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English-German translation for: Bake
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Dictionary English German: Bake

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VERB  to bake | baked | baked ... 
SYNO   to bake | to broil
NOUN   die Bake | die Baken
[you] bake
[du] bäckst
gastr. to bake
gastr. to bake
to bake
brennen [Ziegel]
to bake
to bake
to bakebacha [bayer.] [backen]
gastr. to bake sth.etw.Akk. backen lassen
gastr. bake [esp. Br.]
Auflauf {m}
naut. beacon
Bake {f}
gastr. bake [Br.]
Kasserolle {f} [Gericht]
naut. buoy
Bake {f}
bake [Br.] [Irish] [coll.] [mouth]Klappe {f} [ugs.] [Mund]
2 Words: Others
gastr. no bake {adj}ohne Backen [nachgestellt]
sb./sth. would bakejd./etw. büke
2 Words: Verbs
gastr. to bake breadBrot backen
to bake outausheizen
to bake porcelainPorzellan brennen
gastr. to bake sth. blind [unfilled tart base]etw.Akk. blind backen [Tortenboden ohne Füllung]
gastr. to bake sth. off [coll.]etw.Akk. abbacken [Teiglinge]
gastr. to bake thoroughlyausbacken [durchbacken]
gastr. to bake thoroughlydurchbacken
gastr. to bake throughausbacken [durchbacken]
gastr. to bake throughdurchbacken
to bake togetherzusammenbacken
to bake twicedoppelt backen
ind. to dry / bake sth. [bricks (bakestones)]etw. backen [Backstein]
2 Words: Nouns
med. bake eyes {pl} [coll.] [photokeratitis]Verblitzung {f} [Photokeratitis]
bake saleKuchenbasar {m}
gastr. bake-houseBäckerei {f}
econ. bake-off [coll.]Firmenwettbewerb {m}
gastr. bake-off [esp. Am.]Backwettbewerb {m}
dent. biscuit bakeStandard-Brand {m} [i. d. R. ohne Glasur]
gastr. broccoli bake [Br.]Brokkoliauflauf {m}
fake bake [Am.] [sl.]Münzmallorca {n} [Solarium] [Jugendspr.]
marker buoyBake {f}
gastr. pasta bakeNudelauflauf {m}
gastr. tray bake [Br.]Blechkuchen {m}
3 Words: Verbs
gastr. to bake a cakeeinen Kuchen backen
gastr. to bake on to sth.an etw. anbacken
gastr. to bake sth. inside sth. else [to bake in a dough]etw.Akk. in etw.Akk. einbacken [in Teig]
3 Words: Nouns
bake-hardening steelBake-Hardening-Stahl {m}
pre-etch bakeÄtzbrand {m}
ranging pole / rodBake {f} [Vermessungstechnik]
4 Words: Verbs
gastr. to bake in the sunin der Sonne braten
4 Words: Nouns
gastr. old-fashioned fish bakeFischauflauf {m} nach alter Art
dent. porcelain bake-on alloyPorzellanaufbrennlegierung {f}
5+ Words: Verbs
gastr. to bake in a slow ovenbei niedriger Temperatur backen
gastr. to bake sth. for a short timeetw.Akk. anbacken
gastr. to cook / bake in the ovenin der Röhre kochen / braten
5+ Words: Nouns
gastr. unbaked meatloaf, ready to fry / bakeFleischkäsebrät {n}, frisch zum Braten
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
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A 2020-02-25: recipe for you to try: 84 results; recipe for you to bake: 29 results \ Re...
Q 2016-09-14: The bake or baking Factor
Q 2013-03-09: bake my noodle
Q 2011-10-07: Bisque bake ceramic try-in
A 2010-04-29: @bac: bake
Q 2010-04-03: Bake 8 to 10 minutes or until almost set
A 2009-01-07: imho Munster is the best cheese of all to melt or bake in the oven the wa...
A 2009-01-06: Das gibt June Carters Zeile "The cake's not good if you don't beat the bat...
A 2007-10-08: penne bake - pasta bake - penne pasta bake (... pfanne)
A 2007-08-03: I think my mother would bake you the best cake you've ever eaten.
A 2007-06-07: bake?
A 2007-03-12: Bake = beacon, radio (directive signalling) beacon
A 2007-03-08: "bake at home" is usually used
A 2006-08-01: abbacken > to bake; garen > to simmer, cook on low heat; die Gare / das Ga...
Q 2005-06-22: Bake me a cake as fast as you can.

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