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English-German translation for: Barbara's Baby – Omen III
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Dictionary English German: Barbara's Baby – Omen III

Translation 1 - 50 of 1188  >>

film F Omen III: The Final Conflict [Graham Baker]Barbara's Baby Omen III
Partial Matches
film F The Prophecy 3: The Ascent [Patrick Lussier]God's Army III Die Entscheidung
relig. St. Barbara (of Nicomedia) [in the Eastern Orthodox Church: the Great Martyr Barbara](hl.) Barbara {f} (von Nikomedien)
biol. human T-cell lymphotropic virus type III <HTLV-III>humanes T-Zell-lymphotropes Virus Typ III {n} <HTLV-III>
biol. simian T-cell lymphotropic virus type III <STLV-III>simianes T-Zell-lymphotropes Virus Typ III {n} <STLV-III>
esot. myth. auguryOmen {n}
omenOmen {n}
portentOmen {n}
presageOmen {n}
omensOmen {pl}
bad omenböses Omen {n}
portent [of sth. calamitous]böses Omen {n}
film F The Omen [Richard Donner (1976), John Moore (2006)]Das Omen
omen of successOmen {n} für Erfolg
film F Damien: Omen II [Don Taylor]Damien Omen II
film F The First Omen [Arkasha Stevenson]Das erste Omen
true to my / your / his / her / its / our / your / their name {adv}nomen est omen [geh.]
film F Omen IV: The Awakening [Jorge Montesi, Dominique Othenin-Girard]Omen IV: Das Erwachen
idiom Let's get the / this show on the road. [sl.]Pack mer's. [südd.] / Pack ma's. [österr.] [ugs.]
It's a no-win situation.Wie man's macht, ists / ist's falsch. [ugs.]
film F Only Angels Have Wings [Howard Hawks]S.O.S. Feuer an Bord
bibl. quote The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years. [Psalm 90:10; KJV]Unser Leben währet siebzig Jahre, und wenn's hoch kommt, so sind's achtzig Jahre. [Psalm 90,10; Luther 1984]
RadioTV F Riptide [Australian series]S.O.S. Charterboot
quality and safety <Q&S>Qualität und Sicherheit <Q&S, Q & S>
tech. telecom. black-to-white-to-black response times <BWB>Schwarz-Weiß-Schwarz-Reaktionszeiten {pl} <S-W-S>
constr. Portland blast furnace (slag) cement <PBFC>Portlandhüttenzement {m} <CEM II/A-S + CEM II/B-S> [früher Eisenportlandzement genannt]
baby {adj} [attr.]Baby-
babyish {adj}Baby-
babe [literary] [baby]Baby {n}
babyBaby {n}
bub [Aus.] [coll.]Baby {n}
Error and omission excepted / excluded. <E.&O.E., E&OE>Irrtum und Auslassung vorbehalten. <s. e. e. o., s. e. et o., S. E. & O.> [salvo errore et omissione]
Errors and omissions excepted / excluded. <E.&O.E., E&OE>Irrtümer und Auslassungen vorbehalten. <s. e. e. o., s. e. et o., S. E. & O.> [salvo errore et omissione]
picaninny [Am.] [Aus.] [offensive]Aborigine-Baby {n}
piccanin [S. Afr] [offensive]Aborigine-Baby {n}
piccaninny [Am.] [Aus.] [offensive]Aborigine-Baby {n}
pickaninny [Am.] [Aus.] [offensive]Aborigine-Baby {n}
abandoned babyausgesetztes Baby {n}
gastr. baby pineappleBaby-Ananas {f}
cloth. baby's outfitBaby-Ausstattung {f}
gastr. baby bananaBaby-Banane {f}
baby's bottleBaby-Flasche {f}
baby faceBaby-Gesicht {n}
cloth. baby pantieBaby-Hose {f}
cloth. nappy holders [Br.]Baby-Hose {f}
gastr. baby carrotsBaby-Karotten {pl}
cloth. baby wearBaby-Kleidung {f}
cloth. baby's garmentBaby-Kleidung {f}
moses basket [for babies]Baby-Körbchen {n}
gastr. lobsterette [Am.]Baby-Lobster {m}
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