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English-German translation for: Animal
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Dictionary English German: Animal

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NOUN   an animal | animals
SYNO   animal | carnal | fleshly | sensual ... 
animal {adj} [attr.]
animal {adj} [attr.] [e.g. companion, fat, instinct, plankton]
animal {adj} [not spiritual or intellectual]
animal {adj} [attr.] [fig.] [instinctive]
triebhaft [instinktiv]
animal {adj}
animal {adj} [attr.] [fear etc.]
animal {adj}tierhaft
agr. to bleed [an animal's carcass]
entbluten [nach dem Schlachten]
zool. animal [also: fig]
Tier {n} [auch: fig.]
animal [also fig.: brutal person]
Bestie {f}
2 Words: Others
acad. zool. animal experimental {adj}tierexperimentell
zool. animal welfare {adj} [attr.]tierethisch
animal-friendly {adj}tierfreundlich
animal-like {adj}animalisch
animal-like {adj}tierähnlich
animal-like {adj}tierisch
animal-loving {adj} [attr.]tierlieb
animal-loving {adj} [attr.]tierliebend
bot. animal-pollinated {adj} {past-p}tierbestäubt
animal-shaped {adj}in Tierform [nachgestellt]
animal-shaped {adj}in Tierformen [nachgestellt]
2 Words: Nouns
(animal) buggerySodomie {f} [Sex mit Tieren]
(animal) feed {sg}Futtermittel {pl}
agr. (animal) feedingstuffFuttermittel {n}
agr. (animal) feedstuffFuttermittel {n}
agr. (animal) husbandryViehzucht {f}
(animal) pit [enclosure in which animals are kept]Tiergrube {f} [Hirschgraben, Bärenzwinger usw.]
zool. (animal) sanctuarySchutzzentrum {n}
(animal) sanctuaryTierasyl {n}
(animal) sanctuaryTierheim {n}
jobs (animal) tamerDompteur {m}
(animal) tamerTierbändiger {m} [veraltend]
jobs (animal) tamer [female]Dompteurin {f}
(animal) tamer [female]Tierbändigerin {f}
(animal) tamer [female] [tamer of wild animals]Bezähmerin {f} [Bändigerin]
jobs (animal) trainerDompteur {m}
jobs (animal) trainer [female]Dompteuse {f}
zool. adult (animal)Alttier {n}
biol. adult animalAdulttier {n}
law animal abandonmentAussetzen {n} von Tieren
law animal abuseTiermisshandlung {f}
animal abuseTierquälerei {f}
animal abuserTierquäler {m}
animal abuserTierschänder {m}
animal abuser [female]Tierquälerin {f}
film zool. animal actorFilmtier {n}
agr. animal agriculturelandwirtschaftliche Tierhaltung {f}
VetMed. zool. animal anatomyTieranatomie {f}
VetMed. zool. animal anatomy [zootomy]Zootomie {f} [Anatomie der Tiere]
animal appetitesinnlicher Appetit {m}
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A 2022-12-14: An animal of the subfamily Bovinae, especially one of the genus Bos.
Q 2022-05-06: to breed something into (an animal)
A 2019-02-20: vollwert Ernährung ??? denn man kann ja, wenn man möchte " processed fo...
A 2017-07-08: ~ of a sound condition (def. 1.1 A person's or animal's state of health or...
A 2016-06-28: The "Kuschelpuschel" is kind of fantasy animal inveted by me
A 2016-01-12: With working animal, I was thinking more of other animals, rather than jus...
Q 2016-01-10: (Animal) It prefers grassland.
Q 2016-01-09: (Animal) It prefers the savanna?
A 2015-04-29: Thanks - I think I go with the drill - forget about the animal connotation!
A 2015-04-22: Oddly, Google wants to know which animal I am. Haven't they sussed this out yet?
Q 2015-04-07: animal protection group
A 2015-01-17: animal health science(s)
A 2013-08-08: I like the fact that it keeps the animal theme :-))
A 2013-07-30: Proteus is right. It's "animal lust"
A 2013-07-29: animal lust / (sometimes) lusting
A 2013-06-27: I'd leave the animal comment out. It's not needed and sounds brutish.
Q 2013-06-27: considered a vegetable, not even an animal
A 2013-06-22: Depends on the animal, I suppose.
A 2013-06-01: Seals (not the animal)?
A 2013-01-21: to put sth. down [animal] etw. notschlachten

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