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Dictionary English German: Ac

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NOUN   Ac | -
SYNO   Ac | actinium | atomic number 89 | AC ... 
med. pharm. preprandial {adj} <pp, ac, a.c.>
präprandial <pp, ac, a.c.>
med. pharm. preprandial {adj} <pp, ac, AC, a.c.> [before the meal]vor dem Essen [nachgestellt] <v.d.E., ac, AC, a.c.>
med. pharm. preprandial {adj} <pp, ac, AC, a.c.> [before the meal]vor der / einer Mahlzeit [nachgestellt] <ac, AC. a.c.>
chem. actinium <Ac>
Actinium {n} <Ac>
med. astrocytoma <AC>
Astrozytom {n}
phys. unit abcoulomb <abC, aC>Abcoulomb {n} <abC, aC>
med. acanthocytosis <AC>Akanthozytose {f} <AC>
chem. acetyl <Ac> [acetyl group]Acetylgruppe {f} <Ac>
Acrisol <AC> [soil group]Acrisol {m} <AC> [Bodentyp]
chem. actinium <Ac>Aktinium {n} <Ac>
2 Words: Others
AC/DC {adj} [sl.]bisexuell
pharm. ante cibum {adv} <a.c., AC, ac> [before meals]vor dem Essen <v. d. E.>
med. pharm. before meals {adv} <a.c., AC> [ante cibum]vor den Mahlzeiten <a. c.>
2 Words: Nouns
med. abdominal circumference <AC>Abdomenumfang {m} <AU>
electr. AC amplifierWechselstromverstärker {m}
electr. AC arcWechselstrombogen {m}
electr. AC fieldWechselfeld {n}
anat. AC jointSchultereckgelenk {n}
electr. AC motorWechselstrommotor {m}
electr. AC powerWechselstromleistung {f}
electr. AC voltageWechselspannung {f}
AC welderWechselstromschweißgerät {n}
anat. acetabular index <AC index>Azetabulumwinkel {m} <AC-Winkel> [nach Hilgenreiner] [auch: Acetabulumwinkel]
anat. acetabular index <AC index>Pfannendachwinkel {m} [nach Hilgenreiner]
anat. acetabular index <AC index>Pfannenneigungswinkel {m} [ugs.] [AC-Winkel, Pfannendachwinkel nach Hilgenreiner]
anat. acetabular index <AC index>Pfannenwinkel {m} [ugs.] [AC-Winkel, Pfannendachwinkel nach Hilgenreiner]
chem. acetyl group <Ac>Acetylgruppe {f} <Ac>
audio acoustic capacity <AC>akustische Kapazität {f} <AK>
anat. acromioclavicular joint <AC joint> [Articulatio acromioclavicularis]Akromioklavikulargelenk {n} <AC-Gelenk> <ACG> [Schultereckgelenk]
anat. acromioclavicular joint <AC joint> [Articulatio acromioclavicularis]Schultereckgelenk {n}
med. acromioclavicular separation <AC separation>Schultereckgelenksprengung {f}
med. acromioclavicular separation <AC separation>Schultereckgelenksverrenkung {f}
biochem. adenylate cyclase <AC>Adenylatcyclase {f} <ADC> [veraltet]
biochem. adenylate cyclase <AC>Adenylatzyklase {f} <ADC> [veraltet für Adenylylcyclase]
biochem. adenylate cyclase <AC>Adenylylcyclase {f}
biochem. adenylyl cyclase <AC>Adenylatcyclase {f} <ADC> [veraltet]
biochem. adenylyl cyclase <AC>Adenylylcyclase {f}
admin. EU administrative circular <AC>Verwaltungsrundschreiben {n}
anat. zool. adrenal cortex <AC> [cortex glandulae suprarenalis]Nebennierenrinde {f} <NNR>
mus. Adult Contemporary <AC> [Am.]Adult Contemporary {n} <AC> [Radioformat]
air conditioning <AC>Airconditioning {n}
air conditioning <AC>Klimaanlage {f}
comp. alpha compositing <α-compositing, AC>Alpha-Compositing {n}
electr. alternating current <AC>Wechselstrom {m}
electr. alternating current <AC>alternierender Strom {m} [Wechselstrom]
meteo. altocumulus clouds <Ac>Altocumulus-Wolken {pl}
audio anechoic chamber <AC>schallreflexionsarmer Raum {m}
med. aortocaval fistula <ACF, AC fistula>aortokavale Fistel {f}
med. aplastic crisis <AC>aplastische Krise {f}
econ. QM appraisal costs <AC>Prüfkosten {pl} <PK>
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A 2023-03-10: Source: https://reviews.history.ac.uk/review/600
A 2022-11-15: ac·tin·o·bac·ter·i·um
A 2019-10-24: PS: https://eprints.soton.ac.uk/18385/
A 2019-06-26: AC 100 - 240 V~, 50/60 Hz = Volt Wechselspannung
Q 2019-05-09: "AC Charging"
A 2019-04-01: Just googling: https://books.google.de/books?id=XANBqMkiMsAC&pg=PT192&lpg=...
A 2018-07-27: https://www.tuwien.ac.at/fileadmin/t/quaest/doc/Abk%C3%BCrzungen_Entgeltna...
A 2018-07-27: https://www.tuwien.ac.at/fileadmin/t/quaest/doc/Abk%C3%BCrzungen_Entgeltna...
A 2018-01-25: PS: http://www.bristol.ac.uk/arts/exercises/grammar/grammar_tutorial/page...
A 2018-01-08: AC = alternate current
A 2018-01-08: AC or DC, please?
A 2018-01-08: AC
A 2017-09-15: UCL ~ University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT http://www...
A 2016-04-25: https://portal.uea.ac.uk/documents/6207125/7632456/Using+signpost+words+an...
A 2016-01-15: http://www.ecifm.rdg.ac.uk/field_margins_and_conservation_strips.htm
A 2016-01-01: starts the AC running .....
A 2016-01-01: AC = Klimaanlage
Q 2016-01-01: AC running
A 2015-01-04: Yes. http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/politics-international-relations/new-public...
A 2014-12-21: http://spareparts.terex-demag.com/tpss/Ersatzteilkataloge/Kataloge/AC%20CR...

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