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English-German translation for: Bio-Zertifizierung
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Dictionary English German: Bio Zertifizierung

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NOUN   die Bio-Zertifizierung | die Bio-Zertifizierungen
ecol. FoodInd. organic certificationBio-Zertifizierung {f}
Partial Matches
zool. bio-load [coll.] [biological load]Bio-Last {f} [ugs.] [biologische Last]
pharm. bio-availability <BA> [spv.]Bio-Verfügbarkeit {f} [Rsv.]
econ. QM 3C certification <CCC certification> [compulsory certification of China]3C-Zertifizierung {f} <CCC-Zertifizierung>
lit. bio [coll.] [biography]Bio {f} [ugs.] [Biografie]
bio-bibliographyBio-Bibliographie {f}
bio sauna [also bio-sauna]Bio-Sauna {f} [Rsv.]
certificationZertifizierung {f}
FoodInd. QM Food Safety System Certification 22000 <FSSC 22000>Zertifizierung {f} des Lebensmittelsicherheitssystems 22000
bio- {prefix}Lebens-
agr. FoodInd. hort. organic {adj}Bio-
ecol. bio diskBio-Disk {f}
biol. educ. biologyBio {n} [Schülersprache]
biomonitoringBio-Monitoring {n}
biotech. biopharmingBio-Pharming {n}
biotech. biotechnologyBio-Verfahrenstechnik {f}
ecol. tech. bio fuelBiokraftstoff {m}
ecol. tech. bio fuelBiotreibstoff {m}
zool. bio sonarBiosonar {n}
textil. bio-cottonBiobaumwolle {f}
biol. med. bio-impedanceBioimpedanz {f}
chem. bio-methaneBiomethan {n}
bio-productBioprodukt {n}
biol. biotech. acad. bio-scientistBiowissenschaftler {m}
med. meteo. neol. bio-weatherBiowetter {n}
EU CE certificationCE-Zertifizierung {f}
biol. bio-degradable {adj}biologisch abbaubar
agr. esot. bio-dynamic {adj}biologisch-dynamisch
bio waste {sg}Bioabfälle {pl}
FoodInd. organic eggBio-Ei {n}
agr. organic farmBio-Landwirtschaftsbetrieb {m}
agr. organic farmingBio-Landwirtschaft {f}
gastr. organic porkBio-Schwein {n}
organic wasteBio-Abfall {m}
short bio [coll.]Kurzbiografie {f}
bio natural gasBioerdgas {n}
biochem. bio-pesticide / biopesticideBiopestizid {n}
bio-trickling systemBiotropfkörper {m}
biochem. bio detergent [Br.]enzymhaltiges Waschmittel {n}
bio filterBiofilter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}]
FoodInd. bio food [coll.]Biofood {n} [ugs.]
biol. educ. jobs bio teacher [coll.]Biolehrer {m} [ugs.]
FoodInd. bio-produce {sg}Bioprodukte {pl} [ugs.]
biol. biotech. acad. bio-scientistBiowissenschafter {m} [österr.] [schweiz.]
agr. comm. FoodInd. organic vegetables {pl}Bio-Gemüse {n} [Sammelbegriff]
biog [coll.] [biography]Bio {f} [ugs.] [Biographie]
biol. educ. jobs bio teacher [female] [coll.]Biolehrerin {f} [ugs.]
FoodInd. bio-food {sg} [coll.]Bioprodukte {pl} [ugs.]
agr. FoodInd. organic bananasBio-Bananen {pl} [auch: Biobananen]
agr. FoodInd. gastr. organic tomatoesBio-Tomaten {pl} [auch: Biotomaten]
agr. comm. FoodInd. organic vegetableBio-Gemüse {n} [eine Sorte]
agr. comm. FoodInd. organic vegetablesBio-Gemüse {pl} [verschiedene Sorten]
acad. biotech. biotechnologies and nanotechnologiesBio- und Nanotechnologien {pl}
biochem. non-bio detergent [Br.]enzymfreies Waschmittel {n}
econ. EU Safe Harbor certification <SHC> [Am.]Safe-Harbor-Zertifizierung {f}
ecol. bio-based {adj} [short for: biology-based]biobasiert
bio-break [sl.] [also: bio break]Toilettenpause {f}
educ. favorite bio teacher [Am.] [coll.]Lieblingsbiolehrer {m} [ugs.]
biotech. econ. ind. bio-tech company [coll.]Biotechunternehmen {n} [auch: Biotech-Unternehmen]
acad. audio MedTech. bio-inspired information processing <BIP>bioanaloge Informationsverarbeitung {f} <BAI>
educ. biological and process technologyBio- und Prozesstechnologie {f} <BPT>
educ. biological and environmental process engineeringBio- und Umweltverfahrenstechnik {f}
agr. FoodInd. organic molasses [treated as sg.]Bio-Melasse {f} [auch: Biomelasse]
FoodInd. It's all organic food.Das ist alles bio.
IEC System for Certification to Standards relating to equipment for use in Explosive Atmospheres <IECEx>IEC-System {n} zur Zertifizierung nach Normen für Geräte zur Verwendung in explosionsgefährdeter Umgebung
FoodInd. organic {adj} [of food or farming methods]bio [nur prädikativ] [ugs.] [Nahrungsmittel, Anbau etc.]
ecol. bio-oil [also: bio oil]Bioöl {n} [auch: Bio-Öl]
Unverified bio break [coll.] [hum.] [a trip to a restroom or bathroom]Biopause {f} [ugs.] [hum.] [Pinkelpause, Toilettenpause]
ecol. eco resortBio-Resort {n}
travel eco-hotelBio-Hotel {n}
philos. pol. biopower [standard transl. of Michel Foucault's term 'biopouvoir']Bio-Macht {f} [auch: Biomacht] [nach Michel Foucault]
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