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Dictionary English German: 2nd

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SYNO   2d | 2nd | second
second {adj} <2nd>
2 Words: Nouns
2nd century2. Jahrhundert {n}
2nd millennium2. Jahrtausend {n}
dent. second dentition <2nd dentition>zweiter Zahndurchbruch {m} <2. Zahndurchbruch>
publ. second edition <2nd ed.>zweite Auflage {f} <2. Aufl.>
sports second leg <2nd leg> [football]Rückspiel {n}
ling. second person <2nd person>2. Person {f}
mus. second position <2nd pos.> [on a string instrument]zweite Lage {f} <2. Lage> [bei einem Streichinstrument]
3 Words: Nouns
hist. ling. 2nd Orthographical ConferenceII. Orthographische Konferenz {f} [auch: Orthographische Konferenz von 1901]
math. 2nd-order tensorTensor {m} 2. Stufe
aviat. mil. Aircraftman 2nd Class [RAF]Flieger {m} [Luftwaffe]
electr. phys. Kirchhoff's 2nd law2. Kirchhoff'sches Gesetz {n}
aviat. mil. Private 2nd Class [USAAF]Flieger {m} [Luftwaffe]
anat. VetMed. second lumbar vertebra <2nd lumbar vertebra, L2 vertebra, L2> [Vertebra lumbalis II]zweiter Lendenwirbel {m} <2. Lendenwirbel, L2, L 2>
QM second party audit <2nd-party audit>Second-Party-Audit {n} <2nd-Party-Audit> [Lieferantenaudit]
QM second party audit <2nd-party audit> [supplier audit]Lieferantenaudit {n}
anat. biol. second sacral vertebra <2nd sacral vertebra, S2 vertebra, S2> [Vertebra sacralis II]zweiter Sakralwirbel {m} <2. Sakralwirbel, S2, S 2>
QM second-party audit <2nd-party audit>Zweitparteien-Audit {n} [auch: Zweitparteienaudit]
4 Words: Nouns
phys. 2nd moment of mass [(mass) moment of inertia]Massenmoment {n} 2. Grades [Massenträgheitsmoment]
electr. second-order lag element <2nd order lag element, P-T2 element>Verzögerungsglied {n} zweiter Ordnung <Verzögerungsglied 2. Ordnung, P-T2-Glied>
5+ Words: Nouns
dent. left mandibular second / 2nd bicuspidlinker zweiter Prämolar {m} im Unterkiefer <35> [gesprochen: drei fünf]
dent. left mandibular second / 2nd molarlinker zweiter Molar {m} im Unterkiefer <37> [gesprochen: drei sieben]
dent. left maxillary second / 2nd bicuspidlinker zweiter Prämolar {m} im Oberkiefer <25> [gesprochen: zwei fünf]
dent. left maxillary second / 2nd molarlinker zweiter Molar {m} im Oberkiefer <27> [gesprochen: zwei sieben]
dent. right mandibular second / 2nd bicuspidrechter zweiter Prämolar {m} im Unterkiefer <45> [gesprochen: vier fünf]
dent. right mandibular second / 2nd molarrechter zweiter Molar {m} im Unterkiefer <47> [gesprochen: vier sieben]
dent. right maxillary second / 2nd bicuspidrechter zweiter Prämolar {m} im Oberkiefer <15> [gesprochen: eins fünf]
dent. right maxillary second / 2nd molarrechter zweiter Molar {m} im Oberkiefer <17> [gesprochen: ein sieben]
bibl. the 1st / 2nd Book of Kingsdas 1. / 2. Buch {n} der Könige
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Beethoven's 2nd [Rod Daniel]Eine Familie namens Beethoven
film F Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension [Dan Povenmire, Robert F. Hughes]Phineas und Ferb: Quer durch die 2. Dimension
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A 2023-09-28: 2nd one
A 2020-04-10: 2nd LINK above is bad
Q 2018-12-22: What does the 2nd sentence mean?
A 2018-08-14: Name of said hotel taken from post-2nd-c-BC Greek
A 2017-10-16: The 2nd.
A 2017-10-12: 11:30 Different register? Have you looked at the evidence (such as the 2nd...
Q 2017-09-22: 1st,2nd,3rd infinitive
A 2017-09-15: yes, it is correct (one typo in the 2nd Schulden)
A 2016-09-05: 2nd attempt: ... imposed by +the UN+ Security Council
A 2016-09-05: 2nd attempt: ... imposed by +the+ U
A 2016-01-18: 2nd link is cute little snowplow.
A 2015-11-04: Perhaps a family term; in US slang, +bean > Hispanic American, Mexican or ...
A 2015-10-28: The strongest argument for gun control is found in the 2nd amendment itsel...
A 2014-12-17: 2nd try
A 2014-08-06: I think it's good. Maybe, in the 2nd sentence, I would prefer active voice...
A 2014-01-21: 2nd LINK
A 2013-05-12: The 2nd
A 2013-01-21: 2nd LINK
A 2012-11-29: The 2nd sentence
A 2012-11-15: 2nd correction

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2nd sacral vertebra

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