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| print market. 16-panel accordion fold | 7-Bruch-Leporellofalz {m} | |
Partial Matches |
| entom. T | | |
| sports seven-metre throw [Br.] <7-metre throw, 7-m throw> | Siebenmeterwurf {m} <7-Meter-Wurf, 7-m-Wurf> | |
| anat. VetMed. seventh cervical vertebra <7th cervical vertebra, C7 vertebra, C7> [Vertebra cervicalis VII, Vertebra prominens] | siebter / siebenter Halswirbel {m} <7. Halswirbel, C7, C 7, HWK 7> | |
| to be home by 7 | spätestens um 7 zuhause sein | |
| continued from page 7 | Fortsetzung von Seite 7 | |
| population of 7 million | Bevölkerung {f} von 7 Millionen | |
| children under 7 years | Kinder {pl} unter 7 Jahren | |
| educ. reading age of 7 | Lesefähigkeit {f} eines 7-Jährigen | |
| parcel weighing 7 kilos | Paket {n} mit 7 Kilo | |
| tech. keyboard with 7 membrane-switch arrays | Folientastatur {f} mit 7 Tastenfeldern | |
| for payment within 7 days | zu zahlen innerhalb von 7 Tagen | |
| to add on 7 days | 7 Tage daranhängen | |
| FoodInd. med. 7-d dietary record | 7-Tage-Ernährungsprotokoll {n} | |
| FoodInd. med. 7-day dietary record | 7-Tage-Ernährungsprotokoll {n} | |
| med. 7-day incidence | 7-Tage-Inzidenz {f} | |
| film F Great Freedom No. 7 [UK also: Port of Freedom] | Große Freiheit Nr. 7 [Helmut Käutner] | |
| film F The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires [Roy Ward Baker, Cheh Chang] | Die 7 goldenen Vampire | |
| to set the alarm (clock) for 7 o'clock | den Wecker auf 7 Uhr stellen | |
| mil. staff officer - training <S 7> | Stabsoffizier {m} - Ausbildung und Übung vor und in Einsätzen <S 7> | |
| film F Category 7: The End of the World [Dick Lowry] | Category 7 – Das Ende der Welt | |
| The terms are 7 days to 2 years. | Die Laufzeiten sind 7 Tage bis 2 Jahre. | |
| mil. general staff officer - training <G 7> | Generalstabsoffizier {m} - Ausbildung und Übung vor und in Einsätzen <G 7> | |
| He was born on February 7, 1931. | Er erblickte am 7. Februar 1931 das Licht der Welt. | |
| just about 1.7 million | gerade einmal 1,7 Millionen | |
| from 7 to 10 inclusively | von 7 bis einschließlich 10 | |
| geol. 7.0-magnitude earthquake | Erdbeben {n} der Stärke 7,0 | |
| print z-fold | Leporellofalz {m} | |
| med. Type 7: Watery, no solid pieces; entirely liquid [Bristol Stool Chart / Scale] | Typ 7: Flüssig, ohne feste Bestandteile [Bristol-Stuhlformen-Skala] | |
| chem. seven-atom {adj} [attr.] <7-atom> | siebenatomig <7-atomig> | |
| seven-digit {adj} [attr.] <7-digit> | siebenstellig <7-stellig> | |
| seven-week {adj} [attr.] <7-week> | siebenwöchig <7-wöchig> | |
| cloth. 7/8 trousers {pl} [esp. Br.] | 7/8-Hose {f} | |
| sports 7-3 aggregate scoreline | Gesamtspielstand {m} von 7:3 | |
| print market. accordion fold | Leporellofalz {m} [Zickzackfalz] | |
| biol. Bruch's membrane [Lamina basalis choroideae, Complexus basalis] | Bruch'sche Membran {f} | |
| beyond 7:00 {adv} | nach 7.00 Uhr | |
| RadioTV F Miami 7 | S Club 7 in Miami | |
| anat. Bruch's membrane [Lamina basalis choroideae, Complexus basalis] | Bruch-Membran {f} | |
| anat. VetMed. seventh thoracic vertebra <7th thoracic vertebra, T7 vertebra, T7> [Vertebra thoracica VII] | siebter Brustwirbel {m} <7. Brustwirbel, Th7, Th 7> | |
| seven-year-old [female] <7-year-old> | Siebenjährige {f} <7-Jährige> | |
| sports 7 iron [golf] | Eisen {n} 7 [Golf] | |
| math. 7 remainder 2 | 7 Rest 2 | |
| tech. 7-segment display | 7-Segment-Anzeige {f} | |
| seven-year-old <7-year-old> | Siebenjähriger {m} <7-Jähriger> | |
| MedTech. Health Level 7 / Health Level Seven <HL7> [standard] | Health Level 7 {m} {n} [Standard, Norm] | |
| chem. 1,3,5,7- tetraazaadamantane [C6H12N4] | 1,3,5,7-Tetraazaadamantan {n} | |
| entom. T | | |
| transp. 7.5-tonner | 7,5-Tonner {m} [Lastkraftwagen] | |
| med. stat. seven-day incidence <7-day incidence> | Sieben-Tage-Inzidenz {f} <7-Tage-Inzidenz> | |
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