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Dictionary English German: Africa

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NOUN   Africa | -
NOUN   (das) Africa | -
geogr. Africa
Afrika {n}
hist. Africa [Roman province]Africa {n} [Römische Provinz]
2 Words: Nouns
Africa collection [in a museum]Afrikasammlung {f}
econ. pol. Africa strategy [strategy for Africa]Afrika-Strategie {f} [auch: Afrikastrategie]
geogr. Central AfricaZentralafrika {n}
geogr. East AfricaOstafrika {n}
geogr. Middle Africa [term used by the United Nations when categorising geographic subregions]Mittelafrika {n} [UN-Subregion]
geogr. North AfricaNordafrika {n}
geogr. Northwest AfricaNordwestafrika {n}
geogr. South Africa <.za>Südafrika {n}
geogr. Southern Africasüdliches Afrika {n}
geogr. West AfricaWestafrika {n}
geogr. western AfricaWestafrika {n}
geogr. hist. White AfricaWeißafrika {n}
3 Words: Nouns
sports All-Africa gamesPanafrikanische Spiele {pl}
ling. English-speaking Africaanglophones Afrika {n}
geogr. hist. French Equatorial AfricaFranzösisch-Äquatorialafrika {n}
geogr. hist. French West AfricaFranzösisch-Westafrika {n}
ling. French-speaking Africafrankophones Afrika {n}
mil. German Africa CorpsDeutsches Afrikakorps {n} <DAK>
geogr. hist. German East AfricaDeutsch-Ostafrika {n}
geogr. Horn of AfricaHorn {n} von Afrika
geogr. hist. Italian East AfricaItalienisch-Ostafrika {n}
hist. Partition of AfricaAufteilung {f} Afrikas
hist. Scramble for AfricaBalgerei {f} um Afrika
hist. Scramble for AfricaWettlauf {m} um Afrika
geogr. hist. South West Africa [now Namibia]Südwestafrika {n} [heute Namibia]
geogr. South-East AfricaSüdostafrika {n}
geogr. hist. pol. sub-Saharan AfricaSchwarzafrika {n} [veraltend]
geogr. sub-Saharan AfricaSubsahara-Afrika {n}
geogr. sub-Saharan Africasubsaharisches Afrika {n}
geogr. sub-Saharan AfricaAfrika {n} südlich der Sahara
travel trip to AfricaAfrikareise {f}
hist. Year of Africa [1960]Afrikanisches Jahr {n} [auch: Afrika-Jahr]
4 Words: Nouns
acad. "Out of Africa" theoryOut-of-Africa-Theorie {f}
sports Africa Cup of NationsFußball-Afrikameisterschaft {f}
hist. British South Africa Company <BSAC, BSACo>Britische Südafrika-Gesellschaft {f}
hist. German East Africa CompanyDeutsch-Ostafrikanische Gesellschaft {f} <DOAG, D.O.A.G.>
geogr. hist. German South-West AfricaDeutsch-Südwestafrika {n}
geogr. Middle East and Africa <MEA>Mittlerer Osten und Afrika
geogr. Republic of South Africa <RSA> <.za>Republik {f} Südafrika <RSA>
mil. United States Africa Command <AFRICOM>Afrikanisches Kommando {n} der Vereinigten Staaten
5+ Words: Others
mil. He had a 3-year tour of duty in Africa.Er wurde für drei Jahre nach Afrika versetzt.
5+ Words: Verbs
to stretch right / all the way across Africasich einmal quer durch Afrika ziehen
5+ Words: Nouns
sports Africa / African Cup of Nations <CAN, AFCON>Afrika-Cup {m} [Fußball-Afrikameisterschaft]
sports Africa / African Cup of Nations <CAN, AFCON>Fußball-Afrikameisterschaft {f}
geogr. Africa, Caribbean and Pacific region <ACP>Afrika, Karibik und pazifischer Raum <AKP>
hist. relig. German East Africa Missionary SocietyDeutsch-Ostafrikanische Missionsgesellschaft {f}
hist. pol. Great Lake Kingdoms of AfricaKönigreiche {pl} der Afrikanischen Großen Seen [auch: Interlakustrine Königreiche]
geogr. Guinean forests (of West Africa)guineische Wälder {pl} (Westafrikas)
hist. pol. South-West Africa People's Organisation <SWAPO>SWAPO {f} [Südwestafrikanische Volksorganisation]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F A Good Man in Africa [Bruce Beresford]A Good Man in Africa [Fernsehtitel: Der letzte Held von Afrika]
film F Africa Express [Michele Lupo]Africa Express
lit. F Africa Passage [Anne Perry]Die Tote im Buckingham Palace
lit. F Five Weeks in a Balloon (or, Journeys and Discoveries in Africa by Three Englishmen) [Jules Verne]Fünf Wochen im Ballon
lit. F Green Hills of Africa [Ernest Hemingway]Die grünen Hügel Afrikas
film F Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa [Eric Darnell, Tom McGrath]Madagascar 2
film lit. F Out of Africa [novel: Karen Blixen, film: Sydney Pollack]Jenseits von Afrika
film F Shaft in Africa [John Guillermin]Shaft in Afrika
film F The Flying Doctors of East AfricaDie Fliegenden Ärzte von Ostafrika [Werner Herzog]
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A 2017-07-06: Maybe in Ghana or Africa it's very well possible to say "I have a burning"...
A 2017-07-06: In all likelihood it ought to read +misdeeds and misfortunes+ unless Afric...
Q 2015-10-26: Is Europe excluding Russia falling behind Brazil, India, Indonesia or Sout...
A 2013-05-14: something like "Country Garden Living" in Africa / on African terms (emula...
A 2011-07-27: South Africa
Q 2011-03-08: workplace forum (South Africa)
Q 2010-12-04: Portuguese Africa
Q 2010-10-09: Bavarian Democracy in Africa
A 2010-06-22: @Catesse: Still, if you fancy a good laugh you should watch the match Fran...
Q 2010-06-19: South Africa
A 2009-12-16: They should be capitalised if they are part of a place name, eg: South Africa,
Q 2009-09-03: Every suite represents...."Home from home in Africa".
A 2009-08-12: ps, i like that "continent-sized nation" bit, though. echoes of sarah pali...
Q 2009-07-05: IVP - How Africa Shaped the Christian Mind
A 2009-03-12: maybe some clever businessman wants to exploit superstitions in Africa and...
A 2009-02-15: South Africa
A 2009-02-06: "To solve the problem salesmen traveled to Africa with big ships,..."
Q 2008-11-28: A few countries are regimes but democray continues to spread all over Africa.
Q 2008-11-14: To welcom German Paragliders to South Africa
A 2008-09-23: approximately, preserves the area relationship between Greenland and Africa.

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