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English-German translation for: Attending
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Dictionary English German: Attending

Translation 1 - 14 of 14

English German
NOUN   attending | attendings
VERB  to attend | attended | attended ... 
SYNO   attendance | attending | attending ... 
attending {adj} {pres-p}
attending [school, etc.]
Besuch {m} [Schule usw.]
jobs med. attending
Oberarzt {m}
2 Words
attending illsBegleiterscheinungen {pl}
jobs med. attending physicianBegleitarzt {m}
jobs med. attending physicianbehandelnder Arzt {m}
jobs med. attending physicianbetreuender Arzt {m}
jobs med. attending physician [female]betreuende Ärztin {f}
educ. attending schoolSchulbesuch {m}
numbers attendingAnzahl {f} der Anwesenden
3 Words
all those attendingalle Teilnehmer {pl}
interest in attendingTeilnahmeinteresse {n}
prerequisites for attendingTeilnahmevoraussetzungen {pl}
5+ Words
My health forbids my attending the meeting. [archaic]Meine Gesundheit erlaubt es nicht, dass ich an dem Treffen teilnehme.
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A 2022-04-13: möglicherweise: attending to / the volonteers
A 2016-09-16: all departments having sent delegates, all departments with delegates attending
A 2013-07-25: Verhinderung .... - yes, probably "in the case of absence" ..... not a...
Q 2013-02-27: attending
A 2012-08-25: I have been attending the school for a year.
A 2011-03-27: In AE, "dropping a class" means to officially stop attending (as opposed t...
Q 2010-09-06: attending graduation
A 2010-03-23: is this about attending many conferences or about meeting with many people...
A 2010-01-03: If you are interested in attending one of our painting courses in our stud...
A 2009-06-05: In addition to this, by not attending the ??, we would have given our clie...
A 2009-05-21: attending a course about history, politics and everyday world in their hom...
A 2009-04-23: Yes but we are talking about attending graduate school not graduation
A 2008-12-12: displays a real talent for attending ....
A 2008-07-08: ? the celebrated (alumni) .... has to pay for the wine ... the attending s...
A 2007-08-09: @Allan: you actually could convince yourself of that again by attending
A 2007-07-17: to leave school or an educational programme prematurely, to stop attending...
A 2006-07-26: By now, several international leather-goods manufacturers have firmly conf...
A 2006-05-30: Ist 'attending doctor'
A 2006-05-30: attending doctor
Q 2005-09-23: attending physician

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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