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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: Apt Pupil [novella Stephen King; film Bryan Singer]
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Dictionary English German: Apt Pupil [novella Stephen King; film Bryan Singer]

Translation 1 - 50 of 1043  >>

film lit. F Apt Pupil [novella: Stephen King; film: Bryan Singer]Der Musterschüler
Partial Matches
lit. F Summer of Corruption: Apt Pupil [Stephen King]Sommergewitter: Der Musterschüler
film lit. F Dolores Claiborne [novel: Stephen King, film: Taylor Hackford]Dolores
film lit. F Pet Sematary [novel: Stephen King, film: Mary Lambert]Friedhof der Kuscheltiere
film lit. F Needful Things [novel: Stephen King, film: Fraser Clarke Heston]In einer kleinen Stadt
film lit. F The Dark Half [novel: Stephen King, film: George A. Romero]Stark - The Dark Half
film lit. F Sometimes They Come Back [short story: Stephen King, film: Tom McLoughlin]Manchmal kommen sie wieder
film F Valkyrie [Bryan Singer]Operation WalküreDas Stauffenberg Attentat
film F The Usual Suspects [Bryan Singer]Die üblichen Verdächtigen
film F Jack the Giant Slayer [Bryan Singer]Jack and the Giants
film F X-Men: Days of Future Past [Bryan Singer]X-Men: Zukunft ist Vergangenheit
lit. F Sleeping Beauties [Stephen King, Owen King]Sleeping Beauties
film lit. F Burning Secret [film: Robert Siodmak; novella: Stefan Zweig]Brennendes Geheimnis [Stefan Zweig]
film lit. F The Curious Case of Benjamin Button [novella: F. Scott Fitzgerald, film: David Fincher]Der seltsame Fall des Benjamin Button
film lit. F The L-Shaped Room [novel: Lynne Reid Banks, film: Bryan Forbes]Das indiskrete Zimmer
lit. F 1408 [Stephen King]1408
lit. F Battleground [Stephen King]Schlachtfeld
lit. F Beachworld [Stephen King]Der Dünenplanet
lit. F Carrie [Stephen King]Carrie
lit. F Cell [Stephen King]Puls
lit. F Christine [Stephen King]Christine
lit. F Cujo [Stephen King]Cujo
lit. F Dedication [Stephen King]Zueignung
lit. F Desperation [Stephen King]Desperation
lit. F Dreamcatcher [Stephen King]Duddits
lit. F Firestarter [Stephen King]Feuerkind
lit. F Gramma [Stephen King]Omi
lit. F Insomnia [Stephen King]Schlaflos
lit. F It [Stephen King]Es
lit. F Later [Stephen King]Später
lit. F Misery [Stephen King]Sie
lit. F Nona [Stephen King]Nona
lit. F Popsy [Stephen King]Popsy
lit. F Sneakers [Stephen King]Turnschuhe
lit. F Trucks [Stephen King]Lastwagen
lit. F Chattery Teeth [Stephen King]Klapperzähne
lit. F Crouch End [Stephen King]Crouch End
lit. F Danse Macabre [Stephen King]Danse Macabre
lit. F Different Seasons [Stephen King]Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod
lit. F Duma Key [Stephen King]Wahn
lit. F For Owen [Stephen King]Für Owen
lit. F Graveyard Shift [Stephen King]Spätschicht
lit. F Gray Matter [Stephen King]Graue Masse
lit. F Head Down [Stephen King]Kopf runter
lit. F Home Delivery [Stephen King]Hausentbindung
lit. F Luckey Quarter [Stephen King]Der Glüggsbringer
film F Maximum Overdrive [Stephen King]Rhea M – Es begann ohne Warnung
lit. F Mile 81 [Stephen King]Raststätte Mile 81
lit. F Night Shift [Stephen King]Nachtschicht
lit. F Night Surf [Stephen King]Nächtliche Brandung
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