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English-German translation for: Ayurvedic medicine
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Dictionary English German: Ayurvedic medicine

Translation 1 - 50 of 372  >>

med. Ayurvedic medicine [also: ayurvedic medicine]ayurvedische Medizin {f}
Partial Matches
med. Ayurvedic {adj}ayurvedisch
jobs med. Ayurvedic healerAyurveda-Heiler {m}
med. ayurvedic hospitalAyurveda Klinik {f}
Ayurvedic toothpaste with basilayurvedische Zahncreme {f} mit Basilikum
pharm. over-the-counter medicine <OTC medicine> [non-prescription medicine]nicht verschreibungspflichtiges Medikament {n}
pharm. medicineArznei {f}
med. medicineArzneikunst {f} [veraltet]
med. medicineHeilkunde {f}
med. medicineHeilkunst {f}
pharm. medicineMedikament {n}
med. medicineMedizin {f}
educ. med. to study medicineMedizin studieren
pharm. to take medicineMedizin einnehmen
med. academic medicineSchulmedizin {f}
acad. med. accident medicineUnfallheilkunde {f}
astronau aviat. med. aerospace medicineLuft- und Raumfahrtmedizin {f}
med. alternative medicinealternative Medizin {f}
pharm. alternative medicineAlternativheilmittel {n}
med. alternative medicineAlternativmedizin {f}
pharm. antitussive (medicine)Antitussivum {n}
pharm. antitussive medicineHustenarznei {f}
pharm. antitussive medicineHustenmedikament {n}
pharm. antitussive medicineHustenmedizin {f}
pharm. antitussive medicineHustenmittel {n}
aviat. med. aviation medicineAeromedizin {f} [selten] [Luftfahrtmedizin]
acad. med. aviation medicineFlugmedizin {f}
aviat. med. aviation medicineLuftfahrtmedizin {f}
med. pharm. botanical medicineKräutermedizin {f}
bot. med. acad. botanical medicinePflanzenheilkunde {f}
med. Chinese medicinechinesische Heilkunde {f}
pharm. cold medicineErkältungsmittel {n}
med. sociol. community medicineSozialmedizin {f}
med. complementary medicineergänzende Heilmethode {f}
med. complementary medicinekomplementäre Medizin {f}
med. complementary medicineKomplementärmedizin {f}
med. conventional medicineSchulmedizin {f}
pharm. cough medicineAntitussivum {n}
pharm. cough medicineHustenarznei {f}
pharm. cough medicineHustenmedikament {n}
pharm. cough medicineHustenmedizin {f}
pharm. cough medicineHustenmittel {n}
med. curative medicineheilende Medizin {f} [kurativ]
med. curative medicinekurative Medizin {f}
med. curative medicineKurativmedizin {f}
dance med. sports dance medicineTanzmedizin {f}
med. defensive medicinedefensive Medizin {f}
med. defensive medicineDefensivmedizin {f}
acad. dent. med. dental medicineDentalmedizin {f}
acad. dent. dental medicineZahnmedizin {f}
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