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Dictionary English German: 6

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SYNO   6 | half dozen | half-dozen | six ... 
math. hexahedral {adj}
sechsflächig <6-flächig>
six-axle {adj} [attr.] <6-axle>sechsachsig <6-achsig>
chem. hexatomic {adj} [consisting of six atoms]sechsatomig <6-atomig>
chem. six-atom {adj} [attr.] <6-atom>sechsatomig <6-atomig>
six-year-old {adj} [attr.]sechsjährig <6-jährig> [Kind, Hund etc.]
agr. gastr. six-grain {adj} [attr.] <6-grain>Sechskorn- <6-Korn->
six-month {adj} [attr.]sechsmonatig <6-monatig> [z. B. Reise, Praktikum etc.]
six-semester {adj} [attr.] <6-semester>sechssemestrig <6-semestrig>
six-hour {adj} [attr.]sechsstündig <6-stündig>
of six hours {adj} [postpos.]sechsstündig <6-stündig>
six-hour-long {adj} [attr.] [lasting for six hours]sechsstündig <6-stündig> [sechs Stunden dauernd]
six-day {adj} [attr.]sechstägig <6-tägig>
film RadioTV 6-episode {adj}sechsteilig
six-week {adj} [attr.] <6-week>sechswöchig <6-wöchig>
cloth. clamdiggers {pl}
Sechsachtelhose {f} <6/8-Hose>
six-month pack <6-month pack>Halbjahrespackung {f}
tech. hexalobular internal <6lobe> [EN ISO 10664]Innensechsrund {n} <Innen-6-Rund> [DIN EN ISO 10664]
sports 6-beat kick [Br.] [flutter kick]Kraulbeinschlag {m}
mineral. magnioursilite [Mg4(UO2)4(Si2O5)5(OH)6•20H2O]Magnioursilit {m}
math. six-sided figure <6-sided figure>Sechseck {n}
six-year-old [female] <6-year-old>Sechsjährige {f} <6-Jährige>
six-year-old <6-year-old>Sechsjähriger {m} <6-Jähriger>
tools 6-point socket wrenchSechskantsteckschlüssel {m}
six-month pack <6-month pack>Sechsmonatspackung {f} <6-Monatspackung> [auch: 6-Monats-Packung]
sports six-yard box [Br.] [coll.] <6-yard box> [football / soccer]Torraum {m} [Fußball]
mus. cadential 6/4Vorhaltsquartsextakkord {m}
2 Words: Others
mus. 6-string {adj} [attr.] [esp. guitars]6-saitig [bes. bei Gitarren]
math. six-sided {adj}6-seitig
2 Words: Nouns
pharm. 6-nitroquipazine6-Nitroquipazin {n}
6th century6. Jahrhundert {n}
sixth century6. Jahrhundert {n}
sports 6 iron [golf]Eisen {n} 6 [Golf]
biochem. med. interleukin-6 <IL-6>Interleukin-6 {n} <IL-6>
mus. cadential 6/4kadenzierender Quartsextakkord {m}
six-plait whip <6-plait whip>sechssträngige Peitsche {f} <6-strängige Peitsche>
anat. VetMed. sixth thoracic vertebra <6th thoracic vertebra, T6 vertebra, T6> [Vertebra thoracica VI]sechster Brustwirbel {m} <6. Brustwirbel, Th6, Th 6>
anat. VetMed. sixth cervical vertebra <6th cervical vertebra, C6 vertebra, C6> [Vertebra cervicalis VI]sechster Halswirbel {m} <6. Halswirbel, C6, C 6>
3 Words: Others
at 6 euros (a piece) {adv}à 6 Euro
doors open 6 pmEinlass 18.00 Uhr
at six precisely {adv}um Punkt 6
at six (o'clock) {adv}um sechs (Uhr) <um 6, um 6 Uhr>
at least 6 months {adv}wenigstens 6 Monate
math. Let X equal 6.X sei 6.
3 Words: Nouns
engin. 6-axis machining center [Am.]6-Achs-Bearbeitungszentrum {n}
tech. 6-axis robot6-Achs-Roboter {m} [auch: Sechs-Achs-Roboter]
tech. 6-jaw compensation chuck6-Backen-Ausgleichsfutter {n} [auch: 6-Backenausgleichsfutter]
six-metre camera [Br.] <6-m camera>6-Meter-Kamera {f}
tech. 6-pin microphone socket6-polige Mikrofonbuchse {f}
mus. 6-string guitar [spv.]6-saitige Gitarre {f} [Rsv.]
tech. 6-port valve6-Wege-Ventil {n}
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A 2024-07-15: Nun ja, Alis Aktivitäten nach knapp 6 Jahren Mitgliedschaft bei dict.cc:
Q 2024-04-28: Speed-voting: 27 votes in 6 minutes (this morning from 4:36 am until 4:42 am)
A 2023-10-06: 6:56
A 2023-09-27: 6 weitere Belege aus der aktuellen Fachsprache über alte Bücher
A 2023-06-08: I recommend the earlier Gruffalo books (for approximately 2 to 6 year olds)
A 2022-11-30: 6:09
Q 2021-09-04: No internet 9/6-9/11
A 2021-08-24: stone [Br.] [also pl.] +unit + > [6,35 kg] https://www.dict.cc/?...
A 2021-08-24: 1 stone - approximately 6.35 kg
A 2021-03-24: You might do the same in German, callixte, with a score far better than th...
A 2021-03-23: > MichaelK (US), today, 23:39 > +Veredelung durch Fermentation+ bringt imm...
A 2021-02-19: +Ml+ https://www.translatorscafe.com/unit-converter/de-DE/volume/11-6/Meg...
A 2020-10-09: Quotes 5 & 6
A 2020-01-16: be gone ist an 6. Stelle und schön gereiht --- ich bin zufrieden
A 2019-12-08: Nach dieser Quelle entweder Pelzmärtel am 11.11. oder Nikolaus am 6.12.
A 2019-07-09: #6
A 2019-04-05: Artikel 6, Absatz 1, Satz 1, Buchstabe f
Q 2019-04-05: Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 Buchstabe f) DSGVO.
A 2019-03-21: Usually not, but I've found 6 entries with tag [volkstümlich]. I haven't l...
A 2019-03-16: https://bibeltext.com/matthew/6-24.htm Niemand kann zwei Herren dienen.

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