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English-German translation for: Abfahrt Pelham 1 Uhr 23
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Dictionary English German: Abfahrt Pelham 1 Uhr 23

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lit. F The Taking of Pelham One Two Three [John Godey]Abfahrt Pelham 1 Uhr 23
Partial Matches
at one o'clock {adv}um ein Uhr <um 1, um 1 Uhr>
at one o'clock {adv}um 1 Uhr
at one o'clock in the afternoon {adv}um 1 Uhr nachmittags
closed between 1 and 2 o'clockzwischen 1 und 2 Uhr geschlossen
med. herpes simplex virus 1 <HSV-1>humanes Herpesvirus {n} 1 <HSV-1, HHV1, HHV-1> [ugs. auch: humaner Herpesvirus {m} 1]
med. herpes simplex virus 1 <HSV-1> [oral herpes]Herpes simplex {m} Typ 1 <HSV-1, HHV-1, HHV1> [Lippenherpes]
VetMed. feline herpesvirus (type) 1 <FHV-1>felines Herpesvirus-1 {n} <FeHV-1, FHV-1>
chem. etidronic acid <HEDP>1-Hydroxyethan-1,1-diphosphonsäure {f} <HEDP>
film F The Taking of Pelham 123 [Tony Scott, 2009]Die Entführung der U-Bahn Pelham 123
bibl. the Book of Genesis <Gen, Gen., Ge., Gn.>das erste Buch {n} Mose <1. Mose, 1 Mos., Genesis>
bibl. The First Book of Moses (called Genesis) [archaic]das erste Buch {n} Mose <1. Mose, 1 Mos., Genesis>
biol. human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 <HTLV-1>humanes T-Zell-lymphotropes Virus Typ 1 {n} <HTLV-1>
biol. simian T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 <STLV-1>simianes T-Zell-lymphotropes Virus Typ 1 {n} <STLV-1>
bibl. (the Book of) First Samuel <1 Sam., 1 Sm., 1 Sa., 1 S.>das erste Buch {n} Samuel <1. Samuel, 1. Sam., 1 Sam., 1Sam.>
bibl. 1 Samuel <1 Sam., 1 Sm., 1 Sa., 1 S.>das erste Buch {n} Samuel <1. Samuel, 1. Sam., 1 Sam., 1Sam.>
dent. The attained bite position is transferred 1:1 to the initial temporary appliance.Die erreichte Bissposition wird 1:1 in die provisorische Erstversorgung übertragen.
anat. VetMed. first thoracic vertebra <1st thoracic vertebra, T1 vertebra, T1> [Vertebra thoracica I]erster Brustwirbel {m} <1. Brustwirbel, Th1, Th 1>
anat. VetMed. first lumbar vertebra <1st lumbar vertebra, L1 vertebra, L1> [Vertebra lumbalis I]erster Lendenwirbel {m} <1. Lendenwirbel, L1, L 1>
anat. biol. first sacral vertebra <1st sacral vertebra, S1 vertebra, S1> [Vertebra sacralis I]erster Sakralwirbel {m} <1. Sakralwirbel, S1, S 1>
orn. avian paramyxovirus type 1 <APMV1, APMV-1> [pigeon paramyxovirus type 1]Paramyxovirus {n} Typ 1 der Taube <PMV-1>
orn. pigeon paramyxovirus type 1 <PPMV-1>Paramyxovirus {n} Typ 1 der Taube <PMV-1>
biol. VetMed. bovine herpesvirus (type) 1 <BoHV-1>bovines Herpesvirus 1 {n} <BoHV-1, BHV1>
med. neurofibromatosis type I <NF1, NF-1>Neurofibromatose {f} Typ 1 <NF1, NF-1>
sports They drew 1-1.Sie trennten sich 1:1 (unentschieden).
comm. market. customized marketing [one-to-one marketing]One-to-one-Marketing {n} <1-zu-1-Marketing, 1:1-Marketing>
market. one-to-one marketing [1-to-1 marketing, 1:1 marketing]One-to-one-Marketing {n} <1-zu-1-Marketing, 1:1-Marketing>
comm. market. personalized marketing <PM>One-to-one-Marketing {n} <1-zu-1-Marketing, 1:1-Marketing>
sports 1. FC Nuremberg <1. FCN> [German football club]1. FC Nürnberg {m} <1. FCN>
sports with the scores level at 1 all {adv}beim Gleichstand von 1:1
med. Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy <CMT neuropathy> [HMSN I, HMSN 1, HMSN Typ 1]hereditäre motorisch-sensible Neuropathie {f} Typ 1 <HMSN I, HMSN 1, HMSN Typ 1>
med. hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy type 1 <HMSN 1, HMSN I, HMSN type 1>hereditäre motorisch-sensible Neuropathie {f} Typ 1 <HMSN I, HMSN 1, HMSN Typ 1>
at a ratio of 1:1 {adv}im Verhältnis 1:1
curr. EU one-euro coin <1-euro coin, €1 coin>Eineuromünze {f} [auch: Ein-Euro-Münze] <1-Euro-Münze, 1-€-Münze>
comics F Double-O Duck [Disney]Agent 23
at eight (o'clock) {adv}um acht (Uhr) <um 8, um 8 Uhr>
at three (o'clock) {adv}um drei (Uhr) <um 3, um 3 Uhr>
at eleven (o'clock) {adv}um elf (Uhr) <um 11, um 11 Uhr>
at five (o'clock) {adv}um fünf (Uhr) <um 5, um 5 Uhr>
at nine (o'clock) {adv}um neun (Uhr) <um 9, um 9 Uhr>
at six (o'clock) {adv}um sechs (Uhr) <um 6, um 6 Uhr>
at seven (o'clock) {adv}um sieben (Uhr) <um 7, um 7 Uhr>
at four (o'clock) {adv}um vier (Uhr) <um 4, um 4 Uhr>
at ten (o'clock) {adv}um zehn (Uhr) <um 10, um 10 Uhr>
at two (o'clock) {adv}um zwei (Uhr) <um 2, um 2 Uhr>
at twelve (o'clock) {adv}um zwölf (Uhr) <um 12, um 12 Uhr>
med. one-vessel coronary artery disease <1-vessel CAD>koronare Eingefäßkrankheit {f} <koronare 1-Gefäßkrankheit, koronare 1-Gefäß-Krankheit>
twenty-three-year-old {adj} [attr.] <23-year-old>dreiundzwanzigjährig <23-jährig>
of twenty-three hours {adj} [postpos.]dreiundzwanzigstündig <23-stündig>
twenty-three-year-old [female] <23-year-old>Dreiundzwanzigjährige {f} <23-Jährige>
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