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English-German translation for: Berliner-by-choice
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Dictionary English German: Berliner by choice

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NOUN   a Berliner-by-choice | Berliners-by-choice
Berliner-by-choice [also: Berliner by choice]Wahlberliner {m}
Partial Matches
by choice {adv}absichtlich
by choice {adv}freiwillig
Briton by choiceWahlbrite {m}
Parisian by choice [female]Wahlpariserin {f}
by one's own choice {adv}freiwillig
by choice {adv}aus freien Stücken [Redewendung]
by choice {adj} [attr.] [postpos.]Wahl- [z. B. Berliner]
uncle-by-choice [not a blood relative]Wahlonkel {m}
quote I take pride in the words "Ich bin ein Berliner"! [John F. Kennedy]Ich bin stolz darauf, sagen zu können: "Ich bin ein Berliner"!
sports first-choice eleven <first-choice 11> [football / soccer]Stammformation {f} [Stammelf im Fußball]
sports first-choice eleven <first-choice 11> [football / soccer]Stammelf {f} [Fußball]
film F Terminal Choice [Sheldon Larry]Terminal Choice - Todespoker
multiple-choice questionMultiple-Choice-Frage {f}
multiple-choice procedureMultiple-Choice-Verfahren {n}
econ. sociol. rational-choice approachRational-Choice-Ansatz {m}
sociol. rational choice theoryRational-Choice-Theorie {f}
ethn. BerlinerBerliner {m}
gastr. doughnutBerliner {m}
ethn. Berliner [female]Berlinerin {f}
ethn. East BerlinerOstberliner {m}
ethn. West BerlinerWestberliner {m}
gastr. doughnutBerliner Pfannkuchen {m}
Berlin {adj} [attr.]Berliner [indekl.]
ethn. citizen of BerlinBerliner {m}
ethn. East Berliner [female]Ostberlinerin {f}
ethn. West Berliner [female]Westberlinerin {f}
herald. Berlin BearBerliner Bär {m}
pol. Berlin DeclarationBerliner Erklärung {f}
aviat. hist. Berlin AirliftBerliner Luftbrücke {f}
Berlin keyBerliner Schlüssel {m}
gastr. jelly donut [Am.]Berliner {m} [nordd.]
art spec. (Berlin) Replica Workshop(Berliner) Gipsformerei {f}
hist. pol. travel (Berlin) Wall tour(Berliner) Mauertour {f}
Berlin blue [C18Fe7N18]Berliner Blau {n}
Prussian blue [C18Fe7N18]Berliner Blau {n}
hist. Berlin Poets' ClubBerliner Dichterclub {m}
Berlin Wall pathBerliner Mauerweg {m}
mus. Berlin valveBerliner Pumpe {f} [Blechblasventil]
archi. hist. sports Berlin Sports PalaceBerliner Sportpalast {m}
mus. Berlin valveBerliner Ventil {n} [Blechblasinstrumente]
stocks Berlin Stock ExchangeBerliner Wertpapierbörse {f}
gastr. bismark [Am. regional] [Can.]Berliner {m} [Gebäck]
gastr. jelly filled donut [Am.]Berliner {m} [Gebäck]
old Berlin {adj} [attr.]Alt-Berliner [indekl.]
gastr. bismark [Am. regional] [Can.]Berliner Ballen {m}
gastr. jelly (filled) donut [Am.]Berliner Ballen {m}
gastr. bismark [Am. regional] [Can.]Berliner Pfannkuchen {m}
mus. Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra {sg}Berliner Philharmoniker {pl}
tools Berlin snips {pl}Berliner Schere {f} [für Blech]
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Zuletzt gesucht
Ähnliche Begriffe
Berlin Bn. Bln. Berl. BE
Berliner Abgeordnetenhaus
Berliner Altersstudie
Berliner Ballen
Berliner Bär
(Berliner) Bauakademie
Berliner Blau
Berliner Dichterclub
Berliner Erklärung
Berliner Format
Berliner Funkturm
(Berliner) Gipsformerei
Berliner Konferenz
Berliner Luftbrücke
(Berliner) Mauerbau

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