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English-German translation for: Before
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Dictionary English German: Before

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SYNO   before | earlier | ahead | before ... 
before {conj}
before {prep}
vor [räumlich, zeitlich]
before {adv}
before {conj}
before {adv} <b4>
before {adv}
früher [vorher]
before {conj}
before {adv}
before {adv}
before {conj}bevor noch
Vorher {n}
2 Words: Others
as before {adv}wie bisher
as before {adv}wie vorher
as before {adv}wie zuvor
before 1980 {adv}vor 1980
before answering {adv}vor der Antwort
before applying {adv} [the ointment, the polish, etc.]vor dem Auftragen [der Salbe, der Politur etc.]
before bed {adv}vorm Schlafengehen [ugs.]
before bed {adv}vor dem Schlafengehen
before breakfast {adv}vorm Frühstück [ugs.]
before breakfast {adv}vor dem Frühstück
before breakfasting {adv} [rare]vor dem Frühstück
before Christ {adj} [postpos.]vorchristlich [z. B. Jahrhundert]
before Christ {adv} <BC>ante Christum <a. Chr.>
before Christ {adv} <BC>vor Christus <v. Chr.>
before Christ {adv} <BC>ante Christum natum <a. Chr. n.>
hist. before Christ {adv} <BC>vor Christi Geburt
before Christ {adv} <BC>vor unserer Zeitrechnung <v. u. Z.>
before Christmas {adv}vor Weihnachten
relig. before church {adv}vor dem Gottesdienst
educ. before classes {adv}vor dem Unterricht
before dark {adv}vor (dem) Dunkelwerden
before dark {adv}vor Einbruch der Dunkelheit
before dawn {adv}vor Tagesanbruch
before daybreak {adv}vor Tagesanbruch
before daylight {adv}vor Tagesanbruch
before delivery {adv}vor der Auslieferung
before departure {adv}vor Fahrtantritt
before dinner {adv}vor Tisch
before dinner {adv}vor dem Abendessen
before dinner {adv}vor dem Essen
before dispatch {adv}vor (dem) Versand
before it {adv}davor
before last {adj} [pred. or postpos.]vorletzte
before last {adj} [pred. or postpos.]vorletzter
before last {adj} [pred. or postpos.]vorletztes
before long {adv}bald
before long {adv}bald darauf
before long {adv}in Bälde [bes. amtsspr.]
before long {adv}in Kürze [bald]
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A 2023-10-19: can u tell what is in those links before i click on them?
A 2023-05-10: Grammar: comma before which
A 2023-02-19: Oxford Learner's gibt an: [only before noun] (North American English)
Q 2023-02-17: How long before practice makes perfect?
A 2022-10-21: Guessing only, wild guess – the first call to prayer, before sunrise
Q 2022-10-18: two adjectives before noun
A 2022-02-17: @ Windfall: No, I haven't heard or used 'equiwide' before either
A 2021-12-18: never heard it before
A 2021-12-11: beat sb to it ~ If you intend to do something but someone beats you to it,...
A 2021-05-10: ... and then, everything suffers a sea change / turns topsy-turvy / nothin...
A 2021-05-02: "mehr" means here: not as it used to be before, not any more
A 2020-09-12: talking the talk... sounds good, I have heard this before
Q 2020-09-10: swim before someone's eyes
A 2020-07-09: Milk-fed or white veal are terms I've come across before,
A 2020-03-06: hamstern: usage after WW II (and before)
A 2019-10-11: Before unfolding the canopy make sure to store it at room temperature for ...
A 2019-04-17: I agree with Windfall - hair that hasn't been dyed before.
A 2019-04-12: before the age of 60, before your 60th birthday
A 2019-01-15: Alternatively +Before seeing the car you will hear the horn+
Q 2018-12-18: before it took

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