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English-German translation for: Advocate
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Dictionary English German: Advocate

Translation 1 - 74 of 74

English German
NOUN   an advocate | advocates
VERB  to advocate | advocated | advocated ... 
SYNO   to advocate | to preach | to recommend ... 
to advocate
to advocate
to advocate
to advocate sth.
etw. befürworten
to advocate
to advocateplädieren für
law to advocate [to engage in advocacy]advozieren [veraltet] [als Anwalt arbeiten]
to advocate sth.für etw.Akk. eintreten
to advocate sth.für etw. einstehen [eintreten]
jobs law advocate
Anwalt {m}
advocate [supporter]
Befürworter {m}
Verfechter {m}
Fürsprecher {m}
advocate [of an opinion, idea etc.]
Vertreter {m} [Verfechter, Befürworter]
law advocate
Rechtsbeistand {m}
jobs law advocate
Advokat {m}
advocate [female]
Fürsprecherin {f}
law advocate
Sachwalter {m}
Beistand {m} [Anwalt]
advocate [of a theory etc.]
Exponent {m} [einer Theorie etc.]
Vogt {m}
advocate [female]Advokatin {f}
advocate [female]Sachwalterin {f}
2 Words: Verbs
to advocate doing sth.dafür plädieren, etw. zu tun [geh.]
to advocate for sb./sth.sich für jdn./etw. einsetzen
2 Words: Nouns
advocate forVerfechter {m} für
EU law Advocate-GeneralGeneralanwalt {m}
consumer advocateKonsumentenschützer {m}
consumer advocateVerbraucheranwalt {m}
consumer advocateVerbraucherschützer {m}
devil's advocateAdvocatus {m} Diaboli
devil's advocatedes Teufels Advokat {m}
devil's advocateGegner {m} der Heilsprechung
enthusiastic advocatebegeisterter Verfechter {m}
fin. law investor advocateAnlegeranwalt {m}
law mil. judge advocateRechtsoffizier {m}
leading advocateführender Rechtsanwalt {m}
jobs libr. Unverified library advocateBibliotheksbeauftragter {m}
law Lord Advocate[Chef-Justitiar der schottischen Exekutive und der Krone in Schottland für Zivil- und Strafrecht]
law med. patient advocatePatientenanwalt {m}
pol. patient advocatePatientenschützer {m}
self-advocate [esp. disabled person speaking / acting for themselves]Selbstvertreter {m} [bes. sich selbst vertretende behinderte Person]
self-advocate [female] [esp. disabled person speaking / acting for themselves]Selbstvertreterin {f} [bes. sich selbst vertretende behinderte Person]
strong advocateglühender Verfechter {m}
temperance advocateTemperenzler {m}
law victim advocateOpferanwalt {m}
3 Words: Verbs
to advocate a causeeine Sache befürworten
to advocate a measureeine Maßnahme befürworten
to advocate an interventionfür eine Intervention eintreten
to advocate breast-feedingfür das Stillen eintreten
3 Words: Nouns
advocate for justiceAnwalt {m} der Gerechtigkeit
advocate of celibacyVerfechter {m} des Zölibats
econ. advocate of growthWachstumsbefürworter {m}
pol. advocate of independenceUnabhängigkeitsverfechter {m}
pol. zool. animal protection advocateTierschützer {m}
pol. disability rights advocateBehindertenrechtler {m}
pol. human rights advocateMenschenrechtsanwalt {m}
pol. human rights advocateMenschenrechtskämpfer {m}
pol. human rights advocate [female]Menschenrechtsanwältin {f}
labor rights advocate [Am.]Arbeitsrechtskämpfer {m}
nucl. pol. nuclear power advocateAtomkraftbefürworter {m}
pro-choice advocateAbtreibungsbefürworter {m}
victim's rights advocateOpferberater {m}
4 Words: Verbs
pol. to advocate for human rightssich für Menschenrechte einsetzen
to advocate self-help groupssich für Selbsthilfegruppen aussprechen
ecol. to advocate using green productssich für umweltfreundliche Produkte einsetzen
to be the advocate of sth.Befürworter von etw. sein
4 Words: Nouns
advocate of budget cutsSparapostel {m}
advocate of healthy livingVerfechter {m} eines gesunden Lebenswandels
court-appointed special advocatevom Gericht bestellter Anwalt {m}
law Her / His Majesty's Advocate[Chef-Justitiar der schottischen Exekutive und der Krone in Schottland für Zivil- und Strafrecht]
law mil. Judge Advocate General's Corps <JAG> [USA]Oberste Militärstaatsanwaltschaft {f}
5+ Words: Nouns
advocate of the new freedomVerfechter {m} der neuen Freiheit
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F The Devil's Advocate [Taylor Hackford]Im Auftrag des Teufels
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Q 2019-03-11: self advocate
Q 2017-05-20: Student Advocate
A 2014-05-31: advocate - oral
Q 2014-05-31: unterschied endorse und advocate
A 2014-03-08: Advocate?
A 2014-01-18: to advocate for sth. (AE) = to advocate sth. (BE)
Q 2014-01-18: Advocate for?
Q 2013-03-05: Voting: Advocate for "11 points needed"; instead of "2 x 5 points needed" ...
A 2009-11-03: I second that emotion --- but not your translation, I may approve of it, ...
A 2009-11-03: advocate in the the sense of "to second", dear dee ayar
A 2009-11-03: definition of "to advocate":
A 2009-11-03: Yes, I advocate your translation.
A 2009-04-19: in individual cases the citizens of H. advocate for deported (people) agai...
A 2008-11-05: advocate for racial equality
A 2007-09-26: ... advocate of the living gospel
A 2006-12-18: ...as only the authority as nature's advocate can decide on the type of pu...
A 2006-05-25: I would rather advocate the german word of "Wisent"...
A 2006-04-08: Army Judge Advocate General's Group
A 2006-03-29: ? Senior Judge Advocate
Q 2005-09-02: Present: Judge advocate of the Luftwaffe A. Kr. Dr. Buttner , acting judge

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advocate an intervention
advocate breast-feeding
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advocate for human rights
advocate for justice
advocate for sb./sth.

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