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English-German translation for: 3D-Dokumentation
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Dictionary English German: 3D Dokumentation

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engin. photogrammetrical 3D documentationphotogrammetrische 3D-Dokumentation {f}
Partial Matches
MedTech. three-dimensional rotational angiography <3D-RA, 3D RA, 3DRA>dreidimensionale Rotationsangiographie {f} <3D-RA, 3D RA, 3DRA>
MedTech. 3D radial acquisition technique3D-radiale Messtechnik {f}
comp. optics RadioTV glasses-free 3D3D {n} mit bloßem Auge
film optics 3D glasses {pl} [one pair]3D-Brille {f}
optics 3D optical microscopeoptisches 3D-Mikroskop {n}
three-dimensional {adj} <3D>dreidimensional <3D>
comp. film 3D computer graphics3D-Computergrafik {f}
comp. phys. 3D data volume3D-Datenvolumen {n}
tech. 3D measuring machine3D-Messmaschine {f}
comp. optics RadioTV glasses-free 3Dbrillenloses 3D {n}
comp. optics RadioTV glasses-less 3Dbrillenloses 3D {n}
engin. tech. 3D-printable {adj}3D-druckbar
3D analysis3D-Analyse {f}
math. 3D view3D-Ansicht {f}
comp. med. tech. 3D imaging3D-Bildgebung {f}
print 3D printing3D-Druck {m}
print 3D printing3D-Drucken {n}
engin. ind. tech. 3D printer3D-Drucker {m}
comp. 3D mouse3D-Maus {f}
material 3D model3D-Modell {n}
spec. 3D mode3D-Modus {m}
3D reconstruction3D-Rekonstruktion {f}
MedTech. 3D sonography3D-Sonografie {f}
MedTech. 3D ultrasound3D-Sonographie {f}
MedTech. 3D ultrasound3D-Ultraschall {m}
med. three-dimensional ultrasonic image <3D ultrasonic image>3D-Ultraschallbild {n}
comp. MedTech. three-dimensional display <3D display> [e.g. of surfaces]dreidimensionale Darstellung {f} <3D-Darstellung> [z. B. von Oberflächen]
MedTech. 3D and 4D postprocessing of CT data sets3D- und 4D-Nachverarbeitung {f} der CT-Datensätze
med. three-dimensional tumor model <3D tumor model> [Am.]dreidimensionales Tumormodell {n} <3D-Tumormodell>
med. three-dimensional tumour model <3D tumour model> [Br.]dreidimensionales Tumormodell {n} <3D-Tumormodell>
three-dimensional representation <3D representation>dreidimensionale Darstellung {f} <3D-Darstellung>
spec. three-dimensional structure <3D structure>dreidimensionale Struktur {f} <3D-Struktur>
documentationDokumentation {f}
RadioTV documentary reportDokumentation {f}
admin. record keepingDokumentation {f}
educ. bioscientific documentationbiowissenschaftliche Dokumentation {f}
written documentationschriftliche Dokumentation {f}
print tech. technical documentationtechnische Dokumentation {f}
transaction documentationDokumentation {f} des Geschäftsabschlusses
comp. reuse documentationRe-use-Dokumentation {f}
changes in documentationÄnderungen {pl} der Dokumentation
basis of documentationGrundlage {f} der Dokumentation
documentary {adj}in Form einer Dokumentation [nachgestellt]
electr. optics 3D display3D-Display {n}
obligation to provide documentationVerpflichtung {f} zur Dokumentation
MedTech. QM technical file <TF>technische Dokumentation {f} [auch Technical File {n}]
MedTech. QM quality system record <QSR>Dokumentation {f} des Qualitätssystems [Qualitätssystemakte]
comp. commercial computer software documentationDokumentation {f} für gewerbliche Computersoftware
admin. amount of (the) documentationUmfang {m} der Dokumentation [auch: Dokumentationsumfang]
automot. QM tech. qualified laboratory documentation [PPAP]Dokumentation {f} eines qualifizierten Laboratoriums [Produktionsteil-Abnahmeverfahren]
triple butted {adj}dreifachdickend <3D> [dreifach konifiziert]
optics photo. phys. cinema glasses {pl} [one pair]3D-Brille {f}
film F Pompeii [Paul W. S. Anderson]Pompeji 3D
MedTech. three-dimensional computed tomography imaging3D-CT-Bildgebung {f}
games F Trains & Trucks TycoonSchiene & Strasse: Der 3D-Transport-Manager
comp. computer software documentation <CSD>Computersoftware-Dokumentation {f} <CSD>
film F Friday the 13th Part 3: 3D [Steve Miner]Und wieder ist Freitag der 13.
MedTech. film documentationDokumentation {f} auf Film
MedTech. three-dimensional C-arm system3D-C-Bogensystem {n}
German Institute of Medical Documentation and Information <DIMDI>Deutsches Institut {n} für Medizinische Dokumentation und Information <DIMDI>
film 3-D film3D-Film {m}
QM quality management documentation <QM documentation>Qualitätsmanagementdokumentation {f} <QM-Dokumentation>
Internet QM intranet-based QM documentationQM-Dokumentation {f} im Intranet
lit. F Regulations of Civil Law to Safeguard the Autonomy of Patients at the End of Their Life - An International DocumentationZivilrechtliche Regelungen zur Absicherung der Patientenautonomie am Ende des Lebens - Eine internationale Dokumentation [Herausgegeben von Jochen Taupitz]
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