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|  |
 | biol. med. triple X syndrome | 3-X-Syndrom {n} |  |
 | med. XXX syndrome | 3-X-Syndrom {n} |  |
Partial Matches |
 | update from 3.x or higher | Update {n} ab 3.x oder höher |  |
 | biol. triple X syndrome | Triplo-X-Syndrom {n} |  |
 | med. human herpesvirus type 3 <HHV-3> | humanes Herpesvirus {n} 3 <HSV-3, HHV3, HHV-3> [ugs. auch: humaner Herpesvirus 3 {m}] |  |
 | med. fragile X syndrome <FXS> | Fragiles-X-Syndrom {n} <FXS> |  |
 | med. varicella zoster virus <VZV, HHV-3> | humanes Herpesvirus {n} 3 <HSV-3, HHV3, HHV-3> [ugs. auch: humaner Herpesvirus 3 {m}] |  |
 | electr. three-phase symbol <3-phase symbol, ③> | Dreiphasensymbol {n} <3-Phasen-Symbol, 3-Phasensymbol, ③> |  |
 | biol. med. triple X syndrome | Triple-X-Syndrom {n} |  |
 | med. XXX syndrome | Triplo-X-Syndrom {n} |  |
 | special volume 3 <special vol. 3> | Sonderband {m} 3 <SB 3> |  |
 | biol. human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 3 <HTLV-3> | humanes T-Zell-lymphotropes Virus Typ 3 {n} <HTLV-3> |  |
 | biol. simian T-cell lymphotropic virus type 3 <STLV-3> | simianes T-Zell-lymphotropes Virus Typ 3 {n} <STLV-3> |  |
 | med. X-linked agammaglobulinaemia <XLA> [Br.] | Bruton-Syndrom {n} [Agammaglobulinämie vom Bruton-Typ] |  |
 | med. X-linked agammaglobulinemia <XLA> [Am.] | Bruton-Syndrom {n} [Agammaglobulinämie vom Bruton-Typ] |  |
 | math. three-dimensional manifold <3-dimensional manifold, 3-manifold> | dreidimensionale Mannigfaltigkeit {f} <3-dimensionale Mannigfaltigkeit, 3-Mannigfaltigkeit> |  |
 | idiom X as in X-ray [esp. Am.] | X wie Xanthippe |  |
 | idiom X for Xmas / X-ray | X wie Xaver [österr.] [schweiz.] |  |
 | biochem. 14-3-3 domain | 14-3-3-Domäne {f} |  |
 | The X Family | Familie {f} X <Fam. X> [als Adresse] |  |
 | idiom X for Xmas / X-ray | X wie Xanthippe |  |
 | gastr. three-grain bread <3-grain bread> | Dreikornbrot {n} <3-Korn-Brot, 3-Kornbrot> |  |
 | idiom mil. X for X-Ray [NATO phonetic alphabet] | X wie X-Ray [NATO-Buchstabiertafel] |  |
 | med. pharm. every 3 hours {adv} <q3h> <q.3h.> | alle 3 Stunden |  |
 | tech. 3-axis gantry [gantry robot] | 3-Achs-Portal {n} [Portalroboter] |  |
 | waterproof to 3 atmospheres {adj} | wasserdicht bis 3 Atmosphären <atm.> |  |
 | furn. table 3 metres in length | 3 Meter langer Tisch {m} |  |
 | med. 3-ply disposable face mask | 3-lagiger Einweg-Mundschutz {m} |  |
 | in the region of 3% {adv} | im Bereich von 3 % |  |
 | delivery within 3 days | Lieferung {f} innerhalb von 3 Tagen |  |
 | tech. 3-axis machining center [Am.] | 3-Achs-Bearbeitungszentrum {n} |  |
 | term of 3 years | Laufzeit {f} von 3 Jahren |  |
 | mean over 3 years | Mittel {n} über 3 Jahre |  |
 | film F Cruel Intentions 3 [Scott Ziehl] | Eiskalte Engel 3 |  |
 | a population of 3 million | eine Bevölkerung {f} von 3 Millionen |  |
 | a miserable 3 per cent {sg} | mickrige 3 Prozent {pl} [ugs.] [pej.] |  |
 | MedTech. 3-phase bone scintigraphy | 3-Phasen-Skelettszintigrafie {f} |  |
 | MedTech. 3-phase bone scintigraphy | 3-Phasen-Skelettszintigraphie {f} |  |
 | MedTech. 3-point technique | 3-Punkt-Technik {f} [Röntgengenerator] |  |
 | automot. 3-spoke steering wheel | 3-Speichen-Lenkrad {n} |  |
 | to take at least 3 days | wenigstens 3 Tage brauchen [z. B. Fahrt, Heilungsprozess] |  |
 | He got 3 years in prison. | Er hat 3 Jahre Gefängnis gekriegt. [ugs.] |  |
 | It consists of at least 3 people. | Es besteht aus wenigstens 3 Personen. |  |
 | electr. MedTech. 3-field chamber | 3-Feld-Kammer {f} |  |
 | dent. 3-function syringe | 3-Funktion-Spritze {f} |  |
 | gastr. 3-tiered cake | 3-stöckiger Kuchen {m} |  |
 | comp. Internet class-3 certificate | Klasse-3-Zertifikat {n} |  |
 | comm. 3 % for cash | 3 % bei Barzahlung |  |
 | film F Child's Play 3 | Chucky 3 |  |
 | biochem. 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A <HMG-CoA> [C27H44N7O20P3S] | 3-Hydroxy-3-Methylglutaryl-Coenzym A {n} <HMG-CoA> |  |
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