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English-German translation for: Ambitious
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Dictionary English German: Ambitious

Translation 1 - 59 of 59

English German
ADJ   ambitious | more ambitious | most ambitious
SYNO   ambitious | challenging
ambitious {adj}
ambitious {adj} [target, project, etc.]
anspruchsvoll [Ziel, Projekt etc.]
ambitious {adj}
ambitioniert [geh.]
ambitious {adj}
ambitious {adj} [project]
ambitious {adj}
ambitious {adj}
ambitious {adj}
ambitious {adj}
ambitious {adj}
ambitious {adj}
ambitiös [geh.] [meist pej.]
ambitious {adj} [aims]
hochgesteckt [Ziele]
ambitious {adj}hoch gesteckt [fig.]
ambitious {adj}weit gesteckt
2 Words: Others
ambitious ofeifrig bedacht auf
more ambitious {adj}ehrgeiziger
most ambitious {adj}ambitionierteste
most ambitious {adj}ehrgeizigste
over-ambitious {adj}überaus ehrgeizig
overly ambitious {adj}übertrieben ehrgeizig
2 Words: Verbs
to be ambitioushoch hinauswollen [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
ambitious aimehrgeiziges Ziel {n}
ambitious aimshochgesteckte Ziele {pl}
ambitious attemptehrgeiziger Versuch {m}
ambitious boyehrgeiziger Junge {m}
ambitious businessmanehrgeiziger Geschäftsmann {m}
sports ambitious coachehrgeiziger Trainer {m}
ambitious dreamehrgeiziger Traum {m}
ambitious effortehrgeizige Anstrengung {f}
ambitious enterpriseehrgeiziges Unternehmen {n}
ambitious enterprisehochstrebendes Unternehmen {n}
ambitious exhibitionanspruchsvolle Ausstellung {f}
ambitious expectationsehrgeizige Erwartungen {pl}
ambitious goalehrgeiziges Ziel {n}
ambitious goalsambitionierte Ziele {pl}
ambitious goalsehrgeizige Ziele {pl}
ambitious manehrgeiziger Mann {m}
ambitious personehrgeizige Person {f}
ambitious personstrebsame Person {f}
ambitious planehrgeiziger Plan {m}
ambitious planshochfliegende Pläne {pl}
ambitious planshochstrebende Pläne {pl}
ambitious postulatesehrgeizige Postulate {pl}
ambitious programme [Br.]ehrgeiziges Programm {n}
ambitious projectehrgeiziges Projekt {n}
ambitious pursuitsehrgeiziges Vorgehen {n}
ambitious schemeehrgeiziges Vorhaben {n}
ambitious strategyehrgeizige Strategie {f}
ambitious targetehrgeiziges Ziel {n}
ambitious ventureehrgeiziges Wagnis {n}
3 Words: Others
ambitious for power {adj}machtgierig
guarded but ambitiouszurückhaltend, doch ehrgeizig
3 Words: Nouns
ambitious European touranspruchsvolle Europa-Tour {f}
ambitious peace planweitgesteckter Friedensplan {m}
ambitious young manehrgeiziger junger Mann {m}
more ambitious clubsanspruchsvollere Clubs {pl}
most ambitious schemeehrgeizigster Plan {m}
4 Words: Others
ambitious in his activities {adj}ehrgeizig in seinen Aktivitäten
Now he gets ambitious.Jetzt wird der Kerl auf einmal ehrgeizig. [ugs.]
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A 2009-06-29: For the ambitious +satisfactory+ may not be very +satisfying+ ...
A 2009-06-03: ambitious; became very interested in other cultures; Management;
A 2009-05-07: Highly functional materials, special tailoring and technically ambitious w...
A 2007-12-29: linguistically demanding < for the reader; linguistically ambitious < for ...
A 2007-11-29: an artistically valuable/ambitious event
A 2007-08-30: Notably, this ambitious growth ... accompa_n_i_ed by ... results by 42.7% ...
A 2007-08-21: ambitious articles and essays ?
A 2007-03-21: Klingt mir nicht richtig. Vielleicht 'ambitious'? Kommt wie immer auf de...
A 2006-10-24: Ambitious plans were made to extend the local financial centre.
A 2006-01-03: binding aspirations create a common tie; hohe Ansprüche stellen > to be ra...
A 2004-04-26: I agree with rkbca's suggestion - overly ambitious. Excessively motived w...
A 2004-04-26: overly ambitious objectives (?) are a thing of the past

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ambitious effort
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ambitious European tour

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