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English-German translation for: Bahtinov-Maske
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Dictionary English German: Bahtinov Maske

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NOUN   die Bahtinov-Maske | die Bahtinov-Masken
astron. Bahtinov maskBahtinov-Maske {f}
Partial Matches
maskMaske {f}
cosmet. med. poulticeMaske {f}
comp. form [mask]Maske {f}
comp. screenMaske {f} [Eingabemaske]
film theatre make-upMaske {f}
maskless {adj}ohne Maske [nachgestellt]
undisguised {adj}ohne Maske [fig.]
MedTech. surgical maskchirurgische Maske {f}
MedTech. surgical maskOP-Maske {f}
comp. user interface <UI>Maske {f}
MedTech. virtual maskvirtuelle Maske {f}
maskerMaske {f} [Person in Maske]
med. operation maskOperationsmaske {f} <OP-Maske>
cosmet. RadioTV theatre make-up roomMaske {f} [Schminkraum]
cloth. hist. vizard [archaic]Maske {f} [als Sonnenschutz getragen]
film F Mask [Peter Bogdanovich, 1985]Die Maske
lit. F The Mask [Stanisław Lem]Die Maske
med. MedTech. Ambu™ bag ventilationBeatmungsbeutel-zu-Maske-Beatmung {f}
film F Second Chance [Rudolph Maté]Mörder ohne Maske
film F The Mask [Chuck Russell, 1994]Die Maske
film F The Mask [Julian Roffman]Die teuflische Maske
idiom The mask slipped.Jemand ließ seine Maske fallen.
to drop all pretence [Br.]die Maske ablegen [Redewendung]
to drop all pretence [Br.]die Maske abnehmen [Redewendung]
to drop all pretense [Am.]die Maske ablegen [Redewendung]
to drop all pretense [Am.]die Maske abnehmen [Redewendung]
med. MedTech. mouth-to-mask ventilationMund-zu-Maske-Beatmung {f}
film F Eyes of Hell [Julian Roffman]Die teuflische Maske
film F The Iron Mask [Allan Dwan]Die eiserne Maske
cloth. cloth face maskBehelfs-Mund-Nasen-Maske {f} <BMNM> [Alltagsmaske]
cloth face maskCommunity-Maske {f} [Alltagsmaske, Mund-Nasen-Bedeckung]
to put on a mask [also fig.]eine Maske aufsetzen
med. MedTech. bag-valve-mask <BVM> ventilationBeatmungsbeutel-zu-Maske-Beatmung {f}
film F Behind The Mask [Brian Desmond Hurst]Hinter der Maske
to hide behind a false masksich hinter einer Maske verstecken
under the guise of sth. {adv}unter der Maske etw.Gen. [fig.]
med. MedTech. bagging [coll.] [use of the BVM to ventilate patients]Beatmungsbeutel-zu-Maske-Beatmung {f}
homemade face mask [e.g. of cotton, polyester]DIY-Maske {f} [selbstgemachte Alltagsmaske]
under the guise of sth. {adv}unter der Maske von etw.Dat. [fig.]
film F The Naked City [Jules Dassin]Stadt ohne Maske [auch: Die nackte Stadt]
film F The Phantom of the Opera [Terence Fisher, 1962]Das Rätsel der unheimlichen Maske
to drop one's mask [fig.]die Maske fallen lassen [Redewendung] [sein wahres Gesicht zeigen]
to throw off one's maskdie Maske fallen lassen [Redewendung] [sein wahres Gesicht zeigen]
lit. F The Masque of the Red Death [Edgar Allan Poe]Die Maske des Roten Todes
to feign innocencedie Maske des Unschuldigen tragen [fig.] [so tun, als ob man unschuldig sei]
film F The Lone Ranger and the Lost City of Gold [Lesley Selander]Der Held mit der Maske
film F The Mask of Zorro [Martin Campbell]Die Maske des Zorro
film lit. F The Man in the Iron Mask [novel: Alexandre Dumas, film: James Whale (1939)]Der Mann mit der eisernen Maske
med. Schimmelbusch's maskSchimmelbusch-Maske {f}
med. community mask [self-made mask, e.g. against infection]Community-Maske {f} [selbstgenähte Maske, z. B. gegen Infektion]
games F Professor Layton and the Miracle MaskProfessor Layton und die Maske der Wunder
film F Scaramouche [George Sidney]Scaramouche, der galante Marquis / [DDR-Titel] ScaramoucheDer Mann mit der Maske
corona maskCorona-Maske {f}
FFP maskFFP-Maske {f}
med. MedTech. continuous positive airway pressure mask <CPAP mask>CPAP-Maske {f}
film F The Man in the Iron Mask [Mike Newell (1977), William Reichert (1998), Randall Wallace (1998)]Der Mann in der eisernen Maske
cosmet. anti-stress maskAnti-Stress-Maske {f}
Guy Fawkes maskGuy-Fawkes-Maske {f}
med. Rendell-Baker maskRendell-Baker-Maske {f}
hist. the man in the iron mask [often capitalized] [an unidentified prisoner arrested during the reign of French king Louis XIV and held in prison until his death]die Eiserne Maske {f} [kurz für: der Mann mit der eisernen Maske] [ein geheimnisvoller Staatsgefangener von Ludwig XIV., inhaftiert von 1669-1703]
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