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English-German translation for: Aber
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Dictionary English German: Aber

Translation 1 - 50 of 378  >>

NOUN   das Aber | die Aber
SYNO   aber | wohl | zwar | Gewiss | aber ... 
but {conj}
though {adv} [however]
however {adv} {conj}
but for all thataber
Aber {n}
2 Words: Others
even so(aber) dennoch
even so {conj}(aber) trotzdem
but mind, ...aber bedenke, ...
Pleasure. [as an answer to: thank you]Aber bitte.
although {conj}aber dafür
but on the other hand {conj}aber dafür
but behind that ...aber dahinter ...
but yet {conj}aber dennoch
No kidding! [used to emphasize agreement]Aber echt!
Nonsense!Aber geh! [österr.] [ugs.] [Stimmt nicht!]
I'd be glad to.Aber gern.
But hey. [coll.]Aber gut.
Hell yeah! [Am.] [sl.]Aber hallo! [ugs.] [bestätigend] [Aber sicher!]
You bet. [coll.]Aber hallo. [ugs.] [bestätigend] [Darauf kannst du wetten.]
Yes, indeed!Aber ja!
But of course!Aber ja!
Yes, of course!Aber ja!
Why, yes.Aber ja.
Be my guest! [coll.] [as an answer to a request]Aber natürlich! [als Antwort auf eine Bitte]
But of course.Aber natürlich.
why [expression of surprise]aber nein
No!Aber nein!
Of course not.Aber nein.
Why certainly!Aber selbstverständlich!
for shizzle {adv} [Am.] [sl.]aber sicher
You bet! [coll.]Aber sicher!
Really! [exclamation of protest]Aber, aber!
Now, now!Aber, aber!
although {conj}dafür aber
but on the other hand {conj}dafür aber
idiom But me no buts.Kein Aber!
or alternativelyoder aber
or elseoder aber
as it was [the way the situation presented itself]so aber [situationsbedingt]
but ... howeverwohl aber ...
Granted, but ...Zugegeben, aber ...
3 Words: Others
idiom ... but what of it?... aber was soll's?
..., but still ......, aber immerhin ...
... this instant. [e.g. Get out of here this instant!]..., aber schleunigst. [z. B. Mach dass du fortkommst, aber schleunigst!]
(but) even so(aber) auch so
Unverified Gentlemen, please! [Compose yourself, please!](Aber) meine Herren! [Contenance bitte!]
With great pleasure!(Aber) mit Wonne!
But besides that, ...Aber abgesehen davon ...
But it was only after ...Aber erst nach ...
But it was only after ...Aber erst nachdem ...
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• aber
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aber dafür

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