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English-German translation for: AMC flick
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Dictionary English German: AMC flick

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aviat. aviation medical center <AMC> [Am.]flugmedizinisches Zentrum {n}
aviat. aviation medical centre <AMC> [Br.]flugmedizinisches Zentrum {n}
med. congenital multiple arthrogryposis <CMA>Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita {f} <AMC>
flickSchnipser {m}
film flick [coll.]Film {m}
film horror flickHorrorstreifen {m}
to flickschnicken [regional: schnippen]
film flick [coll.]Streifen {m} [ugs.]
flick [smack]Klaps {m} [ugs.]
sports to flick on [football]verlängern
RadioTV to flick overrüberschalten [ugs.]
film action flick [coll.]Actionfilm {m}
film erotic flick [coll.]Erotikfilm {m}
weapons flick knife [Br.]Schnappmesser {n}
film love flick [coll.]Liebesfilm {m}
sex flick [coll.]Sexfilm {m}
film skiing flick [coll.]Skifilm {m}
skin flickSexstreifen {m} [Film]
skin flick [sl.]Sexfilm {m}
teen flick [coll.]Teeniefilm {m}
teenager flick [coll.]Teenagerfilm {m}
to flick sth.etw. schnellen lassen
to flick sth.etw. schnipsen [schnippen]
to flick throughdurchblättern [Buch, Zeitung]
film blue flick [coll.]Pornofilm {m} [ugs.]
film blue flick [coll.]Pornostreifen {m} [ugs.]
weapons flick knife [esp. Br.]Springmesser {n}
aviat. flick roll [Br.]gerissene Rolle {f}
sports flick-on [association football]Kopfballverlängerung {f}
film porn flick [coll.]Pornofilm {m} [ugs.]
film porn flick [coll.]Pornostreifen {m} [ugs.]
film scandalous flick [coll.]Skandalstreifen {m} [ugs.]
film skin flick [coll.]Pornofilm {m} [ugs.]
flick of hairSträhne {f} [Haarsträhne]
hard-core flick [coll.]Hardcorefilm {m}
hard-core flick [coll.]Hardcorestreifen {m}
soft-core flick [coll.]Softcorefilm {m}
soft-core flick [coll.]Softcorestreifen {m}
bot. T
equest. to flick flies [horse etc.]Fliegen verscheuchen
film documentary flick [coll.]Dokstreifen {m} [schweiz.] [ugs.]
film monster flick [coll.]Monsterfilm {m} [über Monster]
film skin flick [esp. Br.] [coll.]Nacktfilm {m}
to flick a switcheinen Schalter umlegen
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
film schmaltzy flick [Am.] [coll.]Schnulze {f} [ugs.] [Spielfilm]
to flick a whipmit einer Peitsche schnalzen
to flick sth. on [switch]etw. anknipsen [ugs.] [Schalter]
to flick through sth. [book, newspaper, etc.]etw. durchblättern
film chick flick [esp. Am.] [sl.]Frauenfilm {m} [emotionaler Film]
to flick one's fingersmit den Fingern schnippen
to flick one's fingersmit den Fingern schnipsen
to flick a knife openein Messer aufschnappen lassen
flick of the wristHandgriff {m} [Bewegung] [auch fig.]
film RadioTV chick-flickMädchenfilm {m} [pej.] [Film den Mädchen, Frauen mögen]
RadioTV to flick through some channelsdurch ein paar Kanäle schalten
to flick sth. on [Aus.] [sl.]etw. verscheuern [ugs.] [billig veräußern]
RadioTV to flick through sth. [TV channels]durch etw.Akk. klicken [Fernsehkanäle]
at the flick of a switch {adv} [idiom]auf Knopfdruck [fig.]
to flick sth. away [e.g. a cigarette butt]etw.Akk. fortschnipsen
to flick sth. away [e.g. a cigarette butt]etw.Akk. wegschnipsen
film teenybopper flick [coll.] [Am.]Teeniefilm {m} [betont: für junge Teenager, bes. Mädchen]
sports to flick (sth.) [esp. football / soccer, (ice) hockey](etw.) schlenzen [bes. Fußball, Eishockey]
to flick sth. over one's shoulder [coll.]etw. über die Schulter werfen
back-heel flick [also: back-heel flick-up / flickup] [football / soccer]Hackentrick {m} [Fußball]
to have a quick flip / flick through sth. [book, magazine etc.]etw. kurz überfliegen
sports flick [esp. football / soccer, (ice) hockey]Schlenzer {m} [bes. Fußball, (Eis-)Hockey]
to flick / flip through sth. [text, book, newspaper, etc.]etw. überfliegen [Text]
at the flick of a switch [fig.]mit einem Knopfdruck [fig.]
with a flick of the wrist {adv} [fig.]mit einem Handgriff [fig.]
film RadioTV chick flick [coll.]Weiberfilm {m} [ugs.] [pej. für: Film v.a. für Frauen]
to flick sth. off sth.etw. von etw. schnippen
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