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| med. MedTech. 4-French catheter <4 F / 4F catheter> | 4-French-Katheter {m} <4 F- / 4F-Katheter> | |
Partial Matches |
| automot. tech. four-wheel drive <4WD, 4×4> | Vierradantrieb {m} <4WD, 4×4> | |
| 4 off screws | 4 Stück {pl} Schrauben <4 Stk Schrauben> [4 einzelne Schrauben (kommt in Stücklisten, bei Verbrauchsmaterial usw. vor)] | |
| tech. quarter-wave contact piston | Lambda/4-Schieber {m} <λ/4-Schieber, l/4-Schieber> | |
| film F Live Free or Die Hard [USA] [Canada] / Die Hard 4.0 / Die Hard 4 [Len Wiseman] | Stirb langsam 4.0 | |
| automot. 4-speed automatic [gearbox / transmission] | 4-Gang-Automatik {f} [Automatikgetriebe] | |
| a 4-page document | ein 4 Seiten umfassendes Dokument {n} | |
| by an average of 4% {adv} | um durchschnittlich 4 % | |
| tech. 4-sided locking mechanism | 4-seitig sperrendes Riegelwerk {n} | |
| word of 4 letters | Wort {n} mit 4 Buchstaben | |
| comm. at a 4 percent discount {adv} [Am.] | mit 4 Prozent Rabatt | |
| with 4 times the test load | mit 4-facher Prüflast | |
| med. pharm. every 4 hours {adv} <q4h> | alle 4 Stunden | |
| sports coxed four <4+> | Vierer {m} mit Steuermann <4+> | |
| sports round of 4 | Runde {f} der letzten 4 | |
| pharm. dipeptidyl peptidase-4 <DPP-4> inhibitors | Dipeptidyl-Peptidase-4 <DPP-4> -Inhibitoren {pl} | |
| four-month {adj} [attr.] | viermonatig <4-monatig, 4-mtg.> [Reise, Sperre, Haftstrafe etc.] | |
| MedTech. 4-on-1 {adj} {adv} [image / format subdivision, split] | 4-fach [Bildunterteilung, Formatunterteilung, Bildschirm] | |
| for 4 hours {adv} | 4 Stunden lang | |
| total of 4 | insgesamt 4 Stück | |
| textil. The durability of the yarn is 4-fold. | Das Garn ist 4-fach haltbar. | |
| It will take 4 hours to get there. [when driving] | Die Fahrtdauer beträgt 4 Stunden. | |
| chem. 4-methylquinoline [C10H9N] | 4-Methylchinolin {n} | |
| rail 4-car train | 4-Wagenzug {m} | |
| automot. med. four-stretcher ambulance <4-stretcher ambulance> | 4-Tragen-Krankentransportwagen {m} <4-Tragen-KTW, 4KTW> | |
| bibl. (the Book of) Numbers <Num., Nu., Nm., Nb.> | das vierte Buch {n} Mose <4. Mose, 4 Mos., Numeri> | |
| bibl. The Fourth Book of Moses (called Numbers) [archaic] | das vierte Buch {n} Mose <4. Mose, 4 Mos., Numeri> | |
| Store at 4°C protected from light. | Bei 4 °C lichtgeschützt aufbewahren / lagern. | |
| see subparagraph 5.4, third en dash | siehe Ziffer 5.4, dritter Spiegelstrich | |
| tech. 4-port/2-way valve [4/2-way valve] | 4/2-Wegeventil {n} | |
| tech. 4/2-way valve | 4/2-Wegeventil {n} [auch: 4/2-Wege-Ventil] | |
| tech. Tighten screw (by) 1/4 turn. | Schraube (um) 1/4 Umdrehung anziehen. | |
| tech. Loosen screw (by) 1/4 turn. | Schraube (um) 1/4 Umdrehung zurückdrehen. | |
| film F American Ninja 4: The Annihilation [Cedric Sundstrom] | American Fighter 4 – Die Vernichtung | |
| econ. EU-4 [originally Denmark, Greece, Sweden, and United Kingdom] | EU-4 {pl} [die 4 Euro-Verweigerer] | |
| 0.4 percent by weight of lead | 0,4 Gewichtsprozent Blei | |
| film F Critters 4 [Rupert Harvey] | Critters 4 – ...das große Fressen geht weiter | |
| 4-ply {adj} | 4-lagig | |
| automot. 4-door {adj} | 4-türig | |
| archi. film screen 4 | Kino {n} 4 | |
| automot. four-by-four <4 x 4> [a four-wheel-drive motor vehicle] | Geländewagen {m} [Fahrzeug mit Vierradantrieb] | |
| bibl. (the Book of) Numbers {sg} <Num., Nu., Nm., Nb.> | (die) Numeri {pl} <4. Mose, 4 Mos., Num.> | |
| mil. general staff officer - logistics <G 4> | Generalstabsoffizier {m} - Logistik <G 4> | |
| comp. ind. tech. Industry 4.0 [also: industry 4.0] | Industrie {f} 4.0 | |
| electr. (4-mm) banana connector [4-mm connector] | 4-mm-Federstecker {m} | |
| electr. (4-mm) banana plug [4-mm connector] | 4-mm-Federstecker {m} | |
| tech. 4-axis horizontal machining center [Am.] | 4-Achs-Horizontal-Bearbeitungszentrum {n} | |
| My arithmetic makes it 4.50 euros. [coll.] | Das macht nach Adam Riese / Ries 4,50 Euro. [ugs., hum.] | |
| mil. staff officer - logistics <S 4> | Stabsoffizier {m} - Logistik <S 4> | |
| weapons 4.2 millimetre gun [Br.] | 4,2-Millimeter-Waffe {f} | |
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