. cello grave pipe | 16' Cellopfeife {f} | |
| the 1500s {pl} | (das) 16. Jahrhundert {n} | |
| of sixteen hours {adj} [postpos.] | sechzehnstündig <16-stündig> | |
| print market. 16-panel accordion fold | 7-Bruch-Leporellofalz {m} | |
| established in the 16th century {adj} {past-p} | gegründet im 16. Jahrhundert | |
| sports 18-yard box [coll.] [penalty area] | 16-Meter-Raum {m} [ugs.] [Strafraum] | |
| sweet sixteen (party) [Am.] [coll.] | 16. Geburtstag {m} [i. d. R. eines Mädchens] | |
| late 16th-century BC {adj} [attr.] | aus dem späten 16. Jh. v. Chr. [nachgestellt] | |
| sixteen-hour-long {adj} [attr.] [lasting for sixteen hours] | sechzehnstündig <16-stündig> [sechzehn Stunden dauernd] | |
| of ... years of age {adj} | -jährig | |
| -year-old {adj} [attr.] | -jährig [Alter] | |
| ... years {adj} | -jährig [Dauer in Jahren] | |
| hist. mil. Battle of Leipzig [16–19 October 1813] | Völkerschlacht {f} bei Leipzig | |
| hist. mil. Battle of Leipzig [16–19 October 1813] | Völkerschlacht {f} von Leipzig [Völkerschlacht bei Leipzig] | |
| dent. upper right first molar | rechter erster Molar {m} im Oberkiefer <16> [gesprochen: ein sechs] | |
| dent. right maxillary first / 1st molar | rechter erster Molar {m} im Oberkiefer <16> [gesprochen: ein sechs] | |
| one-year-old {adj} [attr.] | einjährig <1-jährig> [Alter] | |
| ten-year {adj} [attr.] | zehnjährig <10-jährig> [Expedition, Haftstrafe etc.] | |
| two-year {adj} [attr.] | zweijährig <2-jährig> [Ausbildung, Haftstrafe etc.] | |
| eight-year {adj} [attr.] | achtjährig <8-jährig> [z. B. Weltreise, Gefängnisstrafe] | |
| three-year {adj} [attr.] | dreijährig <3-jährig> [Ausbildung, Gefängnisstrafe, Umbau etc.] | |
| three-year-old {adj} [attr.] | dreijährig <3-jährig> [Kind, Katze etc.] | |
| five-year {adj} [attr.] | fünfjährig <5-jährig> [Ausbildung, Gefängnisstrafe, Umbau etc.] | |
| five-year-old {adj} [attr.] | fünfjährig <5-jährig> [Kind, Hund etc.] | |
| six-year-old {adj} [attr.] | sechsjährig <6-jährig> [Kind, Hund etc.] | |
| seven-year-old {adj} [attr.] | siebenjährig <7-jährig> [Kind, Katze etc.] | |
| four-year {adj} [attr.] | vierjährig <4-jährig> [Ausbildung, Gefängnisstrafe, Umbau etc.] | |
| four-year-old {adj} [attr.] | vierjährig <4-jährig> [Kind, Pferd etc.] | |
| two-year-old {adj} [attr.] | zweijährig <2-jährig> [Kind, Hund etc.] | |
| twelve-year-old {adj} [attr.] | zwölfjährig <12-jährig> [Junge, Kuh etc.] | |
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