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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: Bad Girls
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Dictionary English German: Bad Girls

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film F Bad Girls [Jonathan Kaplan]Bad Girls
proverb Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere.Gute Mädchen kommen in den Himmel, böse Mädchen kommen überallhin.
Partial Matches
film F Mean Girls [Mark Waters]Girls ClubVorsicht bissig!
educ. hist. girls' / girls borstal [esp. Br.]Mädchenerziehungsanstalt {f}
RadioTV F The Girls Next DoorThe Girls Of The Playboy Mansion
film F Boys and Girls [Robert Iscove]Boys, Girls & a Kiss
film F Beautiful Girls [Ted Demme]Beautiful Girls
film F Buffalo Girls [Rod Hardy]Buffalo Girls
film F The Chelsea Girls [Andy Warhol]The Chelsea Girls
RadioTV F The Golden GirlsGolden Girls
RadioTV F The Powerpuff GirlsPowerpuff Girls
film F Bad Company [Joel Schumacher]Bad CompanyDie Welt ist in guten Händen
film F The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans [Werner Herzog]Bad Lieutenant - Cop ohne Gewissen
drugs bad trip [influenced by drugs]Bad Trip {m} [ugs.] [unter Drogeneinfluss]
film F Bad Boys [Rick Rosenthal, 1983]Bad Boys - Klein und gefährlich
film F Girls! Girls! Girls! [Norman Taurog]Girls! Girls! Girls!
film F Bad Boys [Michael Bay]Bad BoysHarte Jungs
bad taste party [to wear bad, brash and quirky clothes at an organized party]Bad-Taste-Party {f} [bei einer organisierten Feier möglichst schlechte, auffällige und skurrile Kleidung anziehen]
geogr. Bad CannstattBad Cannstatt {n} [vor 1933: Cannstatt; vor 1900: Kannstadt]
film F Bad Company [Damian Harris]Bad Company
film F Bad Lieutenant [Abel Ferrara]Bad Lieutenant
film F Bad Moon [Eric Red]Bad Moon
film F Bad Santa [Terry Zwigoff]Bad Santa
film F Bad Taste [Peter Jackson]Bad Taste
girlsMädchen {pl}
sociol. alpha girlsAlphamädchen {pl}
dancing girlsTänzerinnen {pl}
girls groupMädchengruppe {f}
girls haircutMädchenhaarschnitt {m}
girls setMädchenclique {f}
bike girls' bicycleMädchenfahrrad {n}
bike girls' bikeMädchenfahrrad {n}
bike girls' bikeMädchenrad {n}
cloth. girls' bikiniMädchenbikini {m}
mus. girls' choirMädchenchor {m}
girls' classMädchenklasse {f}
cloth. girls' clothes {pl}Mädchenkleidung {f}
cloth. girls' clothingMädchenbekleidung {f}
cloth. girls' clothingMädchenkleidung {f}
cloth. girls' coatMädchenmantel {m}
girls' companyMädchenrunde {f}
bike girls' cycleMädchenfahrrad {n}
bike girls' cycleMädchenrad {n}
girls' discoMädchendisco {f}
girls' discoMädchendisko {f}
girls' dormitoryMädchenschlafsaal {m}
cloth. girls' dressMädchenkleid {n}
girls' formMädchenklasse {f}
games girls' gameMädchenspiel {n}
girls' gangMädchenbande {f}
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