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 | seventeen-year-old {adj} [attr.] <17-year-old> | siebzehnjährig <17-jährig> [Jugendlicher, Katze etc.] |  |
Partial Matches |
 | med. frontotemporal dementia and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 <FTDP-17> | frontotemporale Demenz {f} und Parkinsonismus des Chromosoms 17 <FTDP-17> |  |
 | comp. 17-inch monitor [also: 17" monitor] | 17-Zöller {m} [ugs.] [17-Zoll-Bildschirm] |  |
 | biol. med. deletion of the short arm of the chromosome 17 | Deletion {f} des Kurzarms des Chromosoms 17 |  |
 | tools ratchet with 17 mm socket | Ratsche {f} mit 17 mm Einsatz |  |
 | seventeen-year-old [female] <17-year-old> | Siebzehnjährige {f} <17-Jährige> |  |
 | to increase by 0.17 °C | um 0,17 °C steigen |  |
 | seventeen-year-old <17-year-old> | Siebzehnjähriger {m} <17-Jähriger> |  |
 | film F The 15:17 to Paris [Clint Eastwood] | 15:17 to Paris |  |
 | 17-year-olds | 17jährige {pl} |  |
 | 17-year-olds | Siebzehnjährige {pl} |  |
 | 17th century | 17. Jahrhundert {n} |  |
 | seventeenth century | 17. Jahrhundert {n} |  |
 | seventeenth {adj} <17th> | siebzehnte <17., 17te> |  |
 | the 1600s {pl} | (das) 17. Jahrhundert {n} |  |
 | at 5 pm {adv} | um 17 Uhr |  |
 | of seventeen hours {adj} [postpos.] | siebzehnstündig <17-stündig> |  |
 | film NC-17 [Movie] [Am.] | keine Jugendfreigabe [Film] |  |
 | 17-fold increased risk | 17fach erhöhtes Risiko {n} |  |
 | R-rated {adj} [Am.] | freigegeben ab 17 Jahren |  |
 | rated R {adj} [Am.] | freigegeben ab 17 Jahren |  |
 | film F Brute Force [Jules Dassin] | Zelle R 17 |  |
 | [System D; esp. Am.] | Trick 17 {m} [bes. schweiz.: Trick 77] |  |
 | to go to the toilet | auf die 17 gehen [ugs.] [Redewendung] |  |
 | I work until 5 o'clock. [5pm] | Ich arbeite bis 17 Uhr. |  |
 | seventeen-hour-long {adj} [attr.] [lasting for seventeen hours] | siebzehnstündig <17-stündig> [siebzehn Stunden dauernd] |  |
 | of ... years of age {adj} | -jährig |  |
 | -year-old {adj} [attr.] | -jährig [Alter] |  |
 | ... years {adj} | -jährig [Dauer in Jahren] |  |
 | dent. upper right second molar | rechter zweiter Molar {m} im Oberkiefer <17> [gesprochen: ein sieben] |  |
 | dent. right maxillary second / 2nd molar | rechter zweiter Molar {m} im Oberkiefer <17> [gesprochen: ein sieben] |  |
 | one-year-old {adj} [attr.] | einjährig <1-jährig> [Alter] |  |
 | ten-year {adj} [attr.] | zehnjährig <10-jährig> [Expedition, Haftstrafe etc.] |  |
 | two-year {adj} [attr.] | zweijährig <2-jährig> [Ausbildung, Haftstrafe etc.] |  |
 | eight-year {adj} [attr.] | achtjährig <8-jährig> [z. B. Weltreise, Gefängnisstrafe] |  |
 | three-year {adj} [attr.] | dreijährig <3-jährig> [Ausbildung, Gefängnisstrafe, Umbau etc.] |  |
 | three-year-old {adj} [attr.] | dreijährig <3-jährig> [Kind, Katze etc.] |  |
 | five-year {adj} [attr.] | fünfjährig <5-jährig> [Ausbildung, Gefängnisstrafe, Umbau etc.] |  |
 | five-year-old {adj} [attr.] | fünfjährig <5-jährig> [Kind, Hund etc.] |  |
 | six-year-old {adj} [attr.] | sechsjährig <6-jährig> [Kind, Hund etc.] |  |
 | seven-year-old {adj} [attr.] | siebenjährig <7-jährig> [Kind, Katze etc.] |  |
 | four-year {adj} [attr.] | vierjährig <4-jährig> [Ausbildung, Gefängnisstrafe, Umbau etc.] |  |
 | four-year-old {adj} [attr.] | vierjährig <4-jährig> [Kind, Pferd etc.] |  |
 | two-year-old {adj} [attr.] | zweijährig <2-jährig> [Kind, Hund etc.] |  |
 | twelve-year-old {adj} [attr.] | zwölfjährig <12-jährig> [Junge, Kuh etc.] |  |
 | thirteen-year-old {adj} [attr.] | dreizehnjährig <13-jährig> [z. B. Mädchen, Hund] |  |
 | eleven-year-old {adj} [attr.] | elfjährig <11-jährig> [z. B. Kind, Hund] |  |
 | geogr. Majorca [German term hum. denoting the Spanish island as a 17th German federal state] | 17. Bundesland {n} [hum.] [Mallorca] |  |
 | eight-year-old {adj} [attr.] | achtjährig <8-jährig> [z. B. Tochter, Pferd etc.] |  |
 | nine-year-old {adj} [attr.] | neunjährig <9-jährig> [z. B. Mädchen, Kater etc.] |  |
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