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English-German translation for: Acc
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Dictionary English German: Acc

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SYNO   ACC | Air Combat Command
comp. account <ACC>
Benutzerkonto {n}
comm. account <acc., acct.>
Rechnung {f} <Rg.>
comp. account <Acc., acc, ACC>
Account {m} {n}
ling. accusative <acc., ACC>
Akkusativ {m} <Akk.>
chem. pharm. acetylcysteine <ACC> [C5H9NO3S]
Acetylcystein {n} <ACC>
2 Words
according to {prep} <acc. to>laut <lt.> [+Dat., auch +Gen.]
stocks accumulating fund <Acc fund, ACC fund, acc fund>thesaurierender Fonds {m}
ling. accusative case <acc., ACC>Akkusativ {m} <Akk.>
med. adrenocortical carcinoma <ACC>Nebennierenrindenkarzinom {n} <NN-Karzinom>
med. adrenocortical carcinoma <ACC>adrenokortikales Karzinom {n} <ACC>
anat. nucleus accumbens <ncl. accumbens, NAcc, NAc>Nucleus accumbens {m} <Ncl. Acc., ANc>
3 Words
admin. Accident Compensation Corporation <ACC>[neuseeländische Unfallentschädigungsbehörde]
med. acinic cell carcinoma <ACC>Azinuszellkarzinom {n} <ACC>
automot. active cruise control <ACC>Abstandsregeltempomat {m}
automot. adaptative cruise control <ACC>Abstandsregeltempomat {m}
automot. adaptive cruise control <ACC>automatische Distanzregelung {f} <ADR>
automot. adaptive cruise control <ACC>adaptive Abstands- und Geschwindigkeitsregelung {f} <AAGR>
med. adenoid cystic carcinoma <ACC, AdCC>Zylindrom {n} [veraltend] [adenoidzystisches Karzinom]
med. adenoid cystic carcinoma <ACC, AdCC>adenoid-zystisches Karzinom {n} [auch: adenoidzystisches Karzinom]
med. alveolar cell carcinoma <ACC> [Carcinoma alveolare / alveolocellulare]Alveolarzellenkarzinom {n} <AZK>
med. alveolar cell carcinoma <ACC> [Carcinoma alveolare / alveolocellulare]Alveolarzellkarzinom {n} <AZK>
med. alveolar cell carcinoma <ACC> [Carcinoma alveolare / alveolocellulare]bronchio-alveoläres / bronchioalveoläres Lungenkarzinom {n}
med. anodal closing contraction <ACC>Anodenschließungszuckung {f} <ASZ>
med. anodal closure contraction <ACC>Anodenschließungszuckung {f} <ASZ>
geogr. Antarctic Circumpolar Current <ACC>Antarktischer Zirkumpolarstrom {m}
ecol. meteo. anthropogenic climate change <ACC>menschengemachter Klimawandel {m}
aviat. Area Control Center <ACC> [Am.]Bezirkskontrollstelle {f}
aviat. area control centre <ACC> [Br.]Bezirkskontrollstelle {f}
constr. material autoclaved cellular concrete <ACC>Porenbeton {m}
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A 2021-04-26: ἄγαλμα , ατος, τό, acc. to Hsch. πᾶν ἐφ᾽ ᾧ τις ἀγάλλεται, alles, bei dem j...
A 2019-10-03: sich in etw finden +acc+ > to reconcile oneself to sth, to become reconci...
Q 2015-01-08: Acc and Dat
A 2014-04-08: In + acc. / dat.
A 2012-12-15: acc. to Duden
A 2012-08-27: Oh, while I'm checking my acc/dat examples, just to double check
A 2012-08-24: Nur mit [Acc.] kommen wir bei dieser Paarung nicht hin.
A 2012-01-12: @ddr: Innerhalb der VP (also in der Spalte V.Acc.) gab es Abstufungen von 0,2
A 2011-05-07: Do mean Acc. or Dat.
A 2010-10-06: @Wuffke: not quite as simple: both dat. and acc. with some lit. use, too
A 2010-10-06: It's simple: Both is possible dat. and acc. (as long as it's used fig.)
A 2010-08-30: system downtime (acc. to my dictionary)
A 2009-11-26: anmuten takes the acc.
A 2009-10-30: acc. to dict.cc, close = Sackgasse
A 2009-09-23: In Latin it can only be +de jure+ < +de+ + ablative / nom. ius, gen. iuris...
A 2009-08-31: account = acc.
A 2009-05-31: @Catesse: acc. to google, you're a so-called "traditionalist" ;)
A 2009-05-26: Both "damage" & "damages" seem to be quite common....at least acc. to google :).
A 2009-03-06: jemandem [dat.] etwas [acc.] beibringen = to teach somebody something
A 2009-02-04: Commissioning invoiced acc. to the work involved

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