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English-German translation for: Album
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Dictionary English German: Album

Translation 1 - 59 of 59


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NOUN   an album | albums
SYNO   album | record album
NOUN   das Album | die Alben
Album {n}
audio mus. album [coll.]
Platte {f} [ugs.] [Langspielplatte]
album [friendship book]
Stammbuch {n} [veraltend] [Poesiealbum, Gästebuch]
2 Words: Nouns
mus. album coverAlbumcover {n}
audio mus. album coverPlattenhülle {f}
art mus. album cover [record cover]Plattencover {n}
art mus. album cover [record cover]Schallplattencover {n}
mus. album titleAlbumtitel {m}
mus. album's titleAlbumtitel {m}
audio mus. Beatles albumBeatles-Album {n} [auch: Beatlesalbum]
mus. Christmas albumWeihnachtsalbum {n}
mus. Christmas albumWeihnachtsplatte {f}
coin albumMünzalbum {n}
collector's albumSammelalbum {n}
mus. compilation albumKompilation {f}
mus. concept albumKonzeptalbum {n}
mus. conceptual albumKonzeptalbum {n}
mus. debut albumDebütalbum {n}
mus. debut albumErstlingswerk {n} [Schallplatte, CD]
mus. double albumDoppelalbum {n}
family albumFamilienalbum {n}
mus. first albumDebütalbum {n}
mus. hit albumErfolgsalbum {n}
mus. live albumLivealbum {n}
mus. music albumMusikalbum {n}
photo. photo albumFotoalbum {n}
photo. photograph albumFotoalbum {n}
photo. photographic albumPhotoalbum {n}
picture albumBilderalbum {n}
mus. platinum albumPlatin-Album {n} [auch: Platinalbum]
mus. pop albumPopalbum {n}
mus. record albumPlattenalbum {n}
mus. record albumSchallplattenalbum {n}
mus. solo albumSoloalbum {n}
mus. sophomore album [esp. Am.] [second album]Zweitalbum {n}
philat. stamp albumBriefmarkenalbum {n}
philat. stamp albumMarkenalbum {n} [ugs. für: Briefmarkenalbum]
philat. stamp album [scrapbook, collector's album]Briefmarkensammelalbum {n}
sticker albumSammelalbum {n}
sticker albumStickeralbum {n}
admin. educ. student albumStudentenalbum {n} [veraltet]
mus. studio albumStudioalbum {n}
mus. successful albumErfolgsalbum {n}
mus. tribute albumGedächtnisalbum {n}
mus. tribute albumGedächtnis-Album {n}
visitors' albumGästealbum {n}
wedding albumHochzeitsalbum {n}
3 Words: Others
mus. Adult Album Alternative <AAA, Triple-A>[US-amerikanisches erwachsenenorientiertes Formatradio]
3 Words: Nouns
mus. Album Oriented Rock <AOR>Album Oriented Rock {m} <AOR> [Hörfunkformat]
art mus. favorite album cover [Am.] [favorite record cover]Lieblingsplattencover {n} [auch: Lieblings-Plattencover]
art mus. favourite album cover [Br.] [favourite record cover]Lieblingsplattencover {n} [auch: Lieblings-Plattencover]
mus. follow-up albumNachfolgealbum {n}
4 Words: Nouns
mus. album with children's songsKinderliederalbum {n}
photo. slip-in (photo) albumEinsteckalbum {n}
philat. slip-in stamp albumBriefmarken-Einsteckalbum {n} [auch: Briefmarkeneinsteckalbum]
5+ Words: Verbs
to take / lift from an albumauskoppeln [Titel von einem Album]
5+ Words: Nouns
mus. single from the (new) albumSingleauskopplung {f}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
mus. F Album LeavesAlbumblätter [R. Schumann; auch: E. Grieg u. a.]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
entom. T
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A 2023-04-28: Da gibt's ein Album der Sex Pistols mit diesem Ausdruck als Titel
A 2020-11-14: Konserve = Konservenmusik = konservierte Musik (hier: das neue CD-Album)
A 2019-03-22: https://open.spotify.com/album/3OR6IwOTgQIXL5vTTREVWE?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI1q...
A 2017-10-28: coin album
A 2016-05-10: Do you mean that an album is on a shortlist for an award?
A 2013-05-23: Die Band macht am Samstag Tonaufnahmen für ihr zweites Album.
A 2012-09-08: "This is the night" from Lacrimosa's album "Revolution "
A 2012-09-07: 11th studio album
A 2012-08-21: How are you getting ahead with working on the album?
Q 2012-08-21: "Wie geht es mit den Arbeiten am Album voran?"
A 2012-01-20: Or they just like playing with words - another album was called +Leftoverture.+
A 2011-05-26: Please post more specifically (the (Internet) source of the lyrics, the ar...
A 2011-05-09: Ihr Album wurde bei mehr als 2 Millionen verkauften Tonträgern mit Platin ...
A 2011-04-26: photo album / gallery - weil +picture+ ja auch gezeichnet oder gemalt sein kann
A 2010-01-21: http://www.romancescam.com/album/displayimage.php?album=2280&pos=1
A 2009-10-17: Noch eine Idee: 1. ALBUM (?)
A 2009-07-19: The song was originally recorded for the "Murder Ballads" album,
A 2009-07-07: Familienstammbuch > family register, family album
A 2009-04-26: Album
A 2009-04-24: I will search for this album right now

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