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English-German translation for: Ale
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Dictionary English German: Ale

Translation 1 - 33 of 33


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NOUN1   an ale | ales
NOUN2   ale | -
NOUN   das Ale | - [Flüssigkeit]/die Ales [Sorten; Portionen]
brew ale
Bier {n} [Ale]
brew ale
Ale {n}
brew ale [Am.] [beer brewed by top fermentation]obergäriges Bier {n}
2 Words: Nouns
idiom Adam's ale [dated] [hum.] [water]Gänsewein {m} [ugs.] [hum.]
ale houseBierhaus {n}
gastr. ale houseBierstube {f}
gastr. ale post [also: alepost] [dated] [post displaying a pub sign]Wirtshausschild {n} [Aushängeschild]
brew ale yeastBierhefe {f}
furn. ale-benchBierbank {f}
furn. ale-bench [set of one table and two benches]Biertischgarnitur {f}
ale-houseBierhaus {n}
ale-houseWirtshaus {n}
brew gastr. bottled aleFlaschenbier {n}
brew brown aledunkles Bier {n}
hist. relig. church ale[Umtrunk in der Kirche für eine Kollekte]
brew gastr. draught ale [Br.]Fassbier {n}
brew foaming aleschäumendes Bier {n}
gastr. ginger aleGingerale {n}
gastr. ginger aleIngwerlimonade {f}
gastr. ginger aleGinger-Ale {n}
gastr. light aleleichtes Bier {n}
gastr. Unverified mild ale [Br.][leichtes dunkles Bier]
brew pale alehelles Bier {n}
gastr. stout aleStarkbier {n}
brew strong ale [beer with a high (11-14%) original wort]Vollbier {n}
3 Words: Nouns
gastr. jobs ale-house keeperGastwirt {m}
gastr. English pale aleenglisches helles Bier {n}
brew India pale ale <IPA>India Pale Ale {n}
gastr. mug of ale [light, top-fermented beer]Krug {m} Bier [helles, obergäriges Bier]
yard of ale [yard glass]Yard {n} [Yard-of-Ale] [Trinkgefäß]
4 Words: Nouns
brew Campaign for Real Ale <CAMRA> [Br.][Britische Organisation zur Erhaltung der traditionellen Bierbraumethoden]
bot. ivy-leaved ale-hoofEfeublättrige Gundelrebe {f}
5+ Words: Nouns
brew a glass of light ale [Br.]ein kühles Blondes {n} [ugs.]
» See 8 more translations for Ale within comments
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A 2023-04-28: Even +Stammtisch+ and +ale-house+ are no match
A 2020-03-27: Es fehlt nichts. Ein Meister steht hoeher ale ein Vorarbeiter.
A 2019-09-01: Ich glaube, Proteus hat Dir "real ale" vorgeschlagen (s. sein Wiki-Link).
A 2019-08-31: Looks like +real ale+ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cask_ale#Real_ale htt...
A 2011-02-10: beer / ale do not necessarily contain alcohol; see "ginger ale"
A 2011-02-10: But it's not a beer/ale, it's more of a herbal tonic.
A 2011-02-10: Yes, herbal ale is nice, I must be searching the wrong thing in google! Thanks!
A 2010-08-12: weil dass ein Vorum isst, dass fur ale ofen isst!
A 2008-01-02: port ale http://www.cascobaybrewing.com/beers/cbb_beers.html

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