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English-German translation for: Afghanistan af
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Dictionary English German: Afghanistan af

Translation 1 - 32 of 32

geogr. Afghanistan <.af>Afghanistan {n}
Keywords contained
geogr. Islamic Republic of Afghanistan <.af>Islamische Republik {f} Afghanistan
mil. pullout from AfghanistanAbzug {m} aus Afghanistan
geogr. hist. pol. Islamic Emirate of AfghanistanIslamisches Emirat Afghanistan {n}
geogr. northern Afghanistan [also: Northern Afghanistan]Nordafghanistan {n}
United Islamic Front for the Salvation of Afghanistan <UIF>Nationale Islamische Vereinigte Front {f} zur Rettung Afghanistans
Partial Matches
med. angiofibroma <AF>Angiofibrom {n} <AF>
photo. autofocus <AF>automatische Entfernungsmessung {f} <AE>
autofocus <AF>automatische Fokussierung {f} <AF>
aerodynamic force <AF>Luftkraft {f}
med. aggressive fibromatosis <AF>aggressive Fibromatose {f} <AF>
med. ameloblastic fibroma <AF>ameloblastisches Fibrom {n} <AF>
anat. amniotic fluid <AF>Fruchtwasser {n}
med. atrial fibrillation <AF>Vorhofflimmern {n} <VHF>
audio audible frequency <AF>Hörfrequenz {f} <NF>
audio audible frequency <AF>Niederfrequenz {f} <NF>
audio audible frequency <AF>Tonfrequenz {f}
audio audio frequency <AF>Audiofrequenz {f} <AF>
audio audio frequency <AF>Hörfrequenz {f}
audio audio frequency <AF>Klangfrequenz {f}
audio frequency <AF>Niederfrequenz {f} <NF>
audio audio frequency <AF>Tonfrequenz {f}
med. auricular fibrillation <AF>Vorhofflimmern {n} <VHF>
photo. automatic focus <AF>automatische Entfernungsmessung {f} <AE>
photo. automatic focus <AF>automatische Scharfeinstellung {f}
photo. automatic focusing <AF>automatische Entfernungsmessung {f} <AE>
med. amaurosis fugax <AF> attackAmaurosis-fugax-Attacke {f}
math. approximately finite algebra <AF algebra>AF-Algebra {f}
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
math. approximately finite dimensional C*-algebra <AF C*-algebra>AF-C*-Algebra {f}
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