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English-German translation for: Andere
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Dictionary English German: Andere

Translation 1 - 50 of 344  >>

PRON   anderer/andrer | andere/andre | anderes/andres | andere/andre
SYNO   alternative | andere | sonstige ... 
another {adj}
other {adj}
others {pron}
different {adj}
2 Words: Others
everything else {pron}alles andere
another {adj} {pron}eine andere
anybody else {pron}jeder andere
anyone else {pron}jeder andere [nicht geschlechtsbezogen]
none other [female]keine andere
and othersund andere
et alii [and others; used for men or boys, or groups of mixed gender] <et al.>und andere
et aliae <et al.>und andere [nur Personen weiblichen Geschlechts] [auch: et al.]
et al.und andere <u. a.> [z. B. Personen]
a good many others {pron}viele andere
still otherswieder andere
2 Words: Verbs
to make a nuisance of oneselfandere belästigen
to run down other people [fig.]andere schlechtmachen
to run down other people [fig.] [disparage others]Andere schlechtmachen
to act as an agent for othersandere vertreten
2 Words: Nouns
different matterandere Angelegenheit {f}
separate occasionandere Angelegenheit {f}
alternative viewpointandere Ansicht {f}
different viewandere Ansicht {f}
different point of viewandere Ansicht {f}
law different interpretationandere Ansicht {f} <a. A.>
different sortandere Art {f}
law different interpretationandere Auffassung {f} <a. A.>
other selection criteriaandere Auswahlkriterien {pl}
synonymandere Bezeichnung {f}
other stock exchange centres [Br.]andere Börsenplätze {pl}
alternative explanationandere Erklärung {f}
fellow gang membersandere Gangmitglieder {pl} [derselben Gang]
other service characteristicsandere Gebrauchsbedingungen {pl}
traffic TrVocab. other dangers [road sign]andere Gefahren {pl} [Verkehrsschild]
different reasonsandere Gründe {pl}
different classandere Klasse {f}
different opinionandere Meinung {f}
alternativeandere Möglichkeit {f}
different organizationandere Organisation {f}
psych. alter-personalitiesandere Persönlichkeiten {pl}
alternate positionandere Position {f}
other sourcesandere Quellen {pl}
different realityandere Realität {f}
different matterandere Sache {f}
variant formandere Spielart {f}
alternative accommodationandere Unterkunft {f}
other holiday formsandere Urlaubsformen {pl}
the other partyandere Vertragspartei {f}
other advantagesandere Vorteile {pl}
alternativeandere Wahl {f}
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