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Dictionary English German: Banking

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NOUN   banking | -
VERB  to bank | banked | banked ... 
NOUN   das Banking | -
fin. banking {adj} [attr.] [e.g. collapse, crisis, district, group, sector]
Banken- [z. B. Kollaps, Krise, Viertel, Gruppe, Sektor]
fin. banking {adj} [attr.] [e.g. establishment, house, information, secrecy, sector]Bank- [z. B. Institut, Haus, Daten, Geheimnis, Gewerbe]
rail banking [Br.]
Nachschieben {n}
econ. fin. banking
Bankgeschäft {n}
fin. banking
Bankwesen {n}
fin. banking
Banking {n}
fin. banking [credit / lending system]
Kreditwesen {n}
jobs banking [profession]Bankfach {n}
2 Words: Others
in banking {adv}im Bankwesen
non-banking {adj}bankfremd
quasi-banking {adj}bankähnlich
2 Words: Nouns
fin. banking accountBankkonto {n}
banking accountBankverbindung {f}
law Banking ActBankwesengesetz {n} <BWG> [österr.]
law Banking ActKreditwesengesetz {n} <KWG>
law Banking ActGesetz {n} über das Kreditwesen
banking amendmentÄnderung {f} des Bankgesetzes
aviat. banking angleNeigungswinkel {m}
banking arrangementsBankverbindung {f}
banking auditBankrevision {f}
acc. fin. banking bookAnlagebuch {n}
acc. fin. banking bookBankbuch {n} [Anlagebuch]
banking businessBankgeschäft {n}
banking businessBankgewerbe {n}
banking businessKreditgewerbe {n}
fin. banking business {sg}Bankgeschäfte {pl}
fin. jobs banking careerBankkarriere {f}
fin. banking center [Am.]Bankenstandort {m} [Sitz mehrerer Banken]
banking center [Am.]Bankplatz {m}
banking center [Am.]Standort {m} mehrerer Banken
banking centre [Br.]Bankplatz {m}
banking centre [Br.]Standort {m} mehrerer Banken
fin. banking chargesBankgebühren {pl}
banking circlesBankkreise {pl}
fin. banking cityBankenstadt {f}
fin. banking collapseBankenkollaps {m}
banking collateralBanksicherheit {f}
banking collateralLombardsicherheit {f}
banking commissionBankprovision {f}
Banking CommissionerBankaufsichtsbeamter {m}
fin. banking community {sg}Bankkreise {pl}
banking companyFirma {f} mit bankartigen Geschäften
fin. banking confidentialityBankgeheimnis {n}
banking connectionBankverbindung {f}
banking consortiumBankenkonsortium {n}
fin. banking correspondentBankverbindung {f}
econ. banking crisisBankenkrise {f}
econ. banking crisisBankensturm {m}
banking customsBankusancen {pl}
fin. banking dayBankarbeitstag {m}
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A 2021-05-17: Bachelor FH Banking and Finance
A 2018-12-17: Dann würde ich aber "Online-Banking" statt "Telebanking" nehmen.
Q 2017-04-26: wheeling and banking
Q 2016-12-14: blind banking
A 2013-07-15: If authorizing a third party to have access to your bank account, "to pres...
A 2012-03-26: Note that "bad debt" for "debt you can't or won't pay off" is colloquial u...
A 2011-12-09: Subject: Banking
Q 2011-10-13: Category: banking - term sought: Septo-Konto
A 2011-09-21: So now, we're all being forced to protect the banking elite from ever havi...
Q 2011-08-30: Banking
Q 2011-05-18: Handelsbuch - banking book or trading book (BE) ?
Q 2011-02-02: Useful banking glossary - both directions
A 2011-01-27: http://www.google.co.uk/#hl=en&xhr=t&q=banking+details&cp=0&pf=p&sclient=p...
A 2011-01-27: banking
Q 2011-01-26: banking details
Q 2010-10-27: Has the banking crisis become the greatest restoration comedy?
Q 2010-05-15: Kundenbetreuung und Kundenberatung (Banking)
Q 2010-02-13: banking stresses
Q 2010-01-30: sense of "sound banking system"
A 2010-01-28: LauraM, your translation is supported by the Zahn Banking and Stock Tradin...

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