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English-German translation for: Acceleration
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Dictionary English German: Acceleration

Translation 1 - 50 of 148  >>

English German
NOUN   an acceleration | accelerations
SYNO   acceleration | quickening | speedup
Beschleunigung {f}
phys. tech. acceleration
Beschleunigen {n}
Anzugskraft {f}
sports acceleration
Antritt {m}
phys. acceleration
Akzeleration {f} [fachspr.] [Beschleunigung]
Vorfälligkeit {f}
Geschwindigkeitszunahme {f}
fin. tech. acceleration [e.g. in heart rate]
Forcierung {f} [Beschleunigung] [z. B. Herzfrequenz]
Geschwindigkeitserhöhung {f}
accelerationAnzugsvermögen {n}
accelerationvorzeitige Fälligkeit {f}
accelerationvorzeitige Fälligstellung {f}
accelerationVorverlegung {f} eines Termins
2 Words: Others
during acceleration {adv}beim Beschleunigen
automot. during acceleration {adv}beim Gasgeben
2 Words: Nouns
phys. absolute accelerationAbsolutbeschleunigung {f}
phys. acceleration characteristicBeschleunigungskennlinie {f}
acceleration clauseFälligkeitsklausel {f}
acceleration clauseVerfallklausel {f}
acceleration clauseVorfälligkeitsklausel {f}
acceleration clauseKlausel {f} betreffend vorzeitige Fälligkeit
acceleration clauseKlausel {f}, die sofortige Zahlung fordert
phys. acceleration coefficientBeschleunigungskoeffizient {m}
acceleration controlBeschleunigungsregelung {f}
phys. acceleration cycleBeschleunigungszyklus {m}
phys. acceleration distanceBeschleunigungsweg {m}
electr. tech. acceleration durationBeschleunigungszeit {f}
tech. acceleration effectBeschleunigungseffekt {m}
acceleration factorBeschleunigungsfaktor {m}
phys. acceleration fieldBeschleunigungsfeld {n}
phys. acceleration forceBeschleunigungskraft {f}
automot. acceleration knockingBeschleunigungsklopfen {n}
traffic acceleration laneBeschleunigungsspur {f} [Autobahn]
traffic acceleration laneBeschleunigungsstreifen {m}
traffic acceleration laneEinfädelungsstreifen {m}
tech. acceleration limiterBeschleunigungsbegrenzer {m}
phys. acceleration measurementBeschleunigungsmessung {f}
tech. acceleration mechanismBeschleunigungsmechanismus {m}
film acceleration montageAkzeleration {f} [Alternationsmontage beim Film]
acceleration noteSchuldschein {m} mit Recht auf vorzeitige Zahlung
acceleration noteSchuldschein {m} mit Recht vorzeitiger Zahlung
MedTech. phys. acceleration path [e.g. of charged particles]Beschleunigungsstrecke {f}
automot. acceleration pedal [electric vehicle]Strompedal {n} [Fahrpedal]
aviat. acceleration phaseBeschleunigungsphase {f}
acceleration premiumLeistungsprämie {f}
acceleration principleAkzelerationsprinzip {n}
acceleration principleBeschleunigungsprinzip {n}
acceleration processBeschleunigungsvorgang {m}
phys. acceleration profileBeschleunigungsprofil {n}
acceleration recordBeschleunigungsaufzeichnung {f}
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Q 2019-05-08: stability control heave acceleration (Kfz)
A 2014-03-31: "glued to the seat acceleration" geht auch
A 2014-03-31: kick in the / your back (acceleration), stuck to the seat (acceleration)
A 2012-01-08: Consequently, +accelerometer ~ instrument for measuring acceleration+ is s...
Q 2011-05-07: Acceleration of Colonic Transit Time (medical)
A 2010-12-14: off-the-line acceleration
A 2010-12-14: Acceleration and force are physically different
A 2010-12-14: I don't think so - it's a kick start with bikes .... http://www.dict.cc/en...
A 2010-12-14: acceleration force .... ?? is it the car? a shoe?
A 2009-11-26: rent acceleration
Q 2009-11-26: rent acceleration clause
A 2009-08-14: yes - m/s metres per second; [finance] months after sight / m/s2 metres...
A 2009-03-14: a - [physics] acceleration; [physics] amplitude Penguin Reference Abbrev...
A 2008-08-08: The state of the art crash sleds and acceleration facilities put at your d...
A 2008-07-28: Anfahrnick > acceleration squat
A 2007-10-31: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=+Acceleration+test&btnG=Search&meta...
A 2007-05-26: At constant acceleration the power used/required is proportional to the (m...
A 2007-05-26: Due to the constant acceleration the required power increases proportional...
A 2007-05-21: Regardless of the acceleration....
A 2007-02-07: Acceleration of competition due to completion of the single market

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