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English-German translation for: Axiom's survey
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Dictionary English German: Axiom's survey

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Partial Matches
phys. Newton's axiomnewtonsches Axiom {n}
math. axiom of the power setAxiom {n} der Potenzmenge
math. axiom of choice <AC>Axiom {n} der Auswahl
math. axiom of (the) unionAxiom {n} der Vereinigung
math. axiom of elementary setsAxiom {n} der Elementarmengen
math. axiom of extensionalityAxiom {n} der Bestimmtheit
math. axiom of infinityAxiom {n} des Unendlichen
math. axiom of separationAxiom {n} der Aussonderung
med. axiom of Archimedesarchimedisches Axiom {n}
middle axiommittleres Axiom {n}
math. axiom of separationAxiom {n} der Separation [selten]
math. axiom of Archimedes [also: Archimedes' axiom]Axiom {n} von Archimedes [auch: archimedische Axiom]
geogr. Ordnance Survey [national mapping agency for Great Britain]Ordnance Survey {m} [Geodätische Institution, Behörde GB]
math. axiomAxiom {n}
axiomMaxime {f}
postulateAxiom {n}
philos. axiom schemaAxiomenschema {n}
math. completeness axiomVollständigkeitsaxiom {n}
math. incidence axiomInzidenzaxiom {n}
math. ordering axiomAnordnungsaxiom {n}
math. separation axiomTrennungsaxiom {n}
comp. math. univalence axiomUnivalenzaxiom {n}
math. Eilenberg-Steenrod axiomEilenberg-Steenrod-Axiom {n}
axiomallgemein anerkannter Grundsatz {m}
philos. axiom of convergenceGrenzwertaxiom {n}
math. axiom of countabilityAbzählbarkeitsaxiom {n}
math. axiom of extensionExtensionalitätsaxiom {n}
math. axiom of extensionalityExtensionalitätsaxiom {n}
math. axiom of extentExtensionalitätsaxiom {n}
math. axiom of foundationFundierungsaxiom {n}
math. axiom of infinityUnendlichkeitsaxiom {n}
law axiom of lawRechtsgrundsatz {m}
math. axiom of regularityRegularitätsaxiom {n}
axiomGrundsatz {m} von allgemeiner Geltung
axiomWahrheit {f} in sich selbst
math. first axiom of countabilityerstes Abzählbarkeitsaxiom {n}
math. second axiom of countabilityzweites Abzählbarkeitsaxiom {n}
math. axiom of choice <AC, AoC>Auswahlaxiom {n} <AA>
math. Hausdorff separation axiom [Hausdorff space]Hausdorff'sches Trennungsaxiom {n}
math. extensionality axiom <ExAx>Extensionalitätsaxiom {n} <ExAx>
surveySurvey {m}
to surveybefragen
to surveybegutachten
to surveybesichtigen
to surveyinspizieren
to surveyprüfen
to surveyüberblicken
to surveyüberprüfen
to surveyuntersuchen
to surveyvermessen
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