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Dictionary English German: Banks

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NOUN   a bank | banks
VERB  to bank | banked | banked ... 
SYNO   Banks | Sir Joseph Banks
banks [riverbanks]
Ufer {pl} [Flussufer]
fin. banks
Banken {pl}
fin. banks
Geldhäuser {pl}
banksSchlafbänke {pl}
banks [slopes, inclines]Borden {pl} [schweiz.] [Abhänge]
2 Words: Others
between banksunter Banken
2 Words: Verbs
to consolidate banksBanken zusammenschließen
2 Words: Nouns
geogr. Banks IslandBanksinsel {f}
consortium banksKonsortialbanken {pl}
fin. credit banksKreditbanken {pl}
deposit banksDepositenbanken {pl}
foreign banksausländische Banken {pl}
geol. hydro. gravel banksKiesbänke {pl}
guarantee banksBürgschaftsbanken {pl}
leading banksführende Banken {pl}
merchant banksGeschäftsbanken {pl}
fin. neol. needy banks [coll.]notleidende Banken {pl} [Unwort des Jahres 2008]
non-banksNichtbanken {pl}
organ banksOrganbanken {pl}
piggy banksSparschweine {pl}
fin. presenting banksvorlegende Banken {pl}
regional banksRegionalbanken {pl}
sand banksSandbänke {pl}
snow banksSchneeverwehungen {pl}
special banksSpezialbanken {pl}
underwriting banksBankenkonsortium {n}
unit banksEinzelbanken {pl}
universal banksUniversalbanken {pl}
3 Words: Others
available to banks {adj} [postpos.]für Banken verfügbar
Banks receive commission.Banken erhalten eine Provision.
confined by banks {adj} [postpos.]reguliert [z. B. Fluss]
3 Words: Verbs
hydro. to burst its banksausufern [selten] [über die Ufer treten]
hydro. to burst its banksüber die Ufer treten
hydro. to overflow (its banks)ausufern [selten] [über die Ufer treten]
3 Words: Nouns
association of banksBankenvereinigung {f}
association of banksBankverein {m}
association of banksBankvereinigung {f}
econ. banks going bust [coll.]pleitegehende Banken {pl} [ugs.]
banks of issuesWährungsbanken {pl}
naut. banks of oarsRuderbänke {pl} [Ruderreihen]
cartel of banksBankenkartell {n}
centrally located bankszentral gelegene Banken {pl}
concentration of banksBankenkonzentration {f}
consortium of banksBankenkonsortium {n}
acad. cord blood banksNabelschnurblutbanken {pl}
econ. fin. death of banksBankensterben {n}
domestic non-banksinländische Nichtbanken {pl}
Federal State banksLandesbanken {pl}
fin. group of banksBankengruppe {f}
group of banksBankenkonsortium {n}
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A 2017-01-25: Maybe +streams leaving their banks+
A 2015-08-21: Goes to show the extent to which UK banks are trammelled by their own red tape
A 2014-01-28: securitized monetary claims against a financing company \ return on capit...
Q 2013-09-21: List of the Oldest Banks in Continuous Operation
Q 2013-09-15: genitive following "Berlins" (or Toms or Deutsche Banks etc.)
A 2012-08-04: Lisa, agree wholeheartedly. I just changed banks because of a ripoff "tran...
A 2011-05-26: @Joanne: And I knew a phrase where "against other banks" worked!
A 2011-05-26: I can't think of a situation off the top of my head where +against other b...
A 2011-05-26: He threw stones against other banks...
A 2011-04-12: Same in AE. It's just not used much, but you do see it in connection with banks.
A 2010-12-20: ... the book value of assets accounting for bonds and securities held with...
A 2010-12-18: In this case, a stricter test for banks
A 2010-12-16: examine (rather than investigate) is a common term in looking at banks.
A 2010-05-09: Sorry, should have mentioned this: the context of my post is "regulation o...
A 2010-04-15: no, it refers to normal bank transactions. Banks have access to the Centra...
A 2010-04-13: If you use your astute legal mind, zou, the LINK I gave provides all the i...
A 2009-12-30: I understand it as follows: "this ensures that some of the banks which wou...
A 2009-12-30: Secondly, this ensures that some of the banks will not become so-called "z...
A 2009-12-29: banks tighten
Q 2009-12-29: banks tighten?

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