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English-German translation for: Allowing
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Dictionary English German: Allowing

Translation 1 - 7 of 7

English German
VERB  to allow | allowed | allowed ... 
allowing {adj} {pres-p}
allowing {adj} {pres-p}
allowing {adj}
allowing forberücksichtigend
allowing forunter Berücksichtigung
time allowing {adv}wenn / sofern es die Zeit erlaubt
allowing for negotiationZulassung {f} der Negoziierung
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A 2021-06-01: In your sense, +allowing for mistakes / learning from mistakes+
A 2019-01-27: wilddurchgängiger Zaun > fence allowing game / wildlife to pass
A 2014-12-29: du könntest schreiben: allowing thousands of bed bugs to snack on them
A 2013-12-28: Senkrechte Schärfe ? (allowing for old spellings)
A 2012-06-11: More likely, allowing oneself the pleasure to spend money frivolously.
A 2012-04-24: +gestalten > design allowing for?+ Cannot see much point in employing the ...
A 2012-04-24: Abänderung: to design allowing for smooth horizontal movements
A 2012-04-18: I think they mean "pack for the airline allowing the least number or weigh...
A 2010-04-29: a four wheeled bin, tiltable for/allowing easy access / loading
A 2009-08-12: The management is to be informend in time, allowing thorough preparations.
A 2009-07-12: delegation of duties and responsibilities, allowing for appropriate and in...
A 2009-06-29: In political terms, this means allowing pressure on the individual to incr...
A 2009-01-11: i'd say Kennzeichen are deliberately *added* marks with the (sole) purpose...
A 2008-08-16: Word-for-word (allowing for word order)
Q 2008-05-27: Even allowing for [planning] refusals
A 2008-05-26: allowing for report overloads? ... for peak-time use?
A 2007-05-25: while allowing sufficient air circulation for the warehouse to "breathe"
A 2007-04-25: allowing for later extensions
A 2007-03-28: Thank you for allowing me to ...
A 2006-07-14: Allowing for the lapse of personal use claims after notice based on person...

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• allowing
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Allow me
Allow me.
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