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English-German translation for: Archaic
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Dictionary English German: Archaic

Translation 1 - 23 of 23

English German
ADJ   archaic | more archaic | most archaic
SYNO   archaic | primitive | antediluvian ... 
ling. archaic {adj} [no longer in general use, but still found in some contemporary texts (e.g. the Bible) and generally understood; a stronger term than »dated«, but not as strong as »obsolete«]
archaic {adj}
archaic {adj} [old-fashioned]
archaic {adj}
archaic {adj} [ancient]
vorsintflutlich [pej.] [oder hum.]
archaic {adj}aus sehr früher Zeit (stammend)
2 Words
becoming archaicaltertümelnd
art hist. early archaic {adj}früharchaisch
archaeo. art hist. late archaic {adj}spätarchaisch
semi-archaic {adj}halbarchaisch
archaeo. archaic culturearkaische Kultur {f} [veraltet] [archaische Kultur]
ling. archaic Englishveraltetes Englisch {n}
ling. archaic expressionveralteter Ausdruck {m}
geogr. hist. Archaic Greecegriechische Archaik {f}
art archaic smilearchaisches Lächeln {n}
archaic stylearchaischer Stil {m}
archaic styleveralteter Stil {m}
archaic termveralteter Begriff {m}
archaic thinkingarchaisches Denken {n}
ling. archaic wordveraltetes Wort {n}
5+ Words
My car is getting rather archaic.Mein Auto wird allmählich museumsreif.
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
entom. T
Urfalter {pl}
entom. T
Urmotten {pl}
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A 2024-11-09: take note: archaic
A 2023-11-25: accession of emotion [archaic or literary] [fit of emotion] = Gefühlsanwan...
A 2021-11-06: [archaic spv.] court house, court-house
A 2021-09-21: M-W von 1913, also i. d. R. Begriffe, die dict als "archaic oder obs." ke...
A 2021-01-18: https://www.lexico.com/definition/archaism https://www.lexico.com/definit...
A 2019-07-09: [archaic], see http://www.websters1913.com/words/Gazingstock
A 2018-11-08: Archaic usage / LINK
A 2018-03-17: rare and archaic
Q 2018-03-11: archaic?
A 2018-01-12: Rare/Archaic?
Q 2017-09-27: Can I use 'bonify' here? I need it archaic. Thanks!
Q 2017-09-27: Can I use 'hymeneal' here? The text shall sound rather archaic.
Q 2017-02-03: Archaic in [Br.], not so in [Am.] und umgekehrt
A 2016-08-01: Brother-german is archaic - http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/e...
A 2015-12-01: Dankdankdanke! bathing drawers [archaic] - Badehose
A 2015-10-02: scrubwoman (warum nicht einfach nur [archaic] , auch wenn es event. nur da...
A 2015-10-02: Some people love using archaic words for the sake of irony. Among them, +c...
A 2015-09-13: archaic EN spellings
A 2015-09-13: Why not enter +libertie+ (archaic / obsolete spelling of) > +liberty+ ?
A 2015-03-24: Suggestion: welcher / welche / welches (der / von beiden) > whether (of th...

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