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English-German translation for: 4-adriges Kabel
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4-adriges Kabel in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: 4 adriges Kabel

Translation 1 - 50 of 272  >>

electr. four-core cable <4-core cable>vieradriges Kabel {n} <4-adriges Kabel>
Partial Matches
electr. three-core cable <3-core cable>dreiadriges Kabel {n} <3-adriges Kabel>
electr. three-wire cord <3-wire cord>dreiadriges Kabel {n} <3-adriges Kabel>
electr. five-core cable <5-core cable>fünfadriges Kabel {n} <5-adriges Kabel>
electr. two-core cable <2-core cable>zweiadriges Kabel {n} <2-adriges Kabel>
four-month {adj} [attr.]viermonatig <4-monatig, 4-mtg.> [Reise, Sperre, Haftstrafe etc.]
bibl. (the Book of) Numbers <Num., Nu., Nm., Nb.>das vierte Buch {n} Mose <4. Mose, 4 Mos., Numeri>
bibl. The Fourth Book of Moses (called Numbers) [archaic]das vierte Buch {n} Mose <4. Mose, 4 Mos., Numeri>
electr. RadioTV television cable <TV cable>Fernsehkabel {n} <FS-Kabel, TV-Kabel>
bibl. (the Book of) Numbers {sg} <Num., Nu., Nm., Nb.>(die) Numeri {pl} <4. Mose, 4 Mos., Num.>
anat. VetMed. fourth thoracic vertebra <4th thoracic vertebra, T4 vertebra, T4> [Vertebra thoracica IV]vierter Brustwirbel {m} <4. Brustwirbel, Th4, Th 4>
anat. VetMed. fourth cervical vertebra <4th cervical vertebra, C4 vertebra, C4> [Vertebra cervicalis IV]vierter Halswirbel {m} <4. Halswirbel, C4, C 4>
anat. VetMed. fourth lumbar vertebra <4th lumbar vertebra, L4 vertebra, L4> [Vertebra lumbalis IV]vierter Lendenwirbel {m} <4. Lendenwirbel, L4, L 4>
anat. biol. fourth sacral vertebra <4th sacral vertebra, S4 vertebra, S4> [Vertebra sacralis IV]vierter Sakralwirbel {m} <4. Sakralwirbel, S4, S 4>
pharm. dipeptidyl peptidase-4 <DPP-4> inhibitorsDipeptidyl-Peptidase-4 <DPP-4> -Inhibitoren {pl}
tech. quarter-wave contact pistonLambda/4-Schieber {m} /4-Schieber, l/4-Schieber>
automot. tech. four-wheel drive <4WD, 4×4>Vierradantrieb {m} <4WD, 4×4>
4 off screws4 Stück {pl} Schrauben <4 Stk Schrauben> [4 einzelne Schrauben (kommt in Stücklisten, bei Verbrauchsmaterial usw. vor)]
med. MedTech. 4-French catheter <4 F / 4F catheter>4-French-Katheter {m} <4 F- / 4F-Katheter>
automot. med. four-stretcher ambulance <4-stretcher ambulance>4-Tragen-Krankentransportwagen {m} <4-Tragen-KTW, 4KTW>
tethered {adj} [non-wireless]Kabel-
cableKabel {n}
conductorKabel {n}
electr. cord [power cord]Kabel {n}
wireKabel {n}
cablesKabel {pl}
RadioTV cablevisionKabel {n} [Kabelfernsehen]
naut. unit cable [1/10 of a nautical mile, 608 feet, 185.2 meters]Kabel {n} <kbl>
by cable {adv}per Kabel
constr. electr. to do the wiringKabel verlegen
screened cableabgeschirmtes Kabel {n}
shielded cableabgeschirmtes Kabel {n}
electr. tech. armored cable [Am.]armiertes Kabel {n}
electr. tech. armoured cable [Br.]armiertes Kabel {n}
sheathed cablearmiertes Kabel {n}
shielded cablearmiertes Kabel {n}
cotton-covered cablebaumwollumsponnenes Kabel {n}
electr. tech. armored cable [Am.]bewehrtes Kabel {n}
electr. tech. armoured cable [Br.]bewehrtes Kabel {n}
flexible cablebiegsames Kabel {n}
bare cableblankes Kabel {n}
electr. digital cabledigitales Kabel {n}
electr. display port cableDisplayport-Kabel {n}
electr. three wire cabledreiadriges Kabel {n}
comp. drop cableDrop-Kabel {n}
single cableeinzelnes Kabel {n}
electr. electric cableelektrisches Kabel {n}
electr. electrical cableelektrisches Kabel {n}
electr. electrical cordelektrisches Kabel {n}
electr. unloaded cableentlastetes Kabel {n}
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