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English-German translation for: Avoid:
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Dictionary English German: Avoid

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VERB  to avoid | avoided | avoided ... 
SYNO   to avoid | to keep off | to annul ... 
to avoid
to avoid
to avoid
to avoid
to avoid sth.
etw. umgehen [vermeiden]
to avoid sth.
etw.Akk. vermeiden
to avoid sb.
jdn. meiden
to avoid
unterlaufen [vermeiden]
to avoid sth.
etw. meiden
to avoid
umschiffen [fig.]
to avoidsich enthalten
to avoid sb.jdm. aus dem Weg gehen
to avoid sb.jdm. aus dem Wege gehen
to avoid sb./sth.jdm./etw. aus dem Wege gehen
to avoid sth.um etw. herumkommen [ugs.] [vermeiden können]
to avoid sth. [e.g. sun]sich von etw.Dat. fernhalten
2 Words: Others
sb./sth. would avoidjd./etw. miede
2 Words: Verbs
to avoid answeringdie / eine Antwort umgehen
to avoid arrestsich der Verhaftung entziehen
to avoid arrestder Verhaftung aus dem Weg gehen
to avoid bankruptcyKonkurs abwenden
to avoid confusionVerwirrung vermeiden
to avoid dangerGefahr meiden
to avoid dangerGefahr umgehen
to avoid dangerdas Risiko meiden
to avoid dangersGefahren vermeiden
to avoid dangersRisiken meiden
to avoid difficultiesSchwierigkeiten meiden
to avoid excessÜbermaß vermeiden
to avoid excessesAusschweifungen aus dem Weg gehen
to avoid extremesdas Extrem vermeiden
to avoid fightingdem Kampf aus dem Wege gehen
to avoid humiliationDemütigung vermeiden
med. to avoid infectionsInfektionen vermeiden
to avoid interruptionsUnterbrechungen vermeiden
to avoid lossVerlust vermeiden
to avoid meeting sb.jdn. meiden
to avoid misunderstandingsMissverständnisse vermeiden
to avoid misunderstandingsMissverständnissen vorbeugen
to avoid painSchmerz vermeiden
to avoid payingZahlung vermeiden
to avoid payingeine Zahlung umgehen
to avoid paymentZahlung vermeiden
to avoid photographersFotografen aus dem Wege gehen
to avoid pitfallsTücken umgehen
law to avoid prosecutiondie strafrechtliche Verfolgung vermeiden
to avoid punishment(eine) Bestrafung vermeiden
to avoid responsibilityder Verantwortlichkeit ausbiegen [regional]
to avoid sb. totallyjdn. völlig negieren
to avoid sb.'s eyejds. Blick meiden
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Q 2024-08-23: Avoid over hyphenating (2) – names
A 2023-11-25: Avoid the word “shed”. Your wife is right.
A 2023-11-03: to avoid soiling the surface of ... / to avoid leaving residues of adhes...
A 2023-06-16: In general, I would always avoid undelete if at all possible. All you're d...
A 2022-09-27: Public debt > Debt-trap diplomacy / > The Chinese ‘Debt Trap’ Is a Myth \ ...
A 2021-12-26: hypothesis – avoid “implied”
Q 2021-02-16: Titel im 'Guardian': "Harry and Meghan aim to avoid embarrassing Queen in...
A 2020-02-19: Avoid tenancy, avoid non-material
A 2018-08-14: Avoid starting the sentence with „Since“
A 2017-10-15: As polarjud is suggesting, the best thing would be a self-delete plus new ...
A 2017-10-11: Possibly meant to confine +2 530+ to +lit. K+ and to avoid confusion with ...
A 2017-09-28: Separate to avoid providing information the user doesn't care about.
A 2017-07-31: You have hit on a classic: an instance of +hypercorrection+ (native speake...
Q 2016-12-25: I usually avoid being first, but
A 2016-07-29: Avoid disclosing too much about your intended patent
A 2016-05-06: Best to avoid both. Doctors and guns.
Q 2016-03-11: performance-avoid & performance-prove
A 2016-02-23: @Dracs...Like suggest, avoid, admit and a few other verbs, consider usuall...
A 2016-02-17: If someone is the type of person who would avoid ending a sentence with a ...
A 2016-02-02: I would also avoid EDP.

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