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English-German translation for: Aase-Smith-Syndrom
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Dictionary English German: Aase Smith Syndrom

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NOUN   das Aase-Smith-Syndrom | -
med. Aase-Smith syndromeAase-Smith-Syndrom {n}
Partial Matches
med. Aase syndromeAase-Syndrom {n}
med. Smith-Magenis syndrome <SMS>Smith-Magenis-Syndrom {n} <SMS>
med. Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome <SLOS>Smith-Lemli-Opitz-Syndrom {n} <SLOS>
pace Mr. Smithohne Herrn Smith nahetreten zu wollen
orn. T
zool. T
as recommended by Mr. Smithwie von Herrn Smith vorgeschlagen
a man by the name of Smithein Mann {m} namens Smith
zool. T
astron. Smith's Cloud [also: Smith Cloud] [WV 360, HVC 040-15]Smith-Wolke {f}
Our Mr. Smith will call on you.Unser Herr Smith wird Sie besuchen.
med. Smith's fractureSmith-Fraktur {f}
lit. F The Unusual Life of Tristan Smith [Peter Carey]Das seltsame Leben des Tristan Smith
Where can I contact Mr. Smith?Wo kann ich Mr. Smith erreichen?
zool. T
electr. phys. Smith chartSmith-Diagramm {n}
with Mr. Smith's complimentsmit Grüßen von Mr. Smith
zool. T
Mrs Smith, née JonesFrau Smith, geborene Jones
a certain John Smithein gewisser John Smith {m}
John Smith, who died in 1994, was ...Der 1994 verstorbene John Smith war ...
Mr. Smith onlynur an Mr. Smith
film F Mr. Smith Goes to Washington [Frank Capra]Mr. Smith geht nach Washington
Smith Major [Br.] [public school sl.] [the older brother of two at the school]der ältere Bruder {m} Smith [von zwei Smiths an der Schule]
Smith Minimus [Br.] [public school sl.] [youngest of three or more Smiths at the school]der jüngste Smith {m} [von mehreren Smiths an der Schule]
Smith Minor [Br.] [public school sl.] [the younger of two brothers at the school]der jüngere Bruder {m} Smith [von zwei Smiths an der Schule]
Smith Maximus [Br.] [public school sl.] [the oldest of three or more brothers at the school]der älteste Bruder {m} Smith [von mehreren Smiths an der Schule]
John Smith PhDDr. John Smith {m}
med. Lorrain-Smith effectLorrain-Smith-Effekt {m}
chem. Simmons-Smith reactionSimmons-Smith-Reaktion {f}
film F Nevada Smith [Henry Hathaway]Nevada Smith
film F Mr. & Mrs. Smith [Doug Liman]Mr. & Mrs. Smith
med. polycystic ovary syndrome <PCOS>polyzystisches Ovar-Syndrom {n} <PCO-Syndrom, PCOS>
jobs smithSchmied {m}
geogr. Smith InletSmith Inlet {n}
copper smithKupferschmied {m}
jobs gold smithGoldschmied {m}
jobs master smithSchmiedemeister {m}
jobs scythe smithSensenschmied {m}
jobs silver smithSilberschmied {m}
sports Smith machineMultipresse {f}
jobs village smithDorfschmied {m}
comp. to have the fat finger syndrome [coll.]das Wurstfinger-Syndrom / Fat-Finger-Syndrom haben [ugs.]
jobs smith [female blacksmith]Schmiedin {f}
myth. relig. god-smith [rare]Schmiedegott {m}
idiom John SmithMax Mustermann {m}
jobs scythe smithDengler {m} [veraltet]
tech. smith's hearthSchmiedeesse {f}
jobs journeyman smithSchmiedeknecht {m} [veraltet] [Schmiedegeselle]
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