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English-German translation for: A-bomb
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Dictionary English German: A bomb

Translation 1 - 24 of 24

English German
NOUN1   a bomb | bombs
NOUN2   an A-bomb | A-bombs
SYNO   A-bomb | atom bomb | atomic bomb ... 
mil. nucl. weapons A-bombAtombombe {f}
mil. nominal A-bombnominelle A-Bombe {f} [entspricht 20 kt TNT]
to cost a bomb [Br.] [coll.] [idiom]ein Heidengeld kosten [ugs.] [Redewendung]
weapons to defuse a bombeine Bombe entschärfen
to discover a bombeine Bombe entdecken
weapons to dismantle a bombeine Bombe entschärfen
mil. to drop a bombeine Bombe abwerfen
to fashion a bombeine Bombe herstellen
to fire a bombeine Bombe zünden
idiom to go a bomb [Br.] [coll.]sehr erfolgreich sein
to go a bomb [Br.] [coll.] [idiom]sehr erfolgversprechend sein
to plant a bombeine Bombe deponieren
to plant a bombeine Bombe legen
mil. to prime a bombeine Bombe schärfen
archi. UWH Atomic Bomb Dome <A-Bomb Dome> [coll.] [Hiroshima Peace Memorial]Atombombendom {m} [ugs.] [Atombombenkuppel (Friedensdenkmal in Hiroshima)]
to go like a bomb [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] [be very successful]ein großer Erfolg sein
mil. fin of a bombSteuerschwanz {m} einer Bombe
mil. fission-fusion-fission bombkombinierte A- und H-Bombe {f}
She must earn a bomb. [coll.]Sie kriegt doch sicher ein Bombengehalt. [ugs.]
weapons to booby-trap sth. (with a hidden bomb)(durch eine versteckte Bombe) einen Anschlag auf etw. verüben
to make a bomb on a deal [coll.] [esp. Br.] [idiom]ein Bombengeschäft machen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
impact of a / the bombBombenaufschlag {m}
impact of a / the bombBombeneinschlag {m}
lit. F A Bomb Built in Hell [Andrew Vachss]Eisgott
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A 2009-11-20: Management dropped a bomb on the workers during the meeting...
A 2009-05-07: da bomb
A 2008-09-23: This place looks like it's been hit by a bomb.
A 2008-05-07: are dogs taxed again? the insurance cost me a bomb
A 2008-02-01: Kids would say: He thinks he's Da Bomb, like.
A 2008-01-15: short blouson jacket - a bomber jacket is a certain style of s b j
A 2004-03-10: She's da bomb!
A 2003-09-11: Yes, when there was damage/ruins caused by a bomb.

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