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English-German translation for: Analysis
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Dictionary English German: Analysis

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NOUN   an analysis | analyses
SYNO   analysis | analytic thinking ... 
NOUN   die Analysis | -
Analyse {f}
Auswertung {f}
Untersuchung {f}
math. calculus
Analysis {f}
Prüfung {f}
analysis [of a text, image, etc.]
Erschließung {f} [Analyse eines Textes, eines Bildes usw.]
math. analysis
Analysis {f}
Auseinandersetzung {f} [kritisches Befassen]
Zerlegung {f}
analysisAufgliederung {f} [Analyse]
analysisZergliederung {f}
analysiskritische Beurteilung {f}
2 Words: Nouns
3D analysis3D-Analyse {f}
econ. QM ABC analysisABC-Analyse {f} [Betriebswirtschaft]
acceptance analysisAkzeptanzanalyse {f}
tech. accident analysisStörfallanalyse {f}
accident analysisUnfallursachenanalyse {f}
accident analysisUnfallursachenforschung {f}
account analysisKontenanalyse {f}
account analysisKostenanalyse {f}
acc. accounting analysisRechnungswesen-Analyse {f}
activity analysisAktivitätsanalyse {f}
activity analysisProzessanalyse {f}
activity analysisTätigkeitsanalyse {f}
market. advertisement analysisAnzeigenanalyse {f}
market. advertisement analysisWerbeanalyse {f}
advertisement analysisWerbemittelanalyse {f}
advertising analysisWerbeanalyse {f}
stat. aggregate analysisAggregatanalyse {f}
stat. AID analysis [automatic interaction detector analysis]AID-Analyse {f}
air analysisLuftanalyse {f}
math. algorithm analysis <AA>Algorithmenanalyse {f}
econ. amortized analysis [Am.]amortisierte Laufzeitanalyse {f}
analysis approachAnalyseansatz {m}
analysis areaAnalysebereich {m}
analysis cardAnalysenkarte {f}
analysis center [Am.]Analysenzentrale {f}
analysis center [Am.]Analysezentrum {n}
analysis centre [Br.]Analysenzentrale {f}
analysis centre [Br.]Analysezentrum {n}
analysis conceptAnalysekonzept {n}
spec. analysis criteriaAnalysekriterien {pl}
analysis dataAnalysedaten {pl}
analysis departmentFinanzanalyseabteilung {f}
analysis departmentstatistische Abteilung {f}
analysis errorAnalysefehler {m}
analysis fileAnalysedatei {f}
analysis functionAnalysefunktion {f}
analysis functionAnalysenfunktion {f}
chem. analysis lab [coll.]Analyselabor {n}
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A 2021-10-24: The analysis of the historically concrete configuration of the modern stat...
A 2021-04-18: What about +(legal) case analysis template+ ?
A 2019-07-29: Ich würde in diesem Fall sagen: functional and system analysis
A 2018-11-17: "is-versus-should be" analysis von MichaelK gefällt mir gut
A 2017-03-28: disassociate from the static analysis
A 2017-01-16: analysis
A 2016-11-11: Agree with +curiosity's+ analysis
A 2016-10-31: Analysis
A 2016-01-19: https://www.google.co.uk/#q=%22sentiment+analysis%22+%22Gef%C3%BChlsanalyse%22
Q 2016-01-19: sentiment analysis
A 2016-01-15: examination, analysis
A 2015-12-11: Unter der Voraussetzung, dass es um web site traffic analysis geht
A 2015-11-18: Analysis
A 2015-11-18: Then again there is the difference between creative writing and literary a...
A 2015-11-17: Presumably there is no context. +hwm's+ analysis may be a pretext.
A 2015-06-02: Agree with your suggestion: effectiveness analysis
A 2015-06-02: efficiency analysis
A 2015-04-14: +panelists+ would only work if a panel were set up; +review panelists+ hav...
A 2015-04-14: film analysis (two words) - viewers / spectators
Q 2015-04-14: Film-Analysis

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analysis card
analysis center
analysis centre
analysis concept
analysis criteria
analysis data
analysis department

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