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English-German translation for: Barbecue
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Dictionary English German: Barbecue

Translation 1 - 38 of 38


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NOUN   a barbecue | barbecues
VERB  to barbecue | barbecued | barbecued ... 
SYNO   barbecue | barbeque | to barbecue ... 
NOUN   das Barbecue | die Barbecues
gastr. to barbecue
gastr. to barbecue
gastr. to barbecue
grillieren [schweiz.]
gastr. to barbecueam offenen Feuer braten
barbecue [device]
Grill {m}
Grillfest {n}
gastr. fry [Am.]
Barbecue {n}
Grillparty {f}
barbie [Br.] [Aus.] [coll.]
Barbecue {n}
barbecue <BBQ>
Barbecue {n} [Grillfest]
Gartengrillfest {n}
gastr. barbecue [barbecued food]Grillade {f} [schweiz.] [sonst veraltet] [(Stück) Gegrilltes]
barbecue [party]Grillfete {f} [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. barbecue <BBQ> seasonGrillsaison {f}
barbecue accidentGrillunfall {m}
gastr. barbecue areaGrillanlage {f}
barbecue areaGrillplatz {m}
gastr. barbecue charcoalGrillholzkohle {f}
gastr. barbecue chickenGrillhähnchen {n}
barbecue coalGrillkohle {f}
gastr. barbecue eveningGrillabend {m}
gastr. barbecue forkGrillgabel {f}
gastr. barbecue grillGrill {m}
gastr. barbecue hutGrillhütte {f}
barbecue lighterGrillanzünder {m}
gastr. barbecue master [bbq master]Grillmeister {m}
gastr. barbecue party <BBQ party>Grillparty {f}
gastr. barbecue placeGrillplatz {m}
FoodInd. barbecue sauceBarbecuesoße {f}
gastr. barbecue sauceGrillsoße {f}
FoodInd. gastr. barbecue sauce <BBQ sauce>Barbecuesauce {f} <BBQ-Sauce>
gastr. barbecue sausagesGrillwürstchen {pl}
gastr. barbecue smokerBarbecue-Smoker {m}
gastr. barbecue systemGrillanlage {f} [Vorrichtung]
meteo. barbecue weatherGrillwetter {n}
gastr. kettle barbecueKugelgrill {m}
gastr. mopping sauceBarbecue-Sauce {f} [zum Bepinseln des Grillgutes, auch: Mopping-Sauce]
gastr. tripod barbecue [consisting of a fire bowl and a swinging grill]Schwenkgrill {m}
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A 2019-07-26: Spelling variant of barbecue
A 2018-07-24: I would call it a tripod barbecue:
A 2010-04-07: barbecue beech charcoal
A 2008-09-24: a swinging barbecue
A 2008-07-17: Barbecue chicken with seasoning
A 2006-12-12: barbecue tongs
A 2005-11-04: Barbecue
Q 2005-07-14: Barbecue context (just the right season...)
A 2005-05-09: ja, manchmal ziehen die so'ne Schippe wie Kindergartenkinder, wenn der Ted...
A 2004-01-30: Not BS - that stands for bullshit!!! Start of the Barbecue Season is goo....

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