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English-German translation for: AB
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Dictionary English German: AB

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NOUN   an ab | [usually in the plural] abs
SYNO   AB | group AB | type AB | Ab | Av ... 
NOUN1   der AB [Anrufbeantworter] | die ABs/[selten] AB
NOUN2   der Ab [jüd. Monat] | -
SYNO   AB [ugs.] | Anrufbeantworter ... 
from {prep}
off {adv} {prep}
starting {prep}
ab [+Dat.] [zeitlich]
away {adv}
ex {prep}
as from {prep}ab [+Dat.] [zeitlich]
as of {prep}ab [+Dat.] [zeitlich]
from ... onab ...
from ... onwards {prep} {adv} [Br.] [in space or time]ab ...
starting in ... [month, year]ab ... [Monat, Jahr]
starting from ...ab ... [Preise, Zeitangaben]
film Go ahead!Ab! [Regieanweisung]
ab initio {adv} {adj} [formal or legal usage] <ab init>anfänglich
biochem. med. antibody <AB, Ab, ab>
Antikörper {m} <AK, Ak>
biochem. med. antibody <AB, Ab, ab>
Abwehrstoff {m}
med. abduction
Abduktion {f} <Ab, Abd>
med. abortion <AB> [abortus] [nomenclature]
Abort {m} [Nomenklatur]
biochem. med. antibody <AB, Ab, ab>
Immunkörper {m}
geogr. Alberta <AB>Alberta {n} [kanadische Provinz]
RealEst. older buildingAltbau {m} <AB>
agr. bot. hort. alternate bearing <AB> [pomology]Alternanz {f} [Obstbau]
telecom. answering machineAnrufbeantworter {m} <AB>
telecom. telephone answering device <TAD>Anrufbeantworter {m} <AB>
pharm. antibiotic (agent)Antibiotikum {n} <Ab>
anat. biol. aortic bifurcation <AB> [Bifurcatio aortae]Aortenbifurkation {f}
pharm. pharmacopoeiasArzneibücher {pl} <AB>
psych. attentional blink <AB>Aufmerksamkeitsblinzeln {n}
anat. biol. ab (muscle) [coll.] [short for: abdominal muscle]Bauchmuskel {m}
anat. biol. ab muscles {pl} <abs> [coll.] [Musculi abdominis]Bauchmuskulatur {f}
biochem. med. antibody <AB, Ab, ab>Schutzstoff {m} [Antikörper]
naut. able-bodied seaman <AB>Vollmatrose {m}
2 Words: Others
beginning in 2000ab 2000
as from 2009 {adv}ab 2009
mus. from a sheet of music {adv} [not playing or singing by heart]ab Blatt [schweiz.] [singen oder spielen]
from that moment (on) {adv}ab da
from then on {adv}ab dann
comm. ex factory {adv}ab Fabrik
comm. ex works {adv} <EXW>ab Fabrik
starting today {adv}ab heute
as from today {adv}ab heute
as of today {adv} [from today]ab heute
hence {adv} [formal / archaic]ab jetzt
henceforth {adv}ab jetzt
as of now {adv}ab jetzt
from now on {adv}ab jetzt
comm. ex quay {adv}ab Kai
comm. ex stock {adv} <ex stk, X stk>ab Lager
comm. ex warehouse {adv}ab Lager
comm. from stock {adv}ab Lager
comm. off the shelf {adv}ab Lager
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• ab
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