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English-German translation for: Accent
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Dictionary English German: Accent

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NOUN   an accent | accents
VERB  to accent | accented | accented ... 
SYNO   accent | accent mark | emphasis ... 
to accent
to accent
ling. accent
Akzent {m}
Betonung {f}
ling. accent [dialect]
Dialekt {m} [Dialektfärbung, Akzent]
Schwergewicht {n}
ling. phonet. accent
Betonungszeichen {n}
ling. accent
Wortton {m}
ling. accent [dialect features]
Dialektfärbung {f}
ling. accent [dialectal]
Dialektanklang {m}
ling. accent [esp. a regional or very slight foreign one]Sprachfärbung {f} [Tonfall, Aussprache, Sprachmelodie]
ling. accent [stress]Ton {m} [Akzent, Betonung]
2 Words: Others
accent-free {adj}akzentfrei
accent-free {adj}akzentlos
2 Words: Nouns
ling. accent (mark) [in lettering, not spoken language]Akzentzeichen {n}
accent characterAkzentbuchstabe {m}
accent colour [Br.]Akzentfarbe {f}
archi. accent lightingAkzentbeleuchtung {f}
mus. accent markMarcato-Zeichen {n}
accent reductionVerbesserung {f} der Aussprache
accent shiftBetonungswechsel {m}
ling. acute (accent)Akut {m}
ling. acute accentAccent {m} aigu
mus. agogic (accent)Agogik {f}
mus. agogic accentagogischer Akzent {m}
mus. anti-accent [ghost note]Geisternote {f}
ling. circumflex accentZirkumflex {m}
ling. circumflex accentAccent {m} circonflexe
cockney accentCockney-Akzent {m} [Akzent eines eingeborenen Londoners]
common accentverbreiteter Akzent {m}
mus. cross-accentGegenbetonung {f}
dynamic accentdynamischer Akzent {m} [Musik, Sprache]
ling. foreign accentausländischer Akzent {m}
ling. grave accentGravis {m}
ling. grave accentGravisakzent {m}
ling. grave accentAccent {m} grave
ling. local accentregionale Aussprache {f}
ling. local accentregionaler Akzent {m}
ling. main accentHauptakzent {m}
mus. metrical accentmetrischer Akzent {m}
ling. phonet. phrase accentPhrasenakzent {m}
ling. phonet. pitch accentAkzentton {m}
ling. phonet. pitch accentTonakzent {m}
ling. pitch accentTonhöhenakzent {m}
ling. pitch accentmusikalischer Akzent {m} [Tonhöhe]
ling. primary accentHauptakzent {m}
ling. mus. principal accentHauptakzent {m}
ling. rhotic accentrhotischer Akzent {m}
ling. secondary accent [less frequent, esp. in modern texts] [secondary stress]Nebenakzent {m}
ling. sentence accentSatzakzent {m}
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Q 2024-10-08: outrageously fragrant British accent
A 2021-11-18: The spelling quirks are what is left of Oxford English. The Oxford accent ...
A 2021-08-14: Nein, ich denke, es geht bei dem Eintrag um die EN-Seite, um "Yiddish acce...
Q 2020-04-29: accent in "das Vorhandensein"
Q 2018-02-08: Accent and Voice
Q 2017-10-23: the Transatlantic accent
A 2017-09-06: From the horse's mouth: +Where Is My Accent From? "Highly Requested"!+ htt...
Q 2017-09-06: What kind of American accent has this women?
A 2017-06-28: Accent: ... 'ksĭfěĭ
A 2016-12-28: Maybe fortune with an accent?
A 2016-11-15: Why should a person 'born and raised in Australia' have an unacceptable ac...
A 2016-04-17: "smo(u)ldering accent" here: a strong accent under the surface of your lan...
Q 2016-02-13: accent shifting ....
Q 2015-11-10: accent / song
Q 2015-11-03: song / accent
A 2015-05-30: Another phenomenon: A Frenchman naturalized in the USA, his US wife and th...
A 2015-05-30: Accent
A 2014-10-08: Accent
A 2014-09-13: (1) stresses +daran,+ (2) puts the accent on +nie+
A 2014-07-02: Local accent

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