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| nineteenth {adj} <19th> | 51 neunzehnte <19., 19te> | |
| nineteen-year-old {adj} [attr.] <19-year-old> | neunzehnjährig <19-jährig> | |
| of nineteen hours {adj} [postpos.] | neunzehnstündig <19-stündig> | |
| nineteen-hour-long {adj} [attr.] [lasting for nineteen hours] | neunzehnstündig <19-stündig> [neunzehn Stunden dauernd] | |
Nouns |
| nineteen-year-old [female] <19-year-old> | Neunzehnjährige {f} <19-Jährige> | |
| nineteen-year-old <19-year-old> | Neunzehnjähriger {m} <19-Jähriger> | |
| sports Under 19 [coll.] | U19 {f} [ugs.] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| 19th century | 19. Jahrhundert {n} | |
| nineteenth century | 19. Jahrhundert {n} | |
| med. COVID-19 map | Corona-Landkarte {f} | |
| COVID-19 [also: Covid-19, covid-19] | Covid-19 {f} {n} [meist ohne Artikel] | |
| COVID-19 [also: Covid-19, covid-19] | COVID-19 {f} {n} [meist ohne Artikel] [fachspr. für: Covid-19] | |
| sports Under-19 juniors | U19-Junioren {pl} | |
3 Words: Others |
| at 7 p.m. {adv} | um 19 Uhr | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| the 1800s {pl} | (das) 19. Jahrhundert {n} | |
| comp. telecom. 19-inch rack <19" rack> | 19-Zoll-Rahmen {m} <19"-Rahmen> | |
| med. coronavirus disease 2019 <COVID-19> | Coronavirus-Krankheit-2019 {f} <COVID-19> | |
| med. CV outbreak [corona virus outbreak] | Covid-19-Ausbruch {m} | |
| fight against Covid-19 | Covid-19-Bekämpfung {f} | |
| med. Covid-19 disease [also: COVID-19 disease, covid-19 disease] | Covid-19-Erkrankung {f} | |
| Unverified Covid-19 liability waiver | Covid-19-Haftungsausschluss {m} [Formular] | |
| med. Covid-19 vaccination recommendation | Covid-19-Impfempfehlung {f} | |
| med. COVID-19 vaccine | COVID-19-Impfstoff {m} | |
| med. Covid-19 vaccine recommendation | Covid-19-Impfstoffempfehlung {f} | |
| COVID-19 vaccination center [Am.] | COVID-19-Impfzentrum {n} | |
| med. pol. COVID-19 measures | COVID-19-Maßnahmen {pl} [auch: Covid-19-Maßnahmen] | |
| COVID-19 patient [also: Covid-19 patient, covid-19 patient] | COVID-19-Patient {m} [fachspr. für: Covid-19-Patient] | |
| Covid-19 problem [also: COVID-19 problem, covid-19 problem] | Covid-19-Problem {n} [fachspr. meist COVID-19-Problem] | |
| Covid-19 symptoms | Covid-19-Symptome {pl} | |
| med. Covid-19 suspected cases | COVID-19-Verdachtsfälle {pl} | |
| sports Under-19 juniors | U-19-Junioren {pl} | |
| sports UEFA European Under-19 Championship | UEFA-U19-Europameisterschaft {f} | |
4 Words: Others |
| as late as the 19th century {adv} | erst im 19. Jahrhundert | |
| at the close of the 19th century {adv} | im ausgehenden 19. Jahrhundert | |
| towards the end of the 19th century {adv} | im ausgehenden 19. Jahrhundert | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| 1880s | Achtzigerjahre {pl} des 19. Jahrhunderts | |
| the 19th century with its belief in progress | das fortschrittsgläubige 19. Jahrhundert {n} | |
| the 19th century with its implicit faith in progress | das fortschrittsgläubige 19. Jahrhundert {n} | |
| med. pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome (associated with COVID-19) [Am.] | kawasakiähnliches Syndrom {n} bei Kindern | |
| hist. mil. Battle of the Philippine Sea [WW II June 19–20, 1944] | Schlacht {f} in der Philippinensee [2. WK 19. und 20. Juni 1944] | |
| 19th century style | Stil {m} des 19. Jahrhunderts | |
5+ Words: Others |
| mid-19th-century {adj} | aus der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts stammend | |
| It was not until the 19th century, however, that ... | Es dauerte allerdings noch bis zum 19. Jahrhundert, bis ... | |
| towards the end of the 19th century {adv} | gegen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts | |
| in the first third of the 19th century {adv} | im ersten Drittel des 19. Jahrhunderts | |
| in 19th century Europe {adv} | im Europa des 19. Jahrhunderts | |
| 19th-century-style {adj} [attr.] | im Stil des 19. Jahrhunderts [nachgestellt] | |
| in the second half of the 19th century {adv} | in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts | |
| tech. Tighten nut with no. 19 open wrench. | Mutter mit 19er Gabelschlüssel anziehen. | |
| since the late 19th century {adv} | seit dem späten 19. Jahrhundert | |
| since the mid-19th century {adv} | seit der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts | |
| over a 19 year period {adv} [also: over a 19-year period] | über einen Zeitraum von 19 Jahren | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| geogr. hist. 19th-century England [also: 19th century England] | das England {n} des 19. Jahrhunderts | |
| geogr. hist. the England of the 19th century | das England {n} des 19. Jahrhunderts | |
| sports UEFA European Women's Under-19 Championship | UEFA-U19-Europameisterschaft {f} für Frauen | |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
| film F K-19: The Widowmaker [Kathryn Bigelow] | K-19 – Showdown in der Tiefe | |
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi) |
| entom. T | | |
| entom. T | | |
| entom. T | | |
| entom. T | | |
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