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English-German translation for: Balmer Formel
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Dictionary English German: Balmer Formel

Translation 1 - 72 of 72

NOUN   die Balmer-Formel | die Balmer-Formeln
phys. Balmer's formulaBalmer-Formel {f}
Partial Matches
math. Newton-Cotes formula <NC formula, N-C-F>Newton-Cotes-Formel {f} <NC-Formel, N-C-F>
math. Bailey-Borwein-Plouffe formula <BBP formula>Bailey-Borwein-Plouffe-Formel {f} <BBP-Formel>
phys. Balmer seriesBalmer-Serie {f}
automot. sports Formula One <F1, Formula 1>Formel Eins {f} <Formel 1>
math. formulaFormel {f}
optics phys. Airy formulaAiry-Formel {f}
math. analytical formulaanalytische Formel {f}
Andler's batchsize formula [Andler lot size formula]Andler-Formel {f}
Andler's formulaAndler-Formel {f}
econ. math. Andler's formulaandlersche Formel {f}
med. Bazett equationBazett-Formel {f}
med. Bazett's formula [also: Bazett formula]Bazett-Formel {f}
math. binomial formulabinomische Formel {f}
math. Cayley's formula [also: formula of Cayley]Cayley-Formel {f}
chem. chemical formulachemische Formel {f}
economy order quantity formula <EOQ formula>EOQ-Formel {f}
electr. engin. math. Euler's formulaeulersche Formel {f}
biol. Falconer's formulaFalconer-Formel {f}
med. Fick formulaFick-Formel {f}
phys. Fresnel / Fresnel's conditionfresnelsche Formel {f}
phys. Fresnel / Fresnel's equationfresnelsche Formel {f}
math. Heron's formula [also: formula of Heron]heronsche Formel {f}
ling. inquit formulaInquit-Formel {f}
math. Itō's formula [also: formula of Ito]Itō-Formel {f}
math. Jensen's formulaJensen-Formel {f}
math. Künneth formulaKünneth-Formel {f}
math. Liouville's formula [also: formula of Liouville, Abel-Jacobi-Liouville identity]liouvillesche Formel {f}
math. Luhn formulaLuhn-Formel {f}
math. mathematical formulamathematische Formel {f}
math. de Moivre's formulamoivresche Formel {f}
chem. molecular formulamolekulare Formel {f}
law philos. Radbruch formularadbruchsche Formel {f}
law philos. Radbruch's formularadbruchsche Formel {f}
phys. Rydberg formulaRydberg-Formel {f}
math. Simpson's formulasimpsonsche Formel {f}
hist. relig. Sirmian formulasirmische Formel {f}
pol. Steinmeier formulaSteinmeier-Formel {f}
math. Taylor's formulaTaylor-Formel {f}
math. well-formed formula <wff>wohlgeformte Formel {f}
established wordingFormel {f} [feststehender Ausdruck]
econ. math. Andler's formulaAndler'sche Formel {f}
automot. sports Formula One <F1>Formel 1 {f} <F1>
fish Fulton's formulaFulton'sche Formel {f}
law philos. Radbruch formulaRadbruch'sche Formel {f}
law philos. Radbruch's formulaRadbruch'sche Formel {f}
law philos. Radbruch's formulaRadbruchsche Formel {f} [alt]
math. Simpson's formulaSimpson'sche Formel {f}
in accord with the formulanach der Formel
math. acad. tech. to devise a formulaeine Formel aufstellen
to develop a formulaeine Formel entwickeln
to apply a formulaeine Formel verwenden
math. Bienaymé formula [also: Bienaymé's formula]Formel {f} von Bienaymé
math. Wald's formulaFormel {f} von Wald
automot. sports F1 chief executiveFormel-1-Chef {m}
automot. sports F1 world championFormel-1-Weltmeister {m}
math. pq-formulap-q-Formel {f}
math. Pollaczek-Khinchine formulaPollaczek-Chintschin-Formel {f}
math. Stirling's formulaStirling-Formel {f} [auch: Stirlingformel]
phys. URI formula [Ohm's law]URI-Formel {f} [ohmsches Gesetz]
see adjacent formulasiehe nebenstehende Formel <snF>
math. Green-Riemann formulaGreen-Riemann'sche Formel {f}
to formulateauf eine Formel bringen
math. quadratic formulaa-b-c-Formel {f}
math. Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formulaBaker-Campbell-Hausdorff-Formel {f}
math. de Moivre's formulaFormel {f} von de Moivre
math. Heron's formula [also: formula of Heron]Heron'sche Formel {f} [auch: Formel von Heron]
math. Gauss-Bonnet formulaGauß-Bonnet-Formel {f} [Satz von Gauß-Bonnet]
math. Riemann-Hurwitz formula [Hurwitz's theorem]Formel {f} von Riemann-Hurwitz [Satz von Hurwitz]
math. Cauchy-Binet formula [also: formula of Cauchy-Binet]Cauchy-Binet-Formel {f} [auch: Formel von Cauchy-Binet]
right formula [also fig: right path for success]richtige Formel {f} [auch fig.: der richtige Weg zum Erfolg]
law conditio sine qua non formula [archaic: condicio sine qua non formula]Conditio-Formel {f} [Conditio-sine-qua-non-Formel, veraltet: Condicio-sine-qua-non-Formel]
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