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English-German translation for: American Board
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Dictionary English German: American Board

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Partial Matches
film F American Wedding [US title] [Jesse Dylan]American PieJetzt wird geheiratet
film F American Ninja 2: The Confrontation [Sam Firstenberg]American Fighter IIDer Auftrag
film F American Ninja [Sam Firstenberg]American Fighter
film F American Ninja 3: Blood Hunt [Cedric Sundstrom]American Fighter 3 – Die Blutige Jagd
film F American Pie Presents: Beta House [Andrew Waller]American Pie präsentiert: Die College-Clique
film F American Pie: The Wedding [UK title] [Jesse Dylan]American PieJetzt wird geheiratet
sports all-American {adj} [also called all-America] [selected top athlete]all-American [Spitzensportler]
film F American Buffalo [Michael Corrente]American BuffaloDas Glück liegt auf der Straße
film F American Ninja 4: The Annihilation [Cedric Sundstrom]American Fighter 4 – Die Vernichtung
film F Confessions of an American Girl [USA video title] [Jordan Brady]American Girl
film F American Girl / Confessions of an American Girl [Jordan Brady]American Girl
film lit. F American Psycho [novel: Bret Easton Ellis; film: Mary Harron]American Psycho
film F American Soldiers [Sidney J. Furie]American SoldiersEin Tag im Irak
film F American Pie [Paul Weitz]American Pie - Wie ein heißer Apfelkuchen
bot. T
comm. on board / on-board bill of lading <on board B/L>Bordkonnossement {n}
film F American Dreamz [Paul Weitz]American DreamzAlles nur Show
film F American Heart [Martin Bell]American HeartDie zweite Chance
film F American Splendor [Robert Pulcini, Shari Springer Berman]American Splendor
film F An American Werewolf in London [John Landis]American Werewolf
sports all-American (athlete)All-American {m} [Ehrentitel eines Sportlers]
film F American Psycho II: All American Girl [Morgan J. Freeman]American Psycho II: Der Horror geht weiter
dance American Waltz / Boston WaltzAmerican Waltz {m} [Turniertanz]
esot. vision boardVision-Board {n} [auch: Visionboard]
comp. on-board solutionOn-Board-Lösung {f}
unit board foot <FBM, BF, BDFT> [Am.] [Can.]Board Foot {n} <FBM, BF, BDFT> [Volumeneinheit von Laubschnittholz in den USA und Kanada]
hist. mil. American Expeditionary Forces <AEF> [U.S. armed forces in Europe during WW I]American Expeditionary Force <AEF> [US Expeditionskorps in Europa während des 1. WK]
film F American Beauty [Sam Mendes]American Beauty
RadioTV F American Dragon: Jake LongAmerican Dragon
film F American Gangster [Ridley Scott]American Gangster
film F American Girl [Jordan Brady]American Girl
film F American Graffiti [George Lucas]American Graffiti
film F American Gun [Aric Avelino]American Gun
film F American Outlaws [Les Mayfield]American Outlaws
film F American Shaolin [Lucas Lowe]American Shaolin
film F American Sniper [Clint Eastwood]American Sniper
acc. fin. Financial Accounting Standards Board <FASB>Financial Accounting Standards Board {m} {n} [US-amerikanischer Rechnungslegungsstandardsetzer]
film F An American Crime [Tommy O'Haver]An American Crime
sounding board [fig.]Sounding Board {n} [fig.] [qualitative Meinungsbefragung]
automot. on-board diagnostics <OBD>On-Board-Diagnose {f} <OBD>
econ. QM change control board <CCB>Change Control Board {n} <CCB> [Steuerungsgremium für Änderungen]
relig. New American Standard Bible <NASB>New American Standard Bible {f} <NASB> [Übersetzung der Bibel in die englische Sprache]
film F American History X [Tony Kaye]American History X
film F An American Rhapsody [Éva Gárdos]An American Rhapsody
film F An American Werewolf in Paris [Anthony Waller]American Werewolf in Paris
mus. American gripAmerican Grip {m} [Schlagzeugstock]
zool. T
med. pharm. Institutional Review Board <IRB>Institutional Review Board {n} <IRB> [institutionelle Prüfungskommission]
comp. electr. chip-on-board technology <COB>Chip-on-Board-Technologie {f} <COB>
automot. on-board diagnosis system <OBD system>On-Board-Diagnose-System {n} <OBD-System>
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American Beauty
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